4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1166: festival

"The next one is... 骸龙, they are our old enemies, our ancestors have had many battles with them, but now we have peaceful coexistence! In the future we will move towards perfect unity!"

The huge white cloth was opened, and in the center of the square was a statue dominated by two dragons, standing together in a posture that represents peace. Oh,

"Oh ah! Peace is the highest! Unity is the best! They made me take a lot of crystal! I like dragons the most! But they didn't plant anything when they sold my seeds last time. I don't know if it's a liar... What? My kind comes out!"

After another burst of cheers, General Ebril headed for the next statue, then yanked the white cloth of the statue, and suddenly a huge, spiral object appeared.

"This is a powerful species that we once again defeated. It is called..." General Ebril said that he suddenly stopped... It turned to look at the spiral statue and then shouted at the back of the statue: "That, come over."

"Hey? Come here!" A dragon dressed in construction clothes ran out behind the statue. It said to the general: "General, are you calling me?"

"What happened to this statue? Why don't I know?" General Ebril said: "Are you mistaken the statue?"

"No, no, how can a big statue be mistaken..." The dragon said quickly: "And this statue is not made by us. We are only responsible for carrying it. This statue is called... this, that..." After talking for a while, it took out a square stone piece from the bag in the waist and looked at it and said: "Hey! This is called a spiral creature."

"...well, I also thought that it should be called this. In the end, tell me the name in advance, don't make this mistake again." General Ebril took a look at the dragon and continued to walk to the edge of the high platform. The group of emerald dragons said: "This is the legendary spiral creature! It has the power of horrible horror, commanding a large group of silver armor and eccentric machinery to fight. In that battle, we got the legendary blood fog. The guide of the first generation of the master won the victory!"

When General Ebril finished, he clap his hands and suddenly slammed. The statue of the spiral creature was also turned into pieces.

"Oh oh oh oh oh! I love the Lord of the Blood! It is the hero of all dragons!"

"So, the next thing is this creature! Please cover the eyes of the young emerald dragon, because it compares... scare the dragon!" General Ebril slammed off the white cloth, and a statue of a six-legged creature suddenly showed up. .

"This is a creature called ... a virtual creature! It is said that they come from a very distant void, and we feel that we are very low races want to destroy us!" General Ebril said: "But they can only Frustrated and fled. Because they have provoked the most horrible insects in the world! And we have also achieved outstanding results in their battles, so I am here to commemorate!"

"Oh! It’s too ugly! Are the creatures in the void so ugly? I have seen this creature! Yes, I saw it on the dock last time. It also talked to me and saw it close. I almost vomited."

"Quiet, it’s going to blow now." General Ebril patted his hands. Like the last time, the statue collapsed, but after the debris of the statue flew, there was a figurine intact inside.

General Ebriel said: "There is a virtual people who are closely related to us. It has become our friend. It is said that in the recent war, we have helped our great ancestor king to win. You can occasionally I saw it in the city, so we also set up its statue to commemorate its friendship with us."

This figurine is also like a virtual creature. It is just a body image. Its face is like a jade dragon. It is almost no different from the emerald dragon.

"This is much better. Right. Right. No, the last time I saw that was not so good. Anyway. The memorial statue should be beautiful."

"Then is our latest war. In this war, the great ancestor king led us to the poles and defeated a wonderful monster! This monster is called the brain spirit. They control A group of people are more than the imaginary people... that, the creatures of Atlan are fighting us!"

Said, General Ebril is ready to pull down the white cloth of the last statue...

'boom! ’

The white cloth had not been pulled down, and the whole statue was turned into a dust, and it fell on the ground.

"Hey?" General Ebril suddenly shouted: "Is responsible for the explosion, what is going on? I haven’t clap my hands yet?"

"This is not our business!" suddenly opened the mouth on the ground of the high platform. Inside, there was an emerald dragon crawling out: "This...not us fried."

"What? It's not how you will blow it up?" General Ebril angered. "I haven't shown it yet. You have destroyed the whole good holiday event... What is this?"

General Ebril suddenly found that there was a shadow at the foot of it. It looked around in confusion. It found that the shadow was quite large and almost obscured the entire square.

"Oh! Look at the sky!"

I don't know which Jade Dragon screamed, and all the emerald dragons in the room suddenly looked into the sky.

Above the sky, a huge, conical crystal floats there, its length is more than 60 meters, and its shape also shields the sky from the sun.

There are also many crystal discs with a diameter of more than two meters around it. Each crystal disc has a ... half-fish and half-dragon creatures, which look like fish heads and dragons. Only their skin and crystals are generally shiny and seem to be completely crystallized.

“There is a biological population called “Jade Dragon” here... We came here from a distant world.” A loud voice spread throughout the square.

"Now, we are going to start crystallization this place, then the whole world! You can choose to promise us and join our plan so that you can live in a shining world with countless crystals, or else you will be extinct."

"Is it a statue that smashes us? A lot of crystals... a lot of shells... a myriad of crystals that shine in the world? That's great! Stupid, if you crystallize too much, you won't have a muddy shell! They are What? Is the dragon and shark hybrid born?"

The jade dragons are talking about it, but no one says to join them.

"Biological creatures from afar?" and General Ebril looked at the sky and said loudly: "Want to destroy us? Have you heard my introduction just now? You will soon become the latest statue!" To be continued.)

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