4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1163: From afar

[The latest broadcast] Tomorrow is 515, the beginning of the anniversary, the most welfare day. ● Hey, in addition to the gift bag, this time the 515 red envelopes must be seen, the red envelopes do not grab the truth, set the alarm clock ~

"The final decision, you will be retained."

Here is a vast underground space, the blood fog is now with a... the creature is working together.

This creature was the creature that was previously considered to be a 'snack fish'.

However, it is no longer like a fish, because it has the relationship of the minced meat, it looks like a mixture of fish and Snapdragon. It stands like two dragons. It's got it, and it has an arm, but it still has a dorsal fin on its back, and its tail and head look like fish.

So, it should now be called... 骸 arowana, or it can be simply called a dragon fish or a dragon scorpion.

Although the blood fog wants to call it this way, it tells the name of the population of the blood fog. In the Emerald Dragon language, it calls itself ‘starting mirror’.

“Our population shape is not fixed, it is almost always changed according to the shape of the local creatures.” This head looks like the 'starting mirror' of the fish and Snapdragon polymer, telling the blood fog: “This can be quickly Adapt to the local environment..."

"..." The blood fog did not answer. It is now standing with the ‘starting mirror’... on a disc-shaped crystal object floating in the air.

Looking down, you can see a large group of dense caterpillars, and here is also one of their bases. These caterpillars seem to work tirelessly and continuously.

They are pushing a piece of square crystals that push the combination of crystals together and secrete mucus bonds, seemingly building the building.

"What are they doing..." The blood fog is still a head, but it can see the situation below because the disc below it is transparent.

"They are preparing..." The 'starting mirror' standing next to the **** fog said: "Now you see these... you think it is a caterpillar creature... it can be said that we are 'handymen', they will be Here we have everything that makes our main force come here, and now it is almost ready."

"..." The blood fog did not speak, it remembered the previous situation...

Before the captain of the dragon let it fly out. But it didn't work. It hit the edge of the exit cave and was pulled by something.

The blood fog thought that he might be saved, and later discovered that he was pulling his own thing... it was a caterpillar. It was originally outside the exit cave that many caterpillars had been there waiting for an ambush.

As a result, the blood fog was caught again. When he came back, it found that the bomb that had been hit by the fog worm had caught the minced meat on the ground. And the foggy worm turned into a big piece of crystal.

After eating the minced meat, the shellfish slowly turned into a half-long and half-fish, and told the blood fog that it would be preserved because it was very special, so they decided not to kill the blood, but the blood fog also had a chance. Seeing them... a lot of things.

At the same time, it tells the blood fog to call itself a 'starting mirror', which is also the name of their entire population.

"That has been assembled."

When the blood fog came to mind, the beginning mirror suddenly said to it. The blood mist found that the group of caterpillars underneath was assembled into a huge circle with a diameter of more than 30 meters with a large amount of crystals.

In the caterpillar adhesion, these crystals have no gaps at all, and it seems that they are originally one.

Suddenly, the blood fog found that this huge circular crystal surface was somewhat...shaking, like the fluctuations in the water surface. There is a very weird feeling...


Along with the undulations and a low roar, the blood fog saw a huge object rising slowly from the circular crystal.

The object looks like a huge spider, but with only four legs, it is made entirely of crystals, and its foot diameter is close to thirty meters. The height is close to ten meters.

‘Hey! After this thing floated out of the circular crystal, its left side glowed with dazzling light, and as one burst of sound blew, the blood mist saw a thing that seemed to be a light ball flying in rapid burst.

The ball of light hit the east side of the base space. The rock wall with a length of nearly 60 meters is smashed in an instant, and a deep hole without a bottom is also formed after the smashed rock wall.

The walls of the caves that were bombarded were covered with a layer of crystals, making the entire cave look like a crystal cave that existed very early. Only the creatures and blood fog here know... this cave was just blown up like this, The explosion does not seem to have only a powerful power, but it can also cover the entire area of ​​the explosion.

A large number of caterpillars poured into the cave that was blown out. They pushed everything in and crawled in, as if they were going to build something in it.

"Oh... this is..." The **** fog looked at the sight in front of him. It only saw something similar in the dream...

