4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1159: Rescued


An arrow flew from a distance and was tied to the ground.

This is the head of the blood fog...the thing that happened one second before the caterpillar picked up.

This arrow stopped the action of the caterpillar, and it turned to the direction in which the arrow flew, as well as all the worms that were holding cans.

Although the blood fog could not turn his head, it also tried to look in that direction. It could barely see a few... The gray figure was running over here.

"That is... 骸龙?"

As the gray figure got closer and closer, the blood fog finally saw them. There were a total of six dragons, all of them wearing light armor and running with a cylindrical weapon in their hands. .

"Is it also to deal with them?" The blood fog immediately had this idea. I saw that ten caterpillars immediately stopped in front of the canned fish, and spit out a flash of liquid... .

The six dragons immediately evaded, and a dragon leaped high, using the cylinder in his hand to aim the caterpillar.

‘Hey! An arrow shot from the cylinder and was momentarily tied to a caterpillar's head. The caterpillar fell to the ground and struggled on the ground.

"Hey!" The dragon in the air shouted, and the other five dragons also raised their weapons at the same time. After the sound of the arrow crossed, there were five caterpillars at the same time... fell to the ground.

These caterpillars seem to panic, they are constantly shooting at the surrounding dragons, but they don't have any match. Every attack is easily avoided by the dragon. And each time the dragon attacks, it can knock down a caterpillar.

Soon, the ten caterpillars here fell to the ground because the head was penetrated, leaving only the last creature...the creature that turned into a fish after eating the can... It still eats canned food there. It seems that what happened around it has nothing to do with it.

However, Xiaolong did not seem to have let go of it. A Snapdragon shot an arrow at the head of the ‘Blasting Fish’.

‘Hey! The sharp arrows flew. But at the moment when the target was about to hit, the arrow suddenly seemed to be hit, and was shot and flew out.

"Is there something to block?" Although the blood fog didn't see anything, but the arrows flew, the dragons looked a little surprised, and then they started shooting... But each arrow reached the side of the bomb. When the position is more than one centimeter, it will fly out.

At this point, the shellfish has not eaten canned food. It looked up and looked around, focusing on a dragon, while all the caterpillars around the place were coming quickly.

"Hey!" The dragons found that the situation was not good. The former dragon who was in charge of the command shouted and the surrounding dragon immediately began to move.

Two Snapdragons ran to the fallen caterpillar and cut a soft thorn. The other two smashed some crystals on the ground... and two of them took some cans.

"...hey?" The two dragons who took the cans noticed the blood fog. They suddenly showed a rather confusing expression, and the blood fog immediately tried to twist his head and make some noise.

It seems that I noticed the strangeness of the blood fog. A dragon took the head of the blood fog and solidified it. Then the leading dragon screamed and all the dragons in the room immediately jumped into the air.

They seem to have some kind of... flying device, the blood fog feels that they are flying fast in the air by the dragon, and the large group of caterpillars on the ground and on the bridge are watching this, but they don’t seem to have any target for the flight. The way, so did not catch up.

Six dragons quickly flew to the top of the cave. They flew into a narrow cave with blood fog. After entering the cave, the dragons turned off the flying device and hurried to the depths of the cave.

I ran for hundreds of seconds and stopped after a few ramps.

"Hey! Hey!" The dragons were surrounded by a circle, and they put together the things they got... including the blood fog.

This makes the blood fog feel like this group of dragons is like a group... The thief is now stealing something from the ‘saling’, but it seems to be true.

The most attention of this group of dragons is blood fog, because it looks much more special than other things. They watched for a while, and the captain’s dragon took out a small armor from his body... The bottle is filled with a transparent liquid.

Xiaolong poured the liquid on the head of the blood mist. After a while... The blood mist suddenly felt that its crystals began to dissolve.

"Hey!" The **** fog suddenly felt quite excited, which meant that it had the possibility of recovery, so it immediately said to the dragons: "Thank you very much! Do you have a way to restore me?"

