4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1158: The fate of canned food

Here is a huge underground space. ¥f,.

Most of this thing is shiny, pure crystals cover every corner of the place, but there is also a group of caterpillars that are not crystallized.

Where are these caterpillars coming from, and what are their purposes?

Blood fog has thought about this kind of problem many times. However, the history of Jade Dragon is not lacking in weird aggressors, so it doesn't matter if it thinks for a while.

What it cares about is that these caterpillars seem to have taken it as a can. Just a caterpillar crawled over and took some of the cans around it and took them to a place.

Blood fog doesn't know whether you should feel sad or happy, but you should be sad more when you say it, although it is now because the caterpillar does not use it as a suspicious thing, it causes it to live, but it knows that the final fate of all cans is Eat or put it off for too long.

What should I do? No matter what you think, blood fog feels meaningless. If so, stay here.

While watching the situation here, waiting for death... The situation here is quite interesting.

Here is a large-scale caterpillar base, the same as before, but here is located deeper underground, the above seems to be used to transform creatures and make canned meat, so there are several huge honeycomb objects in the middle.

There is no honeycomb here. In fact, there are no big things here. There are bridges of crystals everywhere.

Caterpillars come back and forth here, most of them don't take anything, maybe just passing through here, and there are many cans from the corner walls everywhere, stacked with cans of blood fog.

Fortunately, these cans are very small, do not interfere with the sight of the blood fog, blood fog can see most of the situation here, but it did not find anything special after watching it for a long time.

The only special thing is that more and more cans are piled up around me. The caterpillars don’t seem to eat, and they may not eat here. It may be sent to some places to take it out and eat it.

The blood fog couldn't help but think of how he might be cooked... It has always been a guest of various food events, but I didn't expect it to be my turn now...

"That is..." Suddenly, the blood fog saw something special, and I saw ten caterpiles crawling in this direction. These caterpillars are followed by a floating... stone?

Accurately speaking, it is a crystalline stone. The size of this stone is more than ten meters. Its surface is not flat, so it looks like a piece of ordinary stone covered with crystal.

It was just that the stone floated about half a meter above the ground, which made the blood fog very surprised. The caterpillars and stones stopped before they came to the piles of cans.

Then, the caterpillars spread out, they formed a circle around the stone, and they kept swinging the soft thorns on their bodies, not knowing what to do.

'Snapped! Suddenly, the blood mist heard a voice, like something exploded, just above the stone... There was something slowly rising from the inside.

This thing... looks like an amoeba. In general, it is a soft object. Blood fog has encountered many such things in a dream. So at first glance it seems to have this feeling.

This is a soft object with a diameter of about two meters. Its appearance is almost the same as that of crystal. Then a caterpillar climbs up and slowly carries the amoeba off the stone and falls on the ground.

The surrounding caterpillars immediately moved, and the blood fog found that the caterpillars picked up the cans around them and threw them into the body of the amoeba.

Because it is not transparent, the blood fog can't see how the cans are thrown in, but almost 100% must have been eaten.

Unexpectedly, these cans were actually used to feed amoeba. No wonder they don't cook...

When the blood fog thought so, the caterpillars moved quickly. They threw all the cans into the amoeba. The blood fog noticed that the amoeba did not move during this period. But as the number of cans it eats increases, it also begins to slowly deform...

"Is this..."

The blood fog noticed that the amoeba was slowly elongating its body and showing a large number of blocks from both sides of the body...

Then, it slowly raised a thin, long structure on the back, which is... the dorsal fin.

... yes, this amoeba is turning into a fish.

Could it be that. It is made of fish because it can be eaten by fish, so it becomes a fish? The blood fog looked at the situation in front of him in surprise, and I saw that the amoeba had almost been deformed.

It turned out to be a creature called ... ‘shot fish,’ at least very much, perhaps because of the large amount of fish in the canned fish.

After all, most of the fish that can be caught by the sea are fish that can be used on land, and some similar fish, such as land-based sharks, which look very similar, and the amoe becomes It is what they look like.

Therefore, the amoeba is now a fish that supports the body with fins similar to the feet. Its huge eyes are smashed and then look around.

It seems to be moving... This amoeba will not move at all before the change, and now it seems to have the ability to move.

The caterpillar did not continue to stuff the canned meat on it, but placed the canned meat in front of it...

It glanced at the head of the meat, then opened it and ate it into the body, and then it sounded like a bite and crystal in its mouth.

It can not only eat meat, it is even the crystal of the outer shell of the package to eat together.

The surrounding caterpillars continued to place more cans in front of them, and the blood fog quickly found something that frightened it, that is, there were not many cans in front of it.

Soon, the caterpillar will come to it... it’s already here!

Several cans in front of the blood fog were taken away by a caterpillar. The next second, another caterpillar came to it.

When the caterpillar saw the blood fog, it was not as simple as taking other cans, but staying here, as if hesitating... whether or not to take the can of this strange jade faucet.

Blood fog does not want to be taken, because after seeing the weird situation here, it does not want to commit suicide, but wants to look at the situation.

However, the caterpillar finally made up its attention, it stretched out the soft thorn and prepared to take the blood fog away.

And just the moment the soft thorns hit the blood fog... a burst of sound sounded.

‘Hey! ’

The sharp thing passes through the sound of the air. After a moment, the blood fog sees an arrow... The arrow is tied between it and the caterpillar. (To be continued.)

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