"This is our underground base development device, and sometimes it is also used as a weapon. They will calculate the position when bombardment, so they will not collapse the bottom... No."

At the beginning of the mirror, he spoke next to the blood fog. Its words sounded 'gentle', and some time ago, it was still a fish-like appearance to catch the blood fog and the dragons. It used no emotions. In the tone, this creature is quite weird, so the blood fog thinks that these moods may be pretending, and its true feelings don't know what it is.

"Where are you coming from? Why do you want to do this?" The blood fog said to the beginning mirror: "This will lead to..."

"I told you before, we have to completely crystallize this world." The beginning mirror said: "Do you know your world history?"

"History?" The **** fog asked: "What does this have to do?"

"You didn't seriously listen to what I said before..." Shimian said: "This world... A long time ago, there was a creature living here."

"They are called 'crystals' by you. They are a fairly widespread organism. However, they are not so advantageous compared to other species here." The beginning mirror said: "But there is a part of the crystal. The bacteria have reached other worlds for some reason, and they have shown great advantages there."

“Are you in another world?” The blood fog wondered: “How did crystal bacteria go to other worlds? They are so small...”

"As long as there is enough patience for the void environment and hunger and thirst, then this creature can reach anywhere in the void... Although this is the case, the original reason is not very clear, we are preparing to investigate here." The beginning mirror said: “After the crystals have arrived in the new world, the environment there gives them ample advantage.”

"Their characteristics have allowed crystallization to spread in that world, and soon the whole world has turned into a crystallization, and so is the creatures there," said the mirror.

"The world of crystallization... yes, you have mentioned it before!" Blood Mist said: "But why do you crystallize our world?"

"You can wait for me to finish asking questions..." The first mirror said: "The creatures of the world began to develop on their own under the influence of crystallization... They developed an extremely rich crystalline ecology, and we are in all crystalline organisms. Among the fastest growing populations."

"Our ancestors used crystallization to make a lot of things. Their efforts made us climb to the top. We later began to study the history of the world and found many things..." The beginning mirror said: "We found our world crystallized." The reason, so..."

“So I found it here?” The **** fog said: “But how did you find this place? It should be far away...”

Although the blood fog knows little about the knowledge of the void, it knows a little. It knows that the world and the world are far apart.

"We think crystal bacteria come from far away, but we really don't know where they come from until we know that... great creatures."

"What great creature?" asked the blood fog.

"It's hard to understand its greatness..." The first mirror said: "In short, it tells us that there are things about crystal bacteria, so we know that crystal bacteria are from this world, so we need to get it, let this The world is completely crystallized."

"Why do you know that crystal bacteria are from this world, you have to crystallize the world?" The blood fog said: "This is totally unreasonable. What good is it for you?"

"You can make a guess." The beginning mirror said: "We have a lot of needs. Crystallizing this world is quite a wonderful thing for us... but I won't tell you the main reason."

"Why? Is it afraid that I will go back and tell my companions?" The blood fog asked: "I have only one head left. Are you afraid of this?"

"Although I don't want to say this, your population is quite weak." The beginning mirror said: "You are still using simple materials and tools to construct weapons and buildings..."

"You probably shouldn't think so." The **** fog said: "Then you will regret it."

"In any case, we are all fully prepared." Shijing looked down and said: "From a long time ago we let these Spikes... that is, caterpillars work here, they have done a lot to the world. The test, now we think the test is almost over."

"Now we will go all out into your world, and then a few more... Staying up late, your world will be completely crystallized, and your population, as long as we obey us, will live in the crystal world of their dreams, as opposed Our ... has already said before." When the first mirror said, the blood fog noticed that the huge circular crystal on the ground appeared again... fluctuations, a large number of the mirrors of the state of the amoeba from the inside Slowly rise...

At the beginning of ps.5.15, the red envelope is raining! At 12 o'clock in the afternoon, I will grab a round every hour. A big wave of 515 red packets will be lucky. You all go grab, grab the starting currency and continue to subscribe to my chapter! (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ madman died ~ 10000!

Thanks ~ madman is dead ~ venique ~ listen to the snow ah ~ thousands of miles of wine town ~ monthly ticket ~ sf0916

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