"...it seems...not dead yet?"

After opening his eyes, the blood fog saw that he was in a strange place. No, it seems not strange that it should be the bottom of the rift valley where it fell.

Here... only 30 meters wide, looking up, you can see the opening of the rift, in this position it looks like the opening is like a small crack, the sun shines in from the crack, although the blood fog I don't think the sun will reach this location, but it is very bright here.

So it can see clearly that he is sitting on a spar, the spar is almost as high as it is, and there are more and smaller spar around.

There are crystal stones and fragments everywhere on the ground. Not only that, the whole ground is made of crystals. Looking at some mirrors, the reflection of the bleeding haze on it, it looks a little surprised.

It fell from such a high place, and it didn't seem to be hurt. When it fell, it clearly felt that it had hit something, but it doesn't even feel pain everywhere.

This is really... very strange.

Another point that makes the blood fog feel strange is this rift, where crystals are everywhere, and even the rock walls on both sides are crystallized, but not completely crystalline.

The crystals on the rock wall are obviously covered, with many cracks on it, and the internal rock structure can be seen from the cracks...

Is this also a phenomenon of crystallization? Crystallization affects such a deep underground? This makes the blood fog feel incredible, and feels a little...worry, because the sudden cracking of the ground may be due to the fact that crystallization makes the underground structure brittle.

But it didn't learn the relevant knowledge, so I don't understand it. In short, I have to find out if there is a way to go out.

Thinking, the blood fog jumped from the crystal of its sitting, because I haven't eaten for a long time. It feels awkward now, so you have to hurry up and go...

In the crystalline rift, the blood mist quickly walks.

It walked around and looked around to see if there was any place to climb, but the rock walls on both sides were quite steep, and it felt that even the scorpion could not climb.

Suddenly, the reason for thinking of the scorpion is that the blood fog saw a scorpion called the elder who had no tail at the height of more than 20 meters in front of him.

It grabs the crystallized cliffs. Every time I climbed up about a metre, I slammed back to the ground, but it didn't give up, but kept trying until... The blood fog passed.

"You actually..." The elders just screamed when they saw the **** fog, but it suddenly changed its tone and said: "Hey, it would be great to meet a dragon here. Come on, let us try to climb together. Go up."

"Do you think I am stupid?" The **** fog felt an anger out of his thoughts. It stepped forward to the elders: "I don't think you have to accept any trial. It is best to die directly."

"What? I am the ordinary nephew who lives here. I have never seen you. Why did you kill me?" The elders were very excited and frightened. It continued to step back a few steps: "I believe we can be peaceful." Cooperation!"

The blood fog said: "I don't know what ordinary scorpion can say the language of the jade dragon."

"Then you are really stupid."


"No, I mean, there are too few scorpions you have seen. Some scorpions can say this kind of thing is not strange. Come, join me and climb out. You don't really want to kill me such a cute creature. "Where the elders talked and said: "And if you don't cooperate, you can only be trapped here forever."

"Can't you fly out?" The **** fog continued to approach the elders. Soon it forced the elders back under a stone.

"What? I won't fly, have you seen the flying scorpion?" The elder found that there was no retreat behind him, and he lifted his forelimbs: "Don't approach again, or you will feel pain and horror!"

"The scorpions we have... are all flying!" The **** fog suddenly screamed and rushed over. It easily grabbed the elders who were only 30 centimeters long and held the elders tightly. forelimb. And pull on both sides.

"Don't pull it! If you want to break it, you have to break it!" The elders struggled constantly, but the blood and fog became more and more powerful. It slowly pulled the elder's forelimb to the limit...

‘Hey! The elders suddenly bulged their abdomen, releasing a gas with a stench, and the blood mist inhaled a large amount of gas. This made it impossible for the elders to cough up on the ground, and the elders took the opportunity to run far.

"You dare to do this kind of thing! Do you know that you will die very sadly? Miserable!" The elders yelled as they ran to the distance, and the blood fog immediately followed.

It feels that the elder is a bit strange, that is, it is now loosened, and it seems that the injury has also recovered, but it seems that the wings have not recovered, can not fly.

Now is the best chance to kill it, so the blood fog will catch up at full speed, but the elders have recovered because of the previous injuries. They used eight legs to run quite fast, and the blood fog felt that it was difficult to catch up...

But this rift has no other way. It can always block the elders in the deepest part of the rift and solve it. Just shut it up and not breathe, just tear it off...

It’s a pity that when you fall off, you don’t know where to go, or it will be easier to solve...

"Don't come over! You are incompetent, sad green idiot, your life will be dedicated to death!"

The elder yelled as he ran in front of him. It found that the blood fog couldn't catch up with it and it was even more joyous, but soon it found no way ahead.

It ran to the end of the rift, only to see the blood fog behind him getting closer and closer, the elders began to panic, it looked left and right to find the place to escape, and suddenly it found a stone behind the ... a cave .

It immediately ran into the cave.

"Hey? Actually there is a road to run?" The blood fog found the elders fleeing behind a stone. It immediately followed up and found the cave behind the stone. The cave was dark and lacquered. It was only about one meter in diameter. It didn't want to follow up. This kind of place, if you lie in, is easy to be attacked by the elders.


Just as it wanted to do it, it suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the side, as if something was ringing.

When it turned around, it found that it was from a spar. Through the crystallization of low transparency, it was able to barely see what was inside... What does this thing seem to be... creature? And it seems to be a cub, because it curls up there... (to be continued.)

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