4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

: Why do you want to do this?

"You want to use crystallization to do something..."

This is inside the sorghum, and Lin's pompoms are staying with the sect of the sect. Lin has been studying the transpires and ‘appreciating’ the things they show to Lynn.

Because there is no battle, so compare... leisurely feeling.

However, Lynn noticed something strange on the pompons, about crystallization.

“Yes.” The sect responded: “We intend to adopt some new programs that are different from the previous ones.”

“Is it...” Lin said: “Look at what kind of plan...”

............... At the same time, above the pompon...............

‘Hey! The arrow in the hands of the blood fog shot five arrows, and each arrow perfectly hit the scorpion-shaped creature called the elder...the ground around it.

It seems that in order to express how powerful the evasion technique is, the elders are only a few centimeters away from the arrow when they evade...

"How? Is it ashamed of your incompetent arrow?" The elder said: "Every time I shoot a little bit, I can't shoot it all at once. How does it feel?"

The blood fog said: "...I think, you can shut up."

"Hey! I won't shut up, I want you to feel shyness and anger, and then slowly succumb to the body's blood and death, this feeling is sure... still want to attack? Useless!"

When he spoke, the elders noticed that the blood fog had once again shot an arrow. At this time, it immediately evaded again, and the arrow was tied to a centimeter of land before the elders.

'boom! ’

And this sixth arrow is a little different from the previous one... The spark blooms at the moment it hits the ground, and the impact of the high temperature makes the elders fly.

"It seems that I didn't expect this arrow to explode..." The blood fog looked at the elders who were blown up: "This is a very expensive cockroach. It is really a poacher who can come in here. The equipment is very strong." ......"

The arrow is one of the main weapons of the dragon. In the long-term development, they added a lot of new ‘contents’ to the arrow, such as poison arrows and explosion arrows. The arrow that the blood fog takes is just an explosion arrow, and there are also a variety of functions such as sawtooth swords, bursts, and automatic loading. It is a rather expensive arrow.

After the elders were blown up, the surrounding seedlings suddenly...and began to retreat.

They seem to get rid of control. Generally speaking, even if they get rid of control, these seedlings will continue to attack according to their habit of eating meat. However, there are many seedlings that have been smashed or cut off in the blood fog and the dragon cubs.

Even if they have simple neural structures, they can recognize that they are not close to places with similar corpses, especially fresh corpses, and there must be something to kill them.

Skeleton seedlings also have such 'instinct' to avoid the same kind of corpses, so they quickly leave, and the blood fog and cubs are now safe.

"They... my control..." The elders were now forcefully moving the injured body to the **** fog: "No, you must..."

"You are still alive..." The blood fog looked at the elders and said: "Although the cockroaches are very advanced, the explosive powder may be cut corners, resulting in insufficient power... but it doesn't matter."

Saying, the blood mist will be pierced into the elder's head with a sawtooth sword. But a dragon cub immediately ran over: "Wait a minute!"

The blood fog stopped immediately, and the cub asked the elder: "Why do you want this? When you last met, you obviously said that we are very good to us... and told us a lot of stories, and finally sent We are in a safe place... There were so many opportunities last time, you didn’t want to kill us, why did you..."

"Because you have been mixed with the green dragon." The elder said: "So I will kill you."

"Why do you want to kill with me?" The **** fog asked: "It won't be what the poachers did... it seems to remember..."

The blood fog recalled... the previous thing, it remembered before... It just had a whole day in the dream world, remembered to go to the real world to go to the street, and on the street it saw a news, saying There are several emerald dragons hunting in the forest. Hit a big strange bug.

The appearance of this bug...right! Just like this elder, it is a kind of scorpion without a tail, but the blood fog remembers that it seems to be much larger than this, it should be about two meters.

Is it related to that thing? Thinking about it. The blood fog said this to the elders and asked the elders: "Which... is the worm being hunt? Is your ‘mother’?”

The elders did not respond, and several cubs were shocked: "Do you actually have dragons hunting for worms that look like elders? Where did you get them?"

"I don't know, it was said to be in the jungle at the time." The blood fog said: "But actually it is not said at all, I guess even if it is said that it will not tell the truth..."

"Oh... is it? It’s terrible... I won’t say it. Hey... what happened to it later?”

"..." The blood fog once again recalled and said: "The bug that was hit later said that the meat was dug, because it was difficult to eat, so it was dumped. Then the shell was sold to a collector... ..."

The blood fog still remembers, it seems to be a certain ‘salty sweet competition,’ it also went to participate, and that was the worm.

It seems that as long as it is newly discovered, it can be used to participate in the conference without poison.

"Why are you doing this... It doesn't seem to make any sense! What are you doing all the time!"

The youngsters seem to be quite incomprehensible about the practice of Jade Dragon, and the blood fog quickly opens the subject: "I didn't do it anyway. In short, we are safe now. Come out soon. As for this elder, I think It’s better to kill it, because if it is left, it will still attack us if it recovers."

"Oh... that's all."

There was some accident in the blood fog. Several cubs agreed without any objection, so it picked up the arrow again and pointed it at the elder's head.

"Do you think you won?" The elder suddenly said: "You...do nothing! I want to tear your body!"

"Oh?" The blood fog suddenly saw the elder's back bursting, and four membrane wings were extended from the inside. The elders fanned their wings and instantly rose into the sky.

At the same time, the ground trembled fiercely... (to be continued.)

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