4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1140: Swamp seedlings

"Here is...where? Hey! This smell is really bad!"

The legendary Master of Blood Mist and the three dragons have left the underground cave at this time, and they have come to a new place, at least for the blood fog. 》. 》

Here is a vast swamp, the wet ground is covered with green and brown small plants, but you can also see the huge, up to ten meters of plants scattered here.

Next to each large plant, there are a large number of tibias that appear to be dinosaur bones in shape.

"This is called the keel swamp." A dragon cub said: "Why is it called this? You see it too. Look, so many bones are here."

"I saw it." The **** fog nodded. "Just I want to know why there are so many bones here, and is the elder you are looking for in this place?"

“Have you seen that?” said a young cub, pointing at a tall plant. “Some flying animals will feed the plants. Finally, the bones of those animals will appear at the bottom of the plant. It should be digested. The elders... live in this place."

“These are carnivorous plants?” The **** fog said: “Isn't that dangerous?”

"They don't eat us." The cub said: "But there are other dangers here, we must move forward cautiously..."

Saying, a few cubs went forward, and the blood fog looked around for a few seconds, and they followed it up...

In the process of walking, the blood fog has not stopped looking around. The atmosphere here is very... strange, the air is always filled with a smell, and there are a lot of bones under each plant, countless bugs. Flying, the blood fog thinks that as long as it is a normal dragon, you will feel fear.


Suddenly, the blood mist heard a voice. It turned around and saw the incredible scenery. I saw it under a plant at 20 meters. There is a skeleton... it moves.

The skeleton stood up and swayed and swayed using the 'four limbs', which allowed the skeleton to continue to sound Karakala.

"That... what happened?" The Master of Blood Mist saw many monsters in the dream, but it found that he seemed to be... timid in reality. When he saw the skeleton, it suddenly made a terrified sound. .

However, several Xiaolong cubs appear to be more calm than it is. A cub said: "That is the seedling of the plant, just stood up. Don't take it."

"Seedlings?" The blood fog wondered: "Isn't that bone?"

"No." The cub said: "The carnivorous plants, they will plant the seeds in the bones. Let the seedlings absorb the bone marrow and grow, to a certain extent, they will move themselves, some like the disease tree, they will put Some of the bones around him stick to themselves, then 'wear' the bones to move, yes, as you can see now."

After the blood fog heard it, he said with amazement: "You are really a lot here... the plants that will move."

"Don't you have any plants that move?" Xiaolong Cub said: "That is really a boring place, but is it said that there are many stone houses?"

"Where is there any new plant in the stone..." The **** fog said: "But why do these plants stick to the bones?"

"It is said that it is going to go farther from the mother. In order to prevent the prey from robbing the prey and nutrients, you see, the plants here are at a certain distance from each other." The cub said: "I also heard that they are cheese. Subspecies of trees, but they will not move when they grow, but they are flexible when they are seedlings."

"Yes! What they did at this time was not just running away, but also... chasing it!"

Under the scream of the dragon cub, the blood fog also saw that... the skeleton seedlings actually ran here at a very fast speed.

"What is it going on?" **** quickly said. But it found that several cubs have already ran away.

The blood fog immediately caught up with the few cubs and asked: "Does it have to attack us? Why are you running so fast!"

"The seedlings will hunt small animals nearby, which is why they wear the skeleton! Hey! They have to use their claws and teeth to tear the prey! The seedlings that have just stood up will take a long time to run! How is this? So I will run soon!"

The dragons and babies said that they ran wildly, and the blood mist turned to look at the seedling. It has been smashed farther and farther, and the speed is still not catching up here.

However, the blood fog also found more than one skeleton seedling to chase them. The skeletons of the plants around them are all ‘slowly moving, and the skeletons stand up from the inside and pursue them.

"This will lead to more and more!" The blood fog said: "Where are we going to go?"

"Run to the elders, it will expel these seedlings! Yes, we also ran over the last time!"

"..." After the blood fog heard their words, they had to follow them, running so that they followed more and more seedlings behind them. But these seedlings are not fast, some will fall when they run, and it’s easy to run in...

Soon, the blood fog and the dragon cubs reached the depths of the swamp, and the blood fog saw... a very special plant.

This plant, unlike other carnivorous plants, looks like the kind of trees that the dragons live in, with thick trunks and a lot of twisted branches, standing alone in the swamp, the nearest plants around. It is more than a hundred meters away, as if it is avoiding it.

"There is... the residence of the elders!"

After the dragons and babies accelerated to the past and entered the 100-meter range of the elders' trees, the blood mist was surprised to find that the seedlings were all scattered and they did not catch up.

Is there any medicine to expel them here? The blood fog looked down at the ground, and the ground here was covered with brown moss, which was not much different from before.

"Hip, don't chase." The dragon cubs stopped and switched to a slow state to move on.

"Who is the elder? Isn't that the tree?" The blood fog followed behind them, and the previous experience of being attacked by the tree made it a little scared of the tree now.

"No, it's a bug," said a cub.


"Yes, we met when we last ventured. It said it was hiding in the world and hiding in this place."

"It seems to call yourself something like Monte, it knows a lot of things, so we want it to look at this egg...may also know." (To be continued.)


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