4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1165: How to tell the same kind

"Tell your class, tell all the green dragons, those idiots with very low intelligence want to crystallize the world, and let them know the stupid consequences!"

This is the last sentence the elders left for the blood.

Then, the blood fog was thrown on the street...

Accurately speaking, this is not normal... Street, this is the border of the Emerald Dragon Kingdom. There is only one road with rare dragons and smoke, and the road is densely forested on both sides.

The blood fog is very much like the elders bring it back to the city... No, it is to go to the healers of the dragon to go for treatment, and then go back after growing up.

But the elders ignored the requirements, just threw it here and flew away.

But in fact, the elders are willing to take it out of the underground base where the crystal monsters are everywhere. It is incredible.

During the period they came out, they suffered a lot of caterpillar attacks, but because the elders can fly, it is easier to avoid them.

They did not suffer any ‘starting’ attacks at all, and occasionally saw them on the way out, but it seemed that they had no idea of ​​attacking at all, just watching them.

Blood fog thinks that the creatures called the beginnings should be completely...look at them, don't take them too seriously, so they let them go...this just gives them the opportunity to prepare.

Those beginnings must pay for it...

Although I think so, the blood fog does not know what to do now, and the roadside can easily eat it with a small jade.

"Oh ah! There is a head here!"

Suddenly, the blood fog heard a scream. I saw two emerald dragons coming in front of it. These two emerald dragons are wearing leather clothes, one looks very old, the other is very young, and they are holding an obtuse-horned dragon carrying a large amount of goods behind them. It seems to be trading with Xiaolong. The old emerald dragon is scared by the head of the **** fog. A big jump, an emerald dragon immediately turned around and pulled the obtuse-horned dragon to try to get around here.

"Wait a minute!" and another young jade dragon is calmer. It went to the head of the **** fog and said: "This head is so strange."

"What's so strange in the head!" cried the old emerald dragon: "Go away! There is a head here that there are fierce creatures nearby, and may not have gone far, and will not be attacked if you don't run!"

"No." The young jade dragon was still beside the head of the **** fog. It looked at the head of the blood fog carefully: "...this head is... still alive!"

"Hey? How can the head be alive!" The old Jade Dragon has pulled the obtuse-horned dragon to the side and said: "Hurry up, it's dangerous. If you don't leave, you will be thrown here!"

"Oh oh..." The young emerald dragon stood up reluctantly, but after a second it collapsed and picked up the head of the **** fog before he caught up with the old emerald dragon.

The old Emerald Dragon did not see it licking his head, just hurrying in front of him.

The blood mist was caught in the hands of the young emerald dragon. It is mainly hesitant to talk to them...

It feels that the current Jade Dragon sees its reaction is likely to ignore its words, and then take it to sell, in fact, most of the jade dragons do this when they get rare things, they are able to get This is the top priority for shells.

But this young emerald dragon looks just young, it just follows its father to do business, and may not know what to do when getting rare items or creatures. And this young dragon. They all like it quite...dream world.

So, the blood fog thought of a method that would allow it to inform all Jade Dragons about things about the beginning.

"Hey, you!" The blood mist said to the young dragon holding it with a small voice.

"Hey?" The young dragon was shocked, but it was just a look of surprise and didn't make a big noise. It looked at the old emerald dragon and said to the **** fog: "I think it's right, you Sure enough, but why are you talking?"

The blood fog said in a low voice: "I am a legendary head with a strong soul boarding..."

"Strong soul?" The young dragon suddenly widened his eyes. The **** fog continues to say: "My soul is now imprisoned in this head. I was originally from the dream world. I hope to return to the dream world to regain my freedom... If you can help me achieve it, Then I can give you the most powerful equipment as a reward."

“Oh oh oh?” Young Dragon said with amazement: “Is this true? Can you give me the same weapon as the legendary Master of Blood Mist? It’s the legendary 'Broken Blade’ !"

"Of course, I can give you an identical weapon." The blood fog said: "As long as you let me return to the world of dreams."

"Great! Oh, oh!" The young dragon was excited and said: "Then it is a word, I will connect you to the world of dreams when I return home."

