4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1162: Blood flower

[Broadcast] Focus on the starting point of reading, get the first hand news of 515 red packets, students who have not robbed the red envelope after the New Year, this time can show their skills.


A piece of bright red blooms in front of the **** fog. These blood flowers are spattered to the top of the hole, and the ground is covered with the blood of the caterpillar, showing a weird color.

What caused this scene was a dragon in front of the **** fog, whose upper body almost burst open, and all the substances inside poured into it at this moment.

The dragon looked at the scene with amazement, because it happened in an instant, without any prelude... but if there is something to say, it is the ‘Blasting Fish’.

It didn't move, it just moved a little, so something happened... It is possible to say that it is a coincidence, but the blood fog feels that this is definitely related.

"There is no way to clear the target in the easiest way." At this time, the fish was opened: "So, a new solution is needed to clear it."

‘Hey! At the moment when it finished this sentence, the belly of another dragon was blown up, without warning... almost exactly the same as before.

"Hey? Hey!" The captain of the dragon looked at the two companions and it suddenly became angry. It slammed the weapon in his hand to the squid, but as before, the weapon was hitting it. I was flying out of an invisible wall before.

"Oh!" Captain Dragon had not stopped yet. It continued to take out all sorts of things from the bag in his waist and threw it at the head of the squid.

These things include some bottles, stones, crystal fragments, and a ball. They yelled as they threw: "You flee! Let me drag it!"

"No... Captain, we will fight together!" Now, including the one with **** fog, there are two dragons left, and they are not going to run away: "Even if we die, we will return. The world of pompons!"

"Hey? What is the return?" The **** fog quickly called out: "I think we are still escaping! It has a lot of weird abilities, you can't win. You must escape to tell more dragons!"

"The goal is to evacuate, so explain: You can't evacuate, you can only wait to die... continue to kill, the effect is: slow and painful."

"Oh!" The captain suddenly screamed. The hand that was throwing something exploded, and the blood like a spring splashed out from the inside and sprinkled it.

"Crash! Take the head and leave!" the captain yelled and said: "It's right, you must inform other dragons!"

"Oh... we know!" The two dragons ran quickly into the depths of the cave, but just as they had just stepped out of the pace. Two consecutive sounds sounded up.

‘嘭...嘭! After the sound, the two half-legged bodies of the two dragons fell to the ground, and the head of the blood fog rolled to the side.

"The target can't escape, it's getting more and more scared, it's very interesting." At this time, the bomber slowly climbed over to the last remaining captain, and climbed and said: "There is only the target leader, not directly killed, slow to use. And the painful way to torture."

"It's all crazy..." The blood fog is almost desperate now, and it can't move. I can only watch the captain fish slowly approaching the captain who had broken his hand.

‘Hey! A burst of sound exploded, but this blood fog did not see any blood splashing, it was because ... the captain rolled aside at the moment, and it was in a position where there was a stream of air.

"Oh... your powerless attack is just that..." the captain said: "If you pay careful attention, you can still avoid it."

"The struggling goal tries to surprise me, and I must surprise it." The squid continued to speak to the captain in the language of the emerald dragon, and slowly continued to approach the captain. It didn't seem to be anxious, and the captain did not Do any action and watch it carefully in the place.

‘Hey! Suddenly, the captain rolled again next to him. Once again, I evaded an explosion that should have exploded on its feet.

Regardless of whether the fish is surprised or not, the blood fog is very surprising... The captain can actually avoid this invisible attack twice, not knowing how it is judged, but it does not make sense. Even if the captain is completely escaping, it will not hurt the fish, and will slowly lose blood and die...

Suddenly, the captain said to the bomber: "You... why didn't you kill me directly?"

“There is a need for torture and ill-treatment.” The squid said: “The reason is not to explain anything to the target.”

"In this case, then you don't have to explain it... let's die." The captain immediately jumped back after saying this... At the same time, the blood fog heard a burst of sound from the underground. It seems to be in the earthquake.

"The goal is to make senseless rebellions and threats, so I will proceed..."

‘Hey! The words of the fish were not finished yet, and the ground beneath it slammed open. A huge creature rushed out of the ground and instantly slammed the fish out.

The blood fog recognizes the creature that rushes out. It is a huge creature called ‘fog worm.’ This worm represents an extreme danger to the emerald dragon and will appear here.

"It's okay..." The captain quickly ran to the **** fog, grabbed its head with one hand, and then cut something from his body and tied it to the head of the **** fog: "Although fuel Almost exhausted, but letting you fly so light things, it should be no problem..."

"You..." The blood fog felt like he had a lot to say, but suddenly he didn't know what to say.

"I just licked the thing that bombed the fish. There is a pheromone of the fog worm that can be used to attract them... although not necessarily every time, but the key time can save lives." Captain Dragon, panting, blood loss Let it faint, but it still lifts the blood fog: "If you can live to see other dragons, tell them everything that happened here..."

After saying this, Captain Xiaolong fell to the ground, and the blood fog felt a strong force pushing it, letting it fly high to the exit of the cave...


But it did not fly to the exit, but hit the edge of the exit cave. It seemed that the flying object was not strong enough, causing the angle of the flight to bend a lot.

Now the flight power has completely disappeared, and the blood fog feels that he is falling back into the cave.

"It's over... everything..."

The desperate feeling of blood fog filled my mind, but suddenly it felt like a body, as if something had caught it and dragged it out of the hole.

Ps. chasing more children's shoes, free appreciation of the ticket and the starting point of the coin is still not ah ~ 515 red envelope list countdown, I came to pull a ticket, seeking plus and appreciation tickets, and finally rushed! (~^~)

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