4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1143: Original shape

"We... leave here. ● Hey,."

The sun in the sky shines on the earth, and the crystals on the earth reflect the dazzling brilliance. The blood mist masters and the dragons of the dragons are standing in the tree hole and watching the shining earth.

"It seems that there are a lot of strange things happening here. First, I was besieged by the seedlings. Then the sky began to rise and fall.... But... we are still alive! Oh!"

A dragon cub stood screaming at the hole, and it seemed to be very excited. It was the dragon cub that had fallen from the tree and was saved by the crystal rain.

"So we must cherish the chance to survive..." The focus of the blood fog is mainly around, it is afraid that the skeleton seedlings will gather again.

"Oh oh oh! Let's go!" The dragon cubs didn't seem so worried, but they quickly followed the blood fog and left the tree hole, embarking on the land that was being covered.

"I just don't know where the elders are going. Yes, maybe hiding in other tree holes. Or not living... What are you looking for?"

A cub noticed that the blood fog was turning over the crystals on the ground. I saw that after it was turned over, I took out a... from the inside.

"This is the former poacher." The blood fog took it and tested it: "It seems that it can still be used, and sure enough, there must be some weapons to protect itself."

"Poachers?" asked a few cubs in confusion.

"That is..." The blood fog told the poachers about a few cockroaches, and the youngsters were quite surprised.

"Is it blood that invalidates the pheromone of the tree? It's incredible!" The cub said: "Why is this effect?"

"I don't know... In short, we have to leave soon, you will follow me, let's go back to the previous film... the place full of flowers!"

"Hey! We know!"

Saying, the dragons and the youngsters set foot on the way back with the blood fog, while on the other side... the elder is still watching them.

"They want to escape, they must be tracked and then killed, no dragon can live."

As the elders said, they crawled quickly in a large number of crystal piles. Followed by the blood fog behind them...


"This scene is really terrible..." Blood fog and cubs are walking in the center of the swamp. This place has also been devastated by crystal rain. The huge carnivorous plants are all cracks and scars, like blood. The liquid slowly flows out of it. The large blades on both sides are also crystallized.

As for the ground, there are fragments of crystals and skeletons everywhere. It seems that many skeleton seedlings want to escape this crystal rain, but they are all smashed into paste.

"Why is this rain going... Where did these crystals come from?" The blood fog couldn't help but look at the sky, and the sky is now cloudless. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.


Suddenly, the blood mist heard some sound behind him. It immediately took the weapon and aimed at it. It found that there were some crystals moving more than twenty meters away. It seemed that something was hiding underneath.

"That must be a seedling that is not dead!" a young celebrity called: "There may be more nearby, we must leave soon!"

"...Yes, let's go." The blood fog didn't attack. It turned and quickly ran up with the cubs. After they ran away, they found the elder's body from the pile of crystals.

"The next time you discover me again, it’s your death..."

After talking about this self-talk, the elders followed up again.

In this way, the blood fog and the dragon's cubs continued to advance, while the elders continued to follow behind, and they quickly reached the edge of the swamp.

“It seems that the scope of the crystallization rain is not large.” The blood fog stood on the edge of the swamp and looked out. It saw a vast flower sea with a small number of crystalline fragments at the junction of the flower sea and the swamp. There is no such thing in the sea of ​​flowers.

The crystallization rain only affects the swamp. It doesn't smash this beautiful place. Seeing this scene, the blood fog is a little relieved. Then it said to the youngsters: "If you wait to see the tree, you have to explain to it, I am not a poacher."

"Hey! We know!"

The cubs looked very happy and they rushed to the sea of ​​flowers. The blood fog is also preparing to keep up with them...

Suddenly, the blood mist heard a sound coming from behind him. It looked at the moment when he turned his head and found that... a donkey without a tail rushed behind him.

"Hey? Elders!" When the blood mist made a strange sound, when the elders threw themselves on the head, the elders hugged the head of the blood fog with their limbs. And with the forelimbs slamming the head of the blood fog, the hard tongs suddenly let the blood of the head of the blood flow.

