4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1149: How to leave

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"This is incredible! Those... the dust has disappeared! We have once again seen the warm sun and the dazzling brilliance!"

Here is the kingdom of the Emerald Dragon.

The Jade Dragon Pier is as busy as usual, and the Longshan Longhai is back and forth on the streets. Large and small vessels continue to enter and exit the ocean.

Something different from the past is the sky, which was once obscured by the dust of the sky, causing the visibility of this place to drop drastically and the cough to rise sharply.

Now, everything is back to normal, and the floating dust seems to have lost buoyancy. They slowly fall from the sky and sprinkle on the ground.

This allowed the news broadcaster of Jade Dragon to scream with excitement and repeatedly describe the things that all dragons can see.

This event is very good for many jade dragons, because most jade dragons don't like the dusty sky, so many jade dragons hold some party celebrations, and even a very shelled dragon says it wants Taking out the crystals collected in the house to hold a lottery, each dragon only needs to pay a shell to draw the crystal of this million shells... but no dragon is participating.

When the Jade Dragons were celebrating, there seemed to be no dragons to remember, the legends of their dream world... The dragon of the name of the Blood Mist Master has not appeared for a long time.

Because, it is still far away... still fighting for its life.


"How should we go out?"

The master of the blood fog looked at the top, and the entrance to the tree hole above was more than ten meters above the ground. The surrounding cave wall is smooth. It is impossible to climb up.

According to the Emerald Dragon here. Occasionally, the dragon will catch one or two jade dragons. When the number of jade dragons is more than five, one or more will be eaten until the number of jade dragons is less than five.

Which one is completely random, no jade dragon knows who will be eaten, so this time there is a long-lived ‘old senior’ here.

Now there are already ten blood dragons in this jade dragon. The dragon rarely stores so many jade dragons here, but according to the old predecessors. It reserves a maximum of eleven. In short, it will definitely leave less than five.

"We should overcome it." After seeing the hole for a while, the blood fog reached this conclusion. It said to the surrounding emerald dragon: "This dragon is not fully adult, its power should not be too strong, we unite……"

"It's very smart, look at the weapons around you." 'Older' Jade Dragon came up and said to the blood fog, all the weapons around here are all swords and axes, no arrows, and they all look damaged. Very serious.

"It broke the weapons that were threatening." The predecessors said to the blood fog: "Leave these useless things... we have no way to fight it."

"But we should always go out..." The blood fog looked around and said, "Yes. Are the bodies left over from it before?"

"The body?" The predecessor, Jade Dragon, said: "What are you looking for?"

"That is very useful!" Blood Mist said: "If there is here, let me see."

"Are you sure you really want to see it?" The predecessor, Jade Dragon Road: "...but if you have a good idea. Then take a look."

Said, it took the blood fog in one direction, other emerald dragons immediately saw the direction in which they walked, looking at them, the blood fog had already thought of what it was.

Walking into a corner of the tree hole, the blood fog found a lot of crystals and hay piled up here. These hay exude a scent, but when you smell it carefully, it is also mixed with stench.

The predecessor Jade Dragon removed the hay and crystals, and suddenly there was a cave with a dragon height, and a very strong smell in the cave.

After entering the cave, the blood fog saw a tree hole with a width of more than ten meters and a length of more than 20 meters. It was similar to the one I had before, but it was everywhere... bones.

There is also an entrance at the top. It is not as small as the entrance. It is only two meters in diameter. It is possible that the dragon will spit in the entrance.

The sun shines through the entrance, the blood fog can see all the bones here, the emerald dragon occupies the majority, but some are other dinosaurs, and some fragments are seriously discernible.

It seems that this dragon is almost like to eat the jade dragon. Is the jade dragon really so delicious?

But it is not necessarily... It may also be a dragon, because when you look at the skeleton, the jade dragon and the dragon are exactly the same, just a big point and a small point, but now it is not visible.

"This cave..." The blood fog looked at the skeleton here and wondered: "Can the dragon not enter? The entrance is too small. Is it safe to hide here?"

"No, it's not safe." The predecessor, Jade Dragon, pointed to a skull on the ground. "Did you see that bone?" He said, it picked up a broken bone on the ground and threw it at the skull, along with '啪' A few black bugs climbed out of the skull.

