"...have they not gone?"

"It doesn't seem to go. ``し"

"Where did the elders go?"

"do not know……"

Here is the kingdom of the dragon. In the swamp deep in a canyon, the blood fog and the three dragons are sitting on the thick branches.

Although the sun is empty, they have no way to move. The main reason is because a large number of ... seedlings are gathered under the tree.

It seems that because of the sudden emergence of poachers, I don’t know why the seedlings are all able to get close to the tree, so the seedlings are gathered.

The poacher has already been cleaned up by the seedlings, and its skeleton has been broken up by the seedlings. The heads, claws, feet, and each part are taken by different seedlings as the 'parts' on their bodies.

And this group of seedlings should have been scattered in the daytime, but they did not spread after the incident, but instead attacked the dragon in the **** fog in the tree hole.

The blood fog and the three dragons climbed into the tree in a hurry. Although the seedlings could approach the tree, they still resisted touching the tree, so they did not climb up.

But they don't leave, they are surrounded by trees, etc., which makes the blood fog feel quite...worse.

Another thing that hurts the brain is that the elders are gone. Before the blood fog and the dragon cubs fled together, they didn't see the elders. I didn't know where it went.

It should not be eaten by the skeleton seedlings, because the blood fog has been paying attention to this group of seedlings, and they have not found where they are gathered. If there is food, they will definitely get together.

"Hey... what should I do now?" The blood mist looked at the large group of seedlings below and said, "So we can't leave."

"They should go, they will feel hungry when they stay there for a long time." A dragon cub said: "I don't know where the elders went. Is it still alive?"

"Should...hey! Look!" A dragon cub suddenly screamed, pointing to the bottom, and saw a seedling under the tree began an odd movement.

The seedling stabbed some of the sharp bones on the bark, and then it climbed like a ladder, climbing up the bones and climbing up.

"They actually know how to do this!" The **** fog shouted: "Why is it so smart?"

In addition, it also saw some seedlings that used mud from the swamp to stick to the bark and then climbed up. It seems that as long as there is no direct contact with the bark, there is no problem, which makes the blood fog feel quite shocked.

"Hey! They are coming up!" Under the scream of the dragon cub, the blood fog immediately said: "Don't be afraid, give it to me!"

The blood fog folded a long branch from the side. When a seedling climbs higher, it slams the seedling.

"Hey! It's amazing! We have to fight!" Xiaolong's young boy learned to take a branch of the blood fog, and at this time, more and more seedlings began to climb up.

"They...sit seems to help each other!"

The blood fog saw several seedlings specializing in mud and bone ladders, and they did not climb themselves. Instead, it helps the companions to climb up. This wonderful behavior makes the blood fog more and more amazed, but it still strongly waves the branches and beats every seed that climbs up.

"They are getting more and more!" A large number of seedlings continue to climb the tree. Although it was easy to play at first, it slowly became more and more difficult.


"It seems that they can't stand up."

At this time, in a place more than a hundred meters away from the big tree, the creature known as the elder is looking at the dragons on the tree that are trying to hit the skeleton seedlings.

"They are dying, it's a sad creature... but it's no way to do it." It seems to be talking to himself. The elders are saying in a language that is not an emerald dragon or a dragon: "They must die, especially the green one, speeding up the attack..."

At the moment it was finished, the movements of those skeleton seedlings became faster.

"Hey! They have to climb up!" The blood fog is constantly trying to wave the branches in his hands, but when you hit one, there will be two rushes, and these skeleton seedlings will continue to flow.

"Oh!" Suddenly, a dragon cub next to it screamed, its branches were pulled by several skeleton seedlings, so the whole body of this cub was also pulled down by the seedlings. Falling under the tree, countless young plants suddenly went up.

"Oh-no!" The other two cubs screamed, and they immediately got up and jumped. The blood fog immediately pulled a cub: "Wait a minute! You can't go to die..."

'boom--! ! ! ’

This baby is making a **** fog. But at the same time, the sky suddenly sounded like a blast, and there was a loud roar.

I saw that the clear sky did not know when it was covered by boundless clouds, and the thunder of the thunder echoed in the clouds, and then... countless things descended from the sky.

"That is..." Even if the situation is tense, the **** fog can't be attracted by the scenery of the sky, because these things are not rain. It is tiny, shining... crystallized.

'Snapped! ’

The first piece of crystal smashed on the face of the blood fog, and the **** hand covered his face.

At the same time, it also saw ... there are more crystals falling around, falling into the group of huge skeleton seedlings under the tree.

In an instant, countless snoring sounded like this, and the skeleton seedlings trembled constantly under the crystallization of the crystal. The bones they wore seemed to be not strong enough, and soon burst open, revealing the green and young plant structure inside.

Skeleton seedlings also lost the idea of ​​attacking at this time, they immediately spread around, looking for any place to avoid crystallization.

When the blood fog saw the seedlings spread out, it immediately jumped from the tree and picked up the little dragon cub that had just fallen. It was still hurt but still alive, and the blood fog brought it back quickly. Into the tree hole.

The other two cubs also jumped from the tree and entered the tree hole. They didn’t say anything, but they all squeezed into the tree hole and felt the safest corner. Listening to the snoring of the outside, praying for the future. Live it...

Slowly... the snoring stopped.

The blood fog looked out of the hole and found that the crystallization rain seemed to stop. The sun once again illumined the outside earth, and almost all of the earth was covered with broken crystals. The skeleton seedlings that were crystallized and smashed were also mixed in. .

"The miracles happened, but they won't be saved."

The creature known as the elder...has not been crystallized, it is still looking at the cave in the distance.


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