4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1161: Chase and fight

[Broadcast] Focus on the starting point of reading, get the first hand news of 515 red packets, students who have not robbed the red envelope after the New Year, this time can show their skills.

"Hey! Go!"

The sound of screams echoed in the narrow cave passages, because there was a fierce chase.

Captain Xiaolong was rushing in the passage. It was followed by five dragons. One dragon hugged the head of the **** fog, followed by a large group of caterpillars.

The previous one said that the crystallization of the whole world... ‘sported fish’ is also among the caterpillars, which are being carried by the caterpillars.

The two dragons running in the last turn turned around and shot the large group of creatures chasing after them. This time they shot not the arrows, but the spherical objects.

‘Hey! The ball fell into the center of the caterpillar group and exploded. A large amount of smoke suddenly rushed out, and the thick smoke suddenly blocked the passage.

"Hey! Go here!"

Captain Xiaolong immediately jumped up, and all the dragons followed him. They jumped into a cave that was almost vertical upwards. The dragons clung to the wall with their own claws and hurried up. Climb.

"Hurry... it should be able to get rid of them." The blood fog has been held by the dragon, it can clearly feel the speed of these dragons, although I have seen the dragon move quickly, but it did not expect the dragon to climb Vertical cliffs are so easy, so you should be able to get rid of those...

"Hey! Dodge!" Suddenly, the dragon team shouted and all the dragons immediately dispersed, and they jumped to the different walls of the cave, at the same time. The blood fog also noticed that the cave above had a white thing falling down.

...is a caterpillar.

It seems... intended to come straight. But the location of the dragons is exactly where they are. But as the caterpillar got closer and closer, the blood fog found that the position of the caterpillar suddenly changed, as if it had moved some way around the air in some way.

"Oh!" The caterpillar squatted directly on a dragon. It suddenly made a scream. In the eyes of the dragons, the dragon's body was pierced by caterpillars.

There are a lot of thorns on the caterpillars, but the thorns are soft... All the dragons used to think so, but this caterpillar is different from the previous ones. Its thorns pierced the dragon.

With the screams, the dragon and the caterpillar fell together to the bottom of the cave.

"...go fast!" Captain Dragon did not hesitate. Under its command, the dragons continued to climb up quickly, but more caterpillars appeared, and they fell from the cave as before. Next, aim at every dragon here.

"You have seen their movements before! Pay attention to avoiding!" Captain Dragon seems to have no plans to stop, and it continues to climb up with the remaining four dragons, and those falling down are also getting closer and closer to them. ...and the moment when the first caterpillar is about to touch the captain. The captain suddenly jumped to the side and escaped the caterpillar.

Other dragons have done the same thing. Just before the caterpillars reached them, they immediately jumped to the side to escape.

"It's really amazing..." The **** fog couldn't help but sigh again, as if they had noticed that the caterpillar had the characteristics of aiming at the target moving in the air, so this method was used for emergency avoidance. This difficult action is only in Can be done in a dream.

After avoiding more than a dozen caterpillars, no caterpillars fell on the top, and the dragons were close to the top of the cave.

After climbing out of the cave, they came to an open space, and the blood fog remembered it. This was the cave with many sea creatures.

Although it is not the location where the blood is coming down, there are also a lot of land-based sharks. They are now gathering together, licking a ... body.

The body of the body was vague and could not see what it was, and the appearance of the five dragons caught the attention of this group of land sharks.

Several landline sharks stopped eating their bodies and made a ready to attack.

The captain of the dragon did not look at them, but quickly looked around the cave and said: "There is no ambush here...somewhat strange, let's go there!"

After that, it and a few dragons quickly ran in one direction, and the several landline sharks immediately caught up, but the speed of the dragons left them behind.

"You don't want to run! I know you are still alive! You must die, you know? Go to hell!"

The blood mist suddenly heard a voice. It saw the group of land-walking sharks that followed, and the fastest one on the back... still carrying a creature that it was familiar with.

... elders.

"What is that?" Several Snapdragons also heard the sounds behind them. They turned their heads in confusion. One of them said with a puzzle: "Is that a scorpion?"

"Idiot! I am a powerful scorpion shark! Now, you are all buried in the shark's belly! Come, my troops, completely shred this group of weak scaly creatures!"

Although the elders are very loud, they are getting farther and farther away. It seems that the sharks are completely unable to catch up with the dragons.

