4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1153: Water flow

"What do you want to do? Want to challenge me? Want to kill me?"

In the dim, where the skeleton is everywhere, the elders in front of the blood fog are constantly posing in various poses and shouting at the same time.

It screams at a group of creatures that have just been drilled from the ground... This group of creatures has seen blood fog before, a group of creatures that grow like a caterpillar and grow to more than a meter.

They look obese and soft, and their bodies are covered with stubby thorns. This eccentric creature seems to have a lot to do with crystallization.

This is proof of their presence with crystal eggs this time, but why are they here?

"Do you understand? A group of stupid things!" The elders still shouted at the caterpillars. It started with the Emerald Dragon language. Later, it screamed for more than ten seconds in a language that the blood fog could not understand. Initially the caterpillars did not respond to the elders, but slowly they seemed to feel a little bit of advice to the elders.

I saw a caterpillar twisting his body and crawling toward the elders. The elders immediately stepped back a few steps. Suddenly, the caterpillars jerked and rushed toward the elders... The elders also turned to flee at the same time.

The blood fog found the caterpillar to be quite fast, and the ground it climbed left a layer of shiny liquid that quickly hardened and turned into a layer...crystallized.

Soon, the elders ran to the back of the blood, the blood fog could not see the situation because they couldn't turn their heads, but it saw that several caterpillars in front of them were now moving.

They push the crystal eggs around them and slowly push them around a skeleton.

"It's the fish skeleton..." The blood fog found the familiar look of the skeleton, because it was very concerned about why there were fish bones here... the skeleton is big, it should be sea fish...

‘Hey! Suddenly, the eyes of the blood fog lit up with dazzling brilliance, only to see that the piled eggs were blasting at the same time. When the light slowly dissipated, the blood fog found nothing to change around.

It’s just... there was a big hole in the original position of the eggs.

It seems to be a hole exploded by the explosion, but the caterpillars are gone. Are they crushed by the explosion?

‘咕噜噜...’ When the blood fog was thinking, it heard the sound again. This is coming out of the hole and getting closer and closer to the ground.

Could it be that……

'boom! In the mouth of the cave, a huge water column burst out. It instantly hit the top of the tree hole. In the continuous booming sound, the raindrops dripped wildly around.

"...there was actually water..."

It seems that more than just water, in the water column. The blood fog also saw a lot of fish and other aquatic creatures rushed out of the cave along with the water column, and then fell heavily on the ground and struggled.

There may be an underground lake or an underground river. The crystallized caterpillars have just exploded and the underground passages, causing the groundwater to come up... This is the only explanation for blood fog.

‘啪’ until a creature... squatted on its head.

This creature has four limbs, the body is blue, and the body is more than 30 centimeters long. The blood fog is familiar with this creature...because it is the most famous character of the ‘Salty Sweet Convention’.

The sea otter is of course living in the sea, so this name is there, so the thought of the blood fog was instantly subverted, because the water that emerged here seems to be... sea water.

But no matter what the blood fog thinks, it makes no sense. The sea otter that fell on its head slowly slipped down its face and fell to the ground, and the vision of the blood fog recovered again. It saw that the water in the cave continued to emanate.

The fish struggling on the ground slowly stopped struggling. Because the ground has already filled a layer of water.

As the water column continued to rise, the water level slowly rose, and various fish and crustaceans swam in the water. At this time, the blood fog noticed that there was no such thing as flooding. Boars... They seem to have long since escaped. Can it be said that these bugs have detected the current situation very early?

However, there is a common scorpion that is flooded here.

"Oh oh! They are crazy! They blow it up!"

The elder once again appeared in front of the blood fog. At this time, half of the body was soaked in the water, eight legs were swinging in the water, and its forelimbs were holding half a caterpillar... It seems that the caterpillar who just chased it was taken by it. Torn into two pieces.

"They dare to flood this place! I want to escape. You are here to make a statue of the sea bottom! Hey!" The elders yelled at the location of the blood fog, and then swam in the other direction. Soon the blood fog could not see it again.


The blood fog is so staying in place, watching the changes here.