"Hey? Elder? It is attacking it!" Several screaming babies heard the screams of the blood fog and immediately looked over here. When they found out that this was caused by the elders, they suddenly seemed overwhelmed, a cub. Cried: "Elder! Why attack it! Come and let go!"

"It's going to die, you have to die... you all have to die! You can't run away, you can't..."

It was not finished, the blood fog pulled it off the face and threw it to the ground.

"The strength of this thing is great..." The blood fog immediately picked up the arrow and pointed at the elders: "The thing before you did is to do it? From the beginning you want to kill us!"

“Hey?” The cubs were shocked: “Elders, is this true? Why do you want to do this?”

"Have you guessed it very early?" The elder looked at the blood fog with the small eye on his head. "It seems that you are quite smart, so how do you know?"

"I don't know." The **** fog said: "It's just that I always think that you are very strange, and that you disappeared when the seedlings attacked us, it is quite suspicious."

"Just guessed?" The elder said: "No matter what, you still have to die, you have been surrounded by my army."


At the moment when the blood fog sent this question, it suddenly heard a lot of ‘Kala’ sounds, and it found that in the back of the flower field, stood one after another... skeleton seedlings.

The **** fog said: "It really can command these things, so these seedlings have been very smart before... Why are you doing this?"

"These plants don't have brains," the elder said. "But they have a very simple...neural structure that allows them to perform actions such as sticking bones, crawling, attacking nearby animals, as long as they are inside them. The 'sender' can give them more instructions for this neural structure, and directing them is quite a simple matter..."

"But... I can only direct these things now. I shouldn’t have directed these things. I should direct my population, not these fragile plants." When the elders said these words, the emotions slowly became Quite angry: "These are the faults of your dragons! I want to kill you all!"

After it was finished, all the surrounding seedlings immediately rushed to the blood fog and the dragon cubs.

‘Hey! 'The blood mist also immediately pressed the bottom of the handle of the arrow. Suddenly, the head of the arrow popped a jagged blade, which slammed the sword and pierced the nearest skeleton seedling. ……skull.

The pierced seedlings are constantly struggling, the blood is kicking it off and then aiming at the elders: "What happened? I came here. These cubs also knew you before, we didn't do anything harm. your business!"

"I won't tell you." The elder said: "Come and die."

‘Hey! The blood mist slammed the trigger, and a smashing arrow flew out and shot on the ground one centimeter ago.

It was not because the blood fog was not allowed to shoot, but the elders stepped back and escaped the attack.

"It's a pity, you can never hit it. I can observe your body movements to determine which position you want to play... All your sad actions have already been exposed! You are not very green." Worship ancestors? Now it is the best chance for you to see your ancestors, hahahaha!"

The elders are getting farther and farther away, and they keep talking about it. It seems that they want to interfere with their opponents with noise, but the blood fog and several cubs don’t seem to care so much.

The blood fog struggled to wave the blade in the hand and cut off the skeleton seedlings one after another. It found that the seedlings usually couldn't move as long as the skeleton was the largest in the body of these seedlings.

The three cubs use the wooden sticks and stones picked up on the ground to constantly repel the surrounding seedlings. As the elders said, these seedlings are a group of fragile plants. Although they are many here, there is no There are so many siege trees, three pups with blood fog can constantly repel them, and the blood fog is still idle to attack the elders.

‘Hey! ‘An arrow was shot out and tied to the elders. The elder once again escaped the arrow by a centimeter.

"That thing can hide..." The blood fog looked at the elders, and once again collapsed a close seedling, and began to adjust the cockroaches on his hands.

‘Click! '弩 弩 弩 , , , , , , , , , 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射 射As long as it hits it, its control of the plant should disappear.

There are only six arrows left in it, and the blood fog is not sure enough to shoot, but I still have to try it...

"Do you still want to shoot? If you don't use it, you will struggle hard and wait for your body to be exhausted and be ruined by the plants."

Looking at the blood fog again raised the arrow, the elder immediately taunted it, but the blood fog did not respond, it violently pulled the trigger... Suddenly, six arrows flew out in succession... (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks to venge~~588~

Thanks ~5857443~i have me~you wow~fund pass~gooddogs3~monthly ticket~sf0916

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