"Oh?" The words of the **** fog suddenly shocked the dragon here. One of the dragons asked with amazement in the Emerald Dragon: "Are you... alive?"

"Hey? You don't know if I am alive? Then why do you help me... Thaw?" The **** fog said: "No matter how much, should there be a way to recover?"

"I just think that you are very strange...so I just want to solve it. How did you become like this?" Captain Xiaolong said: "We have not seen this before."

"I am..." The blood fog thought about it, and he told the dragons about the previous things. The dragons showed a lot of surprise after hearing the news. The captain said to him: "Then you must have been Pompom blessing."

"But... you haven't seen this before..." The **** fog was a little lost: "... Does that mean you can't cure me?"

"That's not necessarily." The captain said: "You can go find...the original cypress."

"Who is that?" The blood fog was doubtful.

"It is a dairy tree that lives in the vines. It is very good at ... regeneration, and that is also the gathering place for our healers." Xiaolong said: "Our warriors can find them if they have any broken limbs or the like. Treatment... But for now, they haven’t seen the situation like your broken body, not necessarily..."

"Oh! Anyway, that's hopeful!" The **** fog excitedly said: "Can you take me with you?"

"Of course..." Captain Dragon said: "I think they also want to see your dragon in this special situation."

"Hey! That's a big thank you..." The **** fog said: "Let's say, what are you doing here?"

"You should have seen it just now..." The captain said: "We are dealing with this group... Crystal Monsters."

“Do you know them very well?” The blood fog said: “It’s quite deep underground, you can find it here...”

"It's not very well understood," said the captain. "But I also learned a part. For example, all of their bases have connected cave passages, like the one we are in now is one of the cave passages."

"This group of crystal monsters has only recently appeared..." Another Snapdragon said: "They have been working underground. Occasionally, some explosives that crystallize the surroundings are placed on the ground, or some creatures are crystallized. We are very early. I noticed them, and at the beginning they didn’t have any big problems..."

“But recently, they have begun to crystallize underground structures on a large scale, making geology extremely unstable, at any time... earthquakes, etc., and attacking organisms more frequently than before, they capture organisms in large quantities and crystallize them in part. And there is another part made into... canned meat, as you can see."

"You know a lot about them." The blood fog said: "So you want to stop them? Why not let the big forces destroy them, but only let a few dragons come in here?"

"It's still in the detection stage, and there is no war yet." The captain said: "In the process of detecting here, we found more things. We used to be because those creatures that are soft like caterpillars are all this. The culprit, however, here we noticed another creature, the creature that had eaten canned food before, and it had the ability to direct other caterpillars."

"You mean that the bomb is coated with fish?" The blood fog asked: "What is it?"

"It's not a bombed fish..." Xiaolong said: "We went to a base before we came here, where we have seen this creature, its shape is changed according to the food it eats, it will It becomes a comprehensive form of food that I ate before..."

"The one I met before, it didn't stop the special ability of the arrow." The captain said: "But there is, maybe... there are some differences between them."

"These creatures are really weird..." The blood fog said: "What are you going to do?"

"You can only solve them. They don't have the idea of ​​wanting to communicate at all... This was confirmed at the time they appeared a long time ago." The captain said: "In short, we are now..."


The captain hadn't finished yet, and suddenly there was a voice coming from afar. The dragons looked at that direction and saw the other one... 'The bombed fish' appeared in the cave passage, followed by a large group of caterpillars. .

"Hey!" The dragons suddenly raised their weapons, but before they moved...


There was a voice in the mouth of the ‘Blasting Fish’, which used the language of the Emerald Dragon.

"You... use... oh... voice exchange?" It didn't seem to be very skilled, it was a meal, and it was mixed with some weird sounds like bubbles.

“Can you communicate with us?” Xiaolong’s captain immediately asked: “Are you...” (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ book friend 1603311...~ the reward ~

Thank you ~~day 1994~ the monthly ticket~

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