4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1147: Plan to leave


The crystallized rock slowly splits...

Blood fog is standing in front of this stone.

It chased the elders to catch up here, because the elders ran into the cave and could not continue to chase it, but found this strange stone.

As the surface of the stone cracked more and more, the blood fog also saw a creature inside the stone continually twisting.

"Is this a kind of creature... eggs?" When the blood fog was doubting, the stone became bigger and bigger with the crack in the middle, and finally divided into two pieces.

In the middle, a soft, white...catcher-like creature climbed out.

"What kind of larva is this creature?"

The blood fog looked at the worm slowly moving on the ground, and it could not help but back a few steps. The worm has a length of one meter. It looks like the body is soft and has no power, but the blood fog always feels a little scared...

However, this insect did not manage the blood fog. It climbed from the side of the blood fog and slowly climbed to the corner behind the blood fog, which is the cave where the elders got into.

The blood fog didn't stop it. It watched the larva slowly plunging into the cave. After about ten seconds, there was a sound in the cave... it sounded like a scream.

Then, the blood fog saw a familiar figure elder in the hole.

The elder screamed in horror as he ran, but the language he called could not understand the blood, but when he saw the blood fog, he immediately called it in the Emerald Dragon language: "You dare to block here, but dare to let Things come in to scare me? I will dig your heart out of the green chest and offer it to myself!"

After that, it stayed still in place, and then continued: "If you don't want to have this end, then try to climb out with me, otherwise it will be very tragic!"

"..." The blood fog felt that I didn't know what to say, but it was very curious as to why the larva could drive the elders out.

"If you say that..." The blood fog thought about it. The significance of chasing the elders now is not great. It is better to communicate with it and you may find something useful.

"Since you have issued this kind of problem... then I will listen to it. I have a perfect plan to climb out of here. You just have to play it as a piece of meat here!" The elder said: "A rotten piece of meat. ”

"Hey?" The blood fog wondered: "How do you play? You shouldn't want me to die?"

"Oh... this doesn't need to die. Can you only think of going to die? It's really stupid... there are no creative creatures." The elder said: "You just have to spread some of the rancid smell on your body and then lie down. In the very center of the Rift Valley, then, the sky will have creatures flying down, and by that time we will fly away from the flying creatures!"

"Where is the smelly smelly thing?" The **** fog asked.

"I found out in that hole just now." The elder said: "Now go and give it to me. Then use them to paint the whole body!"

"You go out and take it out." The **** fog said: "The hole is too small, only you are suitable to get in, and why did you just escape? Was it scared by the larva?"

"It wants to bite me." The elder said: "You don't know? It... I want to bite me! I will never take this risk and go inside again!"

"...there you no risk when you stay outside?" The blood fog said that he took a step forward.

"...I will live with the fear you brought me!" After the elders dropped this sentence, they drilled back into the cave.

The blood mist was waiting outside, the cave was dark and there was no sound. After about sixty seconds, the elders got out of the cave.

"Is that?" The blood fog saw that the elders were holding some crystal fragments, and the blood fog thought that the elders would drag some rotten meat out, but they did not expect these crystals.

but. These crystals do have a great taste, which makes the blood fog feel uncomfortable, and there are many bugs called flies.

"Now you take these to the center of the Rift Valley!" The elders threw a pile of crystals on the ground: "Come on, don't move slowly."

“Why is it crystallized?” The blood fog wondered: “And why are they so... stink?”

"What are you talking about!" said the elder: "Can crystallize not be stinky? Is it strange that crystals are stinky? But these crystals are not crystallized, they are some rotten debris, I think it was the last in the rift. The creature that lost in the road, the creature is too sad, did not choose to cooperate with my intelligent ordinary nephew..."

"Well, say back to the rotten wreck, after the strange larva has drilled into the hole. It turns the wreckage into crystal, just like what you see now! How, this is not a satisfying one." The answer? If you are, don’t be so slow and act quickly!” The elder said: “It’s just the time when the creature came out to hunt. If it’s too late, you’ll even make yourself worse than the real body. you!"

"...then you go to play the body." The blood fog said: "You know that. You are the best fit."