Sure enough, it is a young dragon... so that the blood fog can be broadcast in a dream, and all the dragons will know that there is something about the beginning, and they can prepare for it.

"What are you doing there?" The old Emerald Dragon suddenly turned his head and asked.

"Nothing, chat with the turkey dragon." The young dragon quickly hid his head behind him and said with a smile: "How long does it take to get home?"

"You are not... forget it." Old Jade Dragon saw at a glance that the young dragon had something to glare at himself, but it did not care so much, and continued to say: "Wait a minute, we don't go home directly, we have to go to the square." Participate in an event that will gather a lot of dragons, and we will sell them there."

"Oh? No, I have to go home first! I am already tired!" The young dragon immediately protested.

The old emerald dragon suddenly angered: "Do not be willful! Have a shell to have a home, understand?"

The young dragon whispered weakly: "But those dragons have no shells and homes..."

"They are them, the pterosaurs will fly, you are..." The old emerald dragon still wants to say something, but it quickly changed his mind: "Hey! We are here!"

I saw the figure of a city not far from the front of the road. The city is full of towering rock buildings, and there are many strange trees with twists and turns in the buildings.

These trees are actually buildings. The blood fog has heard of this city. It is called 'Neilin City'. As the name suggests, there are forests in the city. These trees are the seeds of the Emerald Dragon to the Dragon. Out of it, many emerald dragons want to have a living tree like their dragon as their house.

But these trees are difficult to grow. At present, no seeds grow into huge trees, and they can only grow into singular trees. But the jade dragons have not removed them, but let them continue to grow in the city, so that there are Such a jungle scenery.

The old emerald dragon involved the obtuse-horned dragon into the city. There are many dragons walking in the streets of the city. Most of them are moving in one direction, that is, the central square of the city.

The blood fog has also been heard. Recently, the city has to hold an event... It seems that it has not returned to the dream so quickly. Although it is anxious but **** fog has no way. It feels too much to talk to the old emerald dragon. adventure.

The other party will definitely not believe it, and it is likely to sell it here...

Soon, the old Jade Dragon also came to the square. There is a big square in Neil City. In the square, the Longshan Longhai has been gathered. The old Jade Dragon can only walk to the edge of the square with an obtuse-horned dragon. It began to remove the things on the back of the obtuse-horned dragon and began preparations. It first took down several boxes and piled them together, and then placed various bottles and cans next to them.

The young dragon put the blood fog on the stacked boxes, and then went to help the old emerald dragon.

"At least I see it very clearly here."

Because the boxes piled up high, the blood fog could see the situation in the square.

There is a high platform in the square, and there are several large objects covered by white cloth on the high platform, which looks like a statue.

"Welcome everyone to participate in this event!" An emerald dragon stood on the high platform and said: "Today, at this moment, many cities are holding this event, because today is our great king for... Victory in war Day! Now...we have invited General Ebril to play!"

"Oh ah!" cheered up in the large group of emerald dragons below. In their cheers, a jade dragon with a lot of scars on his face and body went up to the high platform.

"Although we are living a peaceful life now! But we must not forget the wars that have happened. We must remember those opponents who have fought with us, let the blood and anger remain in our thoughts! Now, let's take a look, those Let's have a huge threat to us!"

"Oh oh oh oh!"

The dragon, known as General Ebril, walked under a statue, and it grabbed the white cloth of the statue and yanked it open. The original face of the statue suddenly appeared.

That is a... dragon.

"This is Bai Xiaolong, our ancient enemies! When our ancestors were on a distant continent, they once caused a serious threat to us, but the great king led us to defeat them!" General Ebril finished shooting. Clapping, suddenly the statue banged into countless dust.

"Oh! This is our original glory! Our king is the greatest! For the king! Sell the dragon seeds and make sure that you can plant the tree house!"

The emerald dragons on the scene boiled up, and General Ebril showed a satisfied smile, and then it continued to walk to other statues.

The Jade Dragon here is very excited. In addition to the blood fog, in addition to looking at the square, it has always looked at the sky.

"It seems... there is something close." (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Hubble Telescope~'s reward~

Thanks ~ the anti-day cheetah ~ Zhuangzi political commissar ~ idle mother ~ really no choice ah ~ monthly ticket ~

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