"That is a carnivorous insect." The predecessor, Jade Dragon, said: "They are everywhere here. They don't seem to like the smell of the haystacks in our caves, so we never get to us... we have no problem at the entrance. But if they step into this place, they will be attacked by them."

"In this case, it will be very difficult to get the body..." The blood fog said: "Do we have any way to take some... a skeleton with a big taste?"

"What do you want these corpses to do?" the predecessor, Jade Dragon, questioned.

"You don't know? Feilong hates the smell of the body... Yes, maybe it works! According to my plan, we may be able to defeat the dragon!" The blood fog suddenly screamed excitedly, and the predecessor Jade Dragon became more confused. After the blood fog explained the plan, the predecessor thought that... it seems that it is possible.

...so they started to act...

"Okay, wait for it to come back now."

Here is in the tree hole, the blood fog and the jade dragon are now hiding in a lot of hay, through the gap of the hay, the blood fog can clearly see the scenery in the cave.

The caves are scattered around the skeleton, and the black bugs everywhere are crawling around... this is their masterpiece.

They first put all the hay in the tree hole and piled it up. After emptying the whole tree hole, they took a lot of bones from the cave where the body and skeleton were piled up, and sprinkled everywhere, when taking the bones. The blood fog is specially wrapped in hay so that it can bring the bones together with the carnivores inside, without being attacked.

Now they have made the caves full of carnivores, and the blood fog wants to use them to attack the dragons. If it goes well, then it might...


Suddenly, the blood mist heard the sound coming from above, and I saw a huge figure falling at the hole.

The dragon was looking out at the hole in the tree. It stared at the haystack that the emerald dragons were hiding. It seemed that they knew they were hiding there.

"Hurry down...you are stupid..." An emerald dragon beside the **** fog seemed to be more excited to say: "The dragon is a legendary creature. You can get a lot of shells when you get a dragon scale... ”

Yes, the dragon is of high value, and this is one of the reasons why the Emerald Dragon agreed to cooperate with the blood fog, which looks like a dangerous plan.

‘咕...’ The blood fog saw that the dragon was motionless at the top, but its throat slowly swelled up...

"Not good! Get rid of it!" The **** screamed, and it rolled out in the haystack with a hay...

'call! At almost the same time when the blood was rolling out, an extreme heat wave spread throughout the tree hole, and a fire column spit out from the mouth of the dragon, directly hitting the haystack they had hidden.

"Oh ah!"

The screams followed, and the Emerald Dragons hurriedly ran out of the burning haystacks. Several emerald dragons were on fire and rolled wildly on the ground.

There are also a few lucky ones who are not burned, but at the moment they ran out, they found themselves in a place like a sea of ​​fire. A large number of carnivores crawled out of the skeleton and they climbed onto the emerald dragon. Bite up.

There was only one dragon...that is, the blood fog was not endured by this horror. Because it was holding a hay, the bug did not attack it, but the dragon had already looked at it.

The blood fog also noticed this, it immediately rolled on the ground, and the flame also slammed its original position, leaving a large amount of scorch on the ground...

"Is it going to attack like this? Isn't it not afraid to burn it all?"

The blood mist quickly ran towards the skeleton cave, and before the third fire of the dragon arrived, it jumped into the cave.

The dragon didn't seem to continue to chase it. It didn't fly into the tree hole. It just looked at the emerald dragon inside the hole and continued to scream.

"It seems that I can only find a way here..."

The blood fog looked at the bones of the earth, and the carnivores that were hiding under the bones. It had to suppress the fear...the first step in it.

As it stepped on the broken bones, numerous tiny black shadows suddenly emerged, and the carnivorous group surrounded the blood fog. The blood fog found only a safe area with a radius of half a meter around it. Less carnivorous worms continue to enter this area, but they will retreat immediately, and it seems that they can't stand the smell of hay.

But this does not seem to support for too long...

As a result, the blood fog began to run, and it was good for one second. You must find the exit quickly.

[Immediately 515, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list, until May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】(To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ book friend 1605070...~ ask the big coffee ~ rewards~

Thanks ~ Yu Sanqi~ Sakura Yuki~ Come to a funny animal ~sr~ monthly ticket~

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