The water level is slowly getting higher and higher. From the feet of the blood mist to the waist, and finally approached its head... flooded the entire dragon into the water.

The scenery in front of the **** fog has thus become a pile of crystallized bones floating around and a group of aquatic creatures swimming around. It seems very interesting to see the scenery, but the blood fog has no time to enjoy the scenery.

Because it is now... unable to breathe, this is something that will definitely happen after being flooded.

It is still solidified on the ground now, unlike most of the crystals around it floating in the water, the blood fog is now completely unable to move...

It is like the elders said, you may have to make a real statue in the water... Think of it, the blood fog swayed and swayed.

Its thoughts strongly demand that you want to live, because it still has too many things to do, it does not want to die here! It began to try to move every part of the body with all strength, trying to get rid of the crystal that trapped itself.

Then it quickly lost consciousness...

At the last minute, the movement of oxygen in the body is rapidly consumed. When oxygen is not enough to power the brain, its consciousness disappears, but...

"...where is this? I haven't...die?"

The blood fog opened his eyes again. It found that he was still in a state of inability to move, and it seemed to be still in its place. There were scattered bones everywhere, crystallized, and not crystallized. Between these skeletons, Many aquatic organisms such as fish, most of them are motionless, and some occasionally twitch both bodies.

"That said... It’s been a long time, the water has already receded... What the **** is going on...” The blood fog felt strange to his body, as if he had fallen a rift before it was still alive, now It’s okay after the water is submerged, but there is a coma every time.

What happened during this period of coma? Blood fog wants to ask if there are any creatures around to see the whole process, but the surrounding creatures only have a group of fast-drying fish, and...

"Hey! Scorpion?" The blood mist suddenly saw a huge scorpion appearing in front of it. It was shocked, but it quickly calmed down.

This scorpion is twice as big as the elders, and has a tail needle, which means that it is not an elder, but a scorpion called...Bronde scorpion.

There are many kinds of such scorpions, but there is usually a general term, they all live in the sea, and the taste is difficult to eat, whether it is salty or sweet.

It seems that this Bronde scorpion was also rushed from the sea. It is now climbing to a fish and starting to eat this unstoppable prey.

The blood fog also noticed that in addition to the Bronde scorpion, there are many creatures such as trilobites, which give full play to the advantages of crustaceans and can be freely moved without water. 'Free' food.

However, compared to the surrounding environment, the blood fog found that his body was able to move more, and immediately began to try to twist his body.


The sound of crystal cracking spreads into the hearing of the blood mist, which makes the blood fog agitate. It tries to work harder... Soon, with a burst of sound, the right hand crystal of the blood mist is completely broken, and its hand is also Can be active.

“Great! It looks like it will be...”

The blood fog is ready to move, but it will not move anytime soon.

Because it just broke the sound of crystals, causing the crustacean creatures here to pay attention, most of the creatures just look at this side and continue to eat the fish underneath, but there is such a creature is not the case.

It directly spits the fish in the mouth and moves the huge body to the blood.

This creature is called ... giant python, three meters long, covered with armor, sharp tail like a spear, tastes extremely unpalatable, better than excrement, this is the only blood fog for this creature Knowledge.

Now, the blood fog can update the understanding of this creature. This giant python comes to the blood fog. It stretches out two forelimbs and grasps the blood fog that has not completely detached from the crystal.

Then, with a slap in the face, a sudden burst of sound came from the heel of the blood fog. If it didn't feel pain, the blood fog must have thought that the foot was broken.

However, the current situation is no better than breaking off. The giant scorpion put the blood fog off the ground and put it on the back.

The usual back is smooth and can't carry anything, but the giant python has several movable small limb structures on the back, so it can fix the blood fog on the back. After fixing the blood fog, it goes to a place on the ground. The big hole climbed.

The hole is where the sea water rushes out. No matter how the blood fog struggles, it finds that it is not so easy to unravel the crystallization of the whole body.

Therefore, it can only watch itself being brought into the hole by the giant python, moving all the way to the depths. Where does the road lead to?

The blood fog is not clear, but it believes that if you have survived wonderfully before, then it should not die this time.

……hope so. (To be continued.)

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