The whistling wind is continually passing around...

Blood fog and elders are now in the sky, and when they are brought to the sky, they are flying dragons.

This dragon is not a very large one, but its power is enough to let it leave the rift with two creatures and fly to the sky.

But neither creature wants the other to leave.

"Go to hell! Ordinary scorpion!" The blood in the forepaws threw crystals and slammed into the elders hanging at the end of the tail.

"You dare to do this! You are going to die, you are going to die!" The elders screamed constantly, because the gust of wind in the air made the crystal of the blood fog not be accurate, so the elders did not fall.

"This is really a misstep, actually let it come up..." The blood fog looked at the crystal in his hand, and now there are three left. If you can’t lose it, you can only pray that the elders will go down when flying. .

Just as the elders planned to kill the blood, the blood fog also planned to solve the elders. In fact, when the voice was heard in the rift, the blood fog felt that the creature that the elders said was a dragon.

Although I have never seen a dragon in the real world, I have seen it in a dream... and the dragon in the dream is exactly the same habit as the real.

The introduction in the dream is like this.

The blood fog knows that the dragon now has several subspecies, and they all share a common habit of not eating rotten corpses, perhaps because it is easier to capture prey, they like to eat fresh things, some creatures will think about it. The way to deal with the dragon is to hide in the body heap. But the dragon will still grab it. However, it will not be eaten immediately, but will take the creature to the river and the like, and wash away the smell of the body before eating.

This means that the dragon will not kill the creature until it is cleaned. Of course, this creature also has no resistance.

Just like blood fog, as long as it has a scent of odor, the dragon will not kill it first. Instead, take it to clean up... So the blood fog thinks that the moment the dragon takes it away, it uses the crystal to smash the elders, so that it can't ride the dragon and stay in the rift.

In fact, it was a success, because the blood fog was indeed the first to come, but the elders caught the tail of the dragon, and the two flew together.

Now in the sky, the blood fog can only smash the elder twice. It must also leave a piece of crystal for itself. If it is not hit twice, then there is no way...

Just when the blood fog is hesitating. The dragon has already flown out of the rift. It spreads its wings and rushes over the flower field. The blood fog is seen on the vast flower fields. The three dragons and the big tree are still near the rift. They point to the sky. Screaming, but they can't do anything now.

The dragon didn't stop here. It turned and flew away. Flying over the beautiful flower sea, flying over the skeleton swamp devastated by the crystal rain, the blood fog once again saw a jungle with dense green plants.

The scenery here is very similar to the front of the canyon, but it is a bit special, that is, there is a huge...the trunk is lying in the jungle.

The trunk should be hundreds of meters long, and its size makes it look like a huge canoe floating in the green sea. A large number of plants grow around the surface of the trunk, but do not completely cover it.

In the center of the trunk, there is a big... tree hole, and the dragon is flying in the direction of the tree hole. The blood fog felt that there might be a dragon's nest, so it grasped the last chance... throwing out the crystals of the hands to the elders.

"Idiot!" The voice of the elders made the blood fog know that he had lost his time. The elders also took the opportunity to scream: "How can you hit me with the wrong throwing skills? You are finished, you know? It returns to the nest. You will bite your head in the middle!"

'Snapped! ’


The elders made a weird cry, and the blood mist threw out the last piece of crystal, and this crystal perfectly hit the elder's head.

This caused the elders to scream and fall from the sky and fall into the dense jungle.

"It’s finally hit, but here..." The blood fog looked at the elders who fell into the jungle and felt very uneasy. There are too many plants here. It may fall on a soft plant and let the elders live. If the elders It is best to hit some strong stones.

Speaking of it, the blood fog has not yet been clarified. How did it survive after falling into the crystal rift...

The dragon was landing at this time. It flew to the huge trunk. It did not fall directly into the tree hole, but threw the blood mist directly into the tree hole.

The blood fog felt like he fell heavily on something very soft. It looked down and found that the grass was covered with dead grass and leaves, which made it not hurt.

"Hey... is there another one? It's really bad, which means it will eat one soon."

The blood mist heard a voice, and it looked up and saw that it stood next to it... Jade Dragon.

"Here is..." The blood fog looked around and it found that there were crystal fragments everywhere in the tree hole, as well as various armor, weapons, digging tools, and so on. The emerald dragon on the ground.

"Here is its nest. I will see it when I look at it." The Emerald Dragon, who is next to the **** fog, said: "The dragon specializes in attacking the dragons like us who come here to collect crystals, but it does not eat us, just take us Throw in here."

"Is it..." The **** fog said: "Is there no way to run out here?"

"Really... every new dragon has to say this..." The emerald dragon said: "If we can run, we will run early."

"That... 骸龙?" The blood fog looked at these jade dragons and said: "The dragon should handle this dangerous creature..."

"This is a wild area. Although it is a country of Xiaolong, Xiaolong does not care about the creatures here." Jade Dragon said: "So if you are attacked here, you must deal with it yourself. You should have said it when you apply for a permit." Yes, you should not be smuggling?"

"No, I came here to visit... In short..." The blood fog looked at the top of the cave: "Think about how you should go out from here. You have so many tools here, can you have no way?"


At the same time, on the other side.

"I will smash their fragile, sad green country sooner or later..."

In the jungle, the creature called the elder is slowly moving. It fully expresses its vitality as powerful as a normal scorpion. It has already customized the plan for revenge in the brain.

However, it still has some problems to solve now, that is, to live in this jungle first... (to be continued.)

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