"Stupid dragon!" the elders cried: "The conditions that attract it must have a green corpse filled with rotten smell, that is, it likes to eat jade dragons, do not like to eat ordinary dumplings, do you know?"

"..." The blood fog felt that he really wanted to kill it.

But the blood fog did not do that, but continued to ask: "What is the creature you said?"

"It is known as the monster in the canyon, the guardian of the shining thing. The poet of the poacher, it is... the valley..."

The elders of ‘呜’ haven’t finished yet, and the blood fog heard a sound. It seems that something is screaming, and its sound is loud enough to be heard at the bottom of the rift.

"It's already here! Hurry up and move your green body and make yourself the most delicious look to attract it! This is the only chance! Hurry up!" At the urging of the elders, the blood is carrying The doubtful mood took the crystallization of the elders with a strong smell.

After carefully taking a look at the crystal, the blood fog found that it was indeed a piece of rotten meat, but it was covered with layer crystals, but it did not cover the smell... How did the larva do it, let the blood fog Very concerned about it.

But the blood fog is also trying to leave, so it decided to 'cooperate' with the elders.

Then, under the guidance of the elders, the blood fog reached the center of the rift, which is also the most spacious place in the rift, and the creature above may have landed from here.

The blood fog placed the crystal on his side, then lay on the ground, and the elders ran away after a stone ten meters away from the blood.

"Good, that's it! When you are eaten by it... When you catch it, it will take you out, then it will take you to your own pocket, you can escape at that time! Can safely leave, I will approach when it takes off, quietly grab its tail and fly out together, you don't have to worry about me." The elder shouted behind the stone, the blood fog felt that the plan was obviously not too it is good.

But it also has its own ideas.

‘Kara...’ Some small gravel fell from the sky and fell to the side of the **** fog.

The blood fog found that the sunlight at the top of the rift's entrance was obscured by a huge figure, and there seemed to be a huge flying creature looking down at the entrance.

After watching it for a while, he flew down quickly, and the blood fog quickly saw the figure of the creature...

... a dragon.

The dragon wings spread more than 17 meters, and the whole body covered with shining scales descended from the sky and fell to the side of the blood fog.

In the dream world, the blood fog has seen many dragons, but it has never been seen in the real world, but it has also been heard many times, the story of the ancestors riding the dragon.

This creature is closer to the legend for them.

This time, it will be so close to the dragon, which makes the blood fog completely dare to move... It tries hard to let the body do not do anything, let the dragon think it is dead.

"Oh... it’s too stupid." The elders knew very well that it was impossible.

The dragons have a high level of intelligence. They don't know whether they are dead or alive. If they are dead, they will take the body directly, but if it is alive... the dragon will kill and take it away.

The elders know this dragon. It occasionally flies in the canyon. It likes to capture the jade dragon, especially those with shining crystals. Generally, a large amount of crystals are collected, and the jade dragon that is carrying the crystal back is most vulnerable to attack.

The reason it flies down is not because of the rotten flesh, but because it has a shining crystal that attracts it, and with the emerald dragon here, it will be attracted...

If it is normal, the Emerald Dragon will escape to the narrow place of the Rift Valley, and the Flying Dragon will not attack it, but now it is in the most spacious place, and still lying on the ground... This means it can't escape!

While solving this jade dragon, I can also leave, this is really great!

After thinking about it, the elders climbed out from the rock it was hiding. It quickly approached the back of the dragon and prepared to grab the dragon's tail and leave with it.

‘Hey! ’

But at this moment, a flying crystal broke the plan of the elders, and it felt that its head was hit by crystallization, which made it painfully back a few steps.

"Dare to beat me? Do you want to die..."

The elder was planning to make angry shouts, but it saw the dragon suddenly spread its wings, its front paws caught the blood fog, and flew into the air.

"Wait a minute! Don't run!" The elders didn't have time to think about why the dragon didn't eat the jade dragon. It immediately ran wildly, then leaped forward and grabbed the tail of the dragon... (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~** 窝碎了~ Too excited to feed ~ rewards~

Thanks ~sr~王阿花~书友150906213329429~ old fish ~5857443~ monthly ticket~

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