"Don't worry about it, it's a madman." The blood fog said: "Come on, hurry away."

"It seems that you know." Captain Xiaolong said: "You are really a strange... dragon."

As the dragons ran, the elders’ screams and the sharks slowly disappeared. Nothing went wrong along the way. The blood fog was carried by the dragons, and finally they finally arrived. Like a place to export.

"It's here..." Because after a long run, the dragons all gasped, they stopped now, and looked at them together.

At the height of more than ten meters above, there is a huge hole, from which the sun shines, and the edge of the hole is covered with many green plants.

Obviously, there is the outside, and the captain of the dragon looked at it and said, "Let's take a break here, wait for us to find a way."

"You can't fly?" The **** fog looked at the dragons who were sitting on the ground. "It's better to go to rest first, don't... stay here."

Although it ran far away, the blood fog still worried that the elders didn't know where it would come from, because it seems that this happened frequently, and this time it didn't know how to control a group of sharks...

"Fly?" Captain Xiaolong said: "That has consumed energy, and the rock wall here is quite damp and smooth, it is difficult to climb up, but there are still some ways..."

"They want to bite me! They want to bite me!" The captain of the dragon had not finished, and a sound suddenly sounded in the depths of the cave. I saw... the elders ran away from afar, passing by here. It took a look at the blood fog and the dragons said: "Don't run? They bite you!"

After that, it continued to run to the distance.

"Do you know what it is doing?" asked the dragon who was holding the **** fog.

"There is a movement!" Captain Xiaolong suddenly stood up. At this time, I saw only a large group of white figures in the direction that the elders ran.

This is... those caterpillars.

They are so numerous that they look at them as if the entire cave were covered with white figures, and the ‘swordfish’ is among them.

It didn't say anything, but it made a bang, and the caterpillars around them all rushed up like crazy.

But the dragons did not escape, but they picked up their weapons.

"Oh? Why don't you run?" The blood fog asked: "They are too much!"

"There is no other export in the future." Captain Xiaolong said: "Continue to go down will only be blocked to death, we must fight here... Use the enemy's body to pile up the ladder we left! ”


All the dragons raised their weapons at the same time. The first round of shots caused the first caterpillars to fall to the ground, and they dropped the long-range weapons. They took the blade and the sword from the waist and directly greeted them. To the caterpillar group.

The dragon holding the **** head was pulling out a rope, which tied the head of the blood mist to the head, and then took out the weapon and joined the battle.

The blood fog originally wanted to call it on the ground, but it seemed to be more dangerous on the ground, so it still didn't speak.

"Oh!" The captain had already entered the caterpillar group at this time. The blade in his hand slammed out and pierced the caterpillar in front.

At this point, the other two caterpillars rushed over, and the other two dragons arrived. They fell off their hands and cut a **** wound on the caterpillar, and the two caterpillars fell. On the ground.

The caterpillars seem to be very fragile. The caterpillars here are all those with very hard hairs, but the dragons can easily pierce the weapons into the gaps of these hairs and pierce them.

As long as there is a little wound, the blood of their whole body will flow out uncontrollably, so any caterpillar can be solved with a single blow. The blood fog does not see the caterpillar emitting liquids that can crystallize the organism. They are just simple. It’s just a hairy collision.

Although there are many caterpillars here, they are like moths that rush to the flames, and fall one by one to the ground.

As the captain said, maybe these bodies can really pile up the ladder that lets them climb out...

"Oh... it seems that there is not much."

Under constant slashing, the number of caterpillars has become sparse. The five dragons are now standing together and looking at the caterpillar bodies in the ground in different directions. Although they have almost won, they still keep Highly nervous.

Because the ‘sported fish’ is still here.

It has been motionless all the time, regardless of the situation, but now it seems that because the caterpillars die too much, so they started to move... its first action is... licking the protruding eye.

‘Hey! ’

In an instant, the blood fog saw the sky... the blood fog, flying in front of it.

Ps. chasing more children's shoes, free appreciation of the ticket and the starting point of the coin there is no ah ~ 515 red envelope list countdown, I came to pull a ticket, seeking overweight and appreciation tickets, and finally rushed! (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Ling Ling ~ super smooth ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ Zhuangzi political commissar ~ the wind has been lost ~ listen to the snow ah ~ monthly ticket ~

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