4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1152: Unstable

Ps. Presented today's update, by the way, to 515 fans to pull the ticket, each person has 8 tickets, vote also sent coins, begging everyone to support appreciation!

A long time ago, a small dragon lived in this valley...

It made a nest somewhere in the valley, and stocked a lot of food in it, and then lived a very ordinary life there.

It usually feeds on various dinosaurs in the valley, and this life continues until some time, it flies back to the nest and discovers a somewhat special dragon in its nest.

The dragon is green... Do you know what it means? It is green! That's right! It is your kind!

The little dragon saw that the green dragon was digging everywhere in its nest. It dug up a lot of sparkling crystals, including an egg-like object, while still eating the food stored in the dragon.

The angry dragon immediately attacked the green thief, and the thief fled in a hurry, but when it fled, the egg that was dug was dropped.

Feilong felt that the egg was very strange, but he did not pay attention to it. As a result, when it turned and flew out, the egg exploded! The explosion covered its entire nest with a layer of crystals.

The dragon itself was also affected, but because the explosion only affected its tail, it shattered the crystals stuck to itself... but it found that its nest had been destroyed because the food stored was crystallized. ...they caused them to be inedible, and in the following winter it was always hungry.

Then the dragon felt angry! It feels that this is the green dragon, and it has always targeted your jade dragons.

It constantly attacks those jade dragons that collect crystals. Then grab them here. How about, know what is going on here? Hey!

Do you want to know why I know this? Because the dragon is the most powerful creature in this area, I want it to join my powerful population, so I have been approaching it, observing it, although it has not yet been added... but it has begun to help me You have solved these green scourges. It’s great, don’t you think so?

"……Is that right……"

The blood fog was still solidified in the crystallization at this time. After listening to the words of the elders, it understood that the flying dragon here was because the jade dragon dug a crystal egg that would explode in its nest, so It caused the dragon to be angry with the jade dragon.

This explains why it is going to catch those jade dragons that are crystallization.

However, it is useless to know this now. What blood fog wants to know most is how to leave the crystal that solidifies itself.

"Do you want to know something else? I can tell you, and then you feel the hungry belly while thinking about these problems. It is so wonderful to enjoy the closeness of death... What? You don't feel wonderful? That's for granted. It's wonderful for me! Hey!" The elders continued to say there: "When I first met you, I asked some questions about crystallization. I can tell you now, I know them very well!"

“There are a lot of strange phenomena about crystallization here. For example, the crystallized eggs that will explode just now. They can cover everything around them with instant crystallization, and cover not only the side facing the explosion, but also The covered object will slowly be crystallized and wrapped, just like you! This kind of egg is currently found at least six in this canyon. These things will not only explode, but also cause some plants around to mutate... ..."

The elder said: "Before you and the three little gray skins have said that they have gone to an underground cave where the plants have mutated and their fruits produce a kind of ... radiation, which is the kind that will make your face very Ugly radiation! It may not be the face, it may be the internal organs or somewhere else..."

"There is the underground environment. This gorge is now in a very unstable state. If there is an earthquake, there will be an earthquake, and there will be ground cracks, etc. It is because you have seen it before. There are many places in the ground where crystals are spreading, no It’s just the rift we saw last time, there are more places, the whole underground is crystallizing!” The elder said: “And it also produced a lot of weird creatures.”

"Weird creatures are creatures that will crystallize around. Wherever they go, they will leave a crystal of light. They will secrete something weird and cover the surrounding with a layer of crystal. I doubt that the changes in the ground are what they do." The elders said: "These creatures will make the geological structure crunchy, and then the earthquake and the ground will burst! Cause a huge collapse!"

"It seems that there is no similar phenomenon outside the canyon, because I have not been outside the canyon, oh! But sooner or later I will bring you a small, fragile green country with a huge army, and make all of you sweet dishes! "The elders said: "In the past, you have killed one of the most important individuals for me, and finally made it a salty dish! Yes, I have seen your 'news', so I want to destroy you, and then make all of you sweet to express your commemoration!"

"How, do you know if these are exciting? But you can't move, you can only die here, hehe!"

The elders kept talking there, and the blood mist listened while trying to hold back their active emotions while trying to move their bodies.

It was completely unmovable before, but after moving more, it found that the hands and feet could swing slightly. Maybe if you try it continuously, it can get rid of it completely.

"Well, I have to prepare for the destruction of you. You are here until the end of the day."

After that, the elders climbed into the distance, but after climbing for a while, they retired and said: "No... I can't just go so simple, I really don't trust you, if I am gone, What do you do because of some coincidence? I have to get here..."


Suddenly, the blood fog and the elders felt the ground vibrate.

"Hey! This is what I told you. Now the geology is very fragile, and it will be an earthquake, so I am better off first." Then the elders turned and ran to the distance.

But after it ran a few steps, it stopped because it appeared in front of it... crystallized fried eggs.

And there is more than one, but there are ten, they are drilled out of the ground, just like before, and... some similar creatures have followed this fried egg.

[Immediately 515, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list, until May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】(To be continued.)

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