4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1175: Ground and sky

"Why do you still have to fight? Why do you have to work hard at the moment you are dying?"

"Hey! Do you think we will admit defeat? We will fight to the last moment!"

Under the stars of the night, several emerald dragons are standing together, surrounded by almost innumerable crystal creatures, and even more than a dozen large crystal spiders, but...

"We are not afraid! For our country, we will fight to the last moment!"

The jade dragons picked up the weapons in their hands and made the loudest screams, rushing to the surrounding crystal creatures...

Then they are stabbed to death. △↗,


Debris, stones, wrecks... These things are covered with this place that was once called the city.

Now, it can only be called ruins.

The sun's rays illuminate the ground, and the crystallized creatures that sway in the ruins reflect the sparkling light. These various crystallized objects have completely covered the entire surface, but they are not wandering aimlessly.

Most of the crystalline organisms are clustered next to the huge crystals on the ground.

These huge crystals descended from the sky, and the original building was crushed and then tied to the ground, and the surrounding creatures appeared from these crystals.

These creatures... they reversed the battle.

In the previous battles, the Emerald Dragons’ forces had pushed the crystallized troops out of the city and concentrated on attacking the crystal giant spiders.

But at this time, the city has been full of huge crystals falling from the sky. After reaching a certain number, these crystals begin to emit strange light, and then a large group of crystallized creatures constantly emerge from the crystals and begin to Attack the Emerald Dragon's troops.

Under the two sides of the attack, the emerald dragon's ground forces were in trouble, and the sky's boat troops were also hit.

Because what appears in the crystallization is not just crystalline organisms, but also the huge crystalline giant spiders whose raids caused several ships to fall directly, and the remaining ships had to retreat from here.

The metal vessels in the sky are slowly flying. Now they have only ten ships left, half the number less than the original... because in the case of being attacked, the blood fog has no way to operate them to avoid all attacks.

In the case of last resort, the blood fog can only be ordered to retreat. Most of the residents in the city are hiding in the underground safe area, and can leave the city through the tunnel, but the troops on the ground are almost completely destroyed.

Therefore, the blood fog is going to meet the forces of the 'Capital'. It feels that it is necessary to gather more troops to fight these crystallized creatures.

“These things are in large numbers in the city. The number is much more than in the past...”

Now, the blood fog is also looking at the situation in many cities on the map. Compared with the previous situation, it seems that the situation is much worse. Many cities have been able to resist the attack before, but now they are all falling.

Because the number of troops at the beginning suddenly began to increase a lot, and it seems that there are still many large arms.

This caused many of the Emerald Dragon cities to fall, which gave the blood fog an idea.

Before the blood fog was considered to be the large force of the Inca group at the beginning of the attack, so there is not much military force to attack the Emerald Dragon City, but now this is because ... ... Inca group did not completely suppress the beginning of the situation. So did they have a lot of extra troops to invade the Jade Dragon?

However, the blood fog is not clear about the actual situation...


Suddenly, the blood fog looked doubtfully into the air, and there was a flash of light in the air. It seemed that something had exploded.

But what exactly is that?

............ At the same time, on the other side............

This place is extremely cold, without any air, because... it is in the void.

Dozens of huge crystals float here.

They are hundreds of meters in length and look like volcanoes. They are aiming the position of the 'crater' below, which is the direction of the land.

The North Continent is unobstructed under these heights, and no matter where it is on any corner of the land, it cannot escape its attack range. These huge crystals can easily hit any area on the ground to erase life on the ground.

But they don't do it now because they face some very threatening enemy groups.

‘Hey! The brilliance of the explosion bloomed on the side of a 'crystallized volcano'. The energy of the explosion caused a part of its body to be scattered directly into numerous pieces, which were like meteor showers spilling over the world below.

The crystal volcano also receded at high speed, and its 'front' was a few giant worms flying towards it.

It looks like a beetle. With a length of more than 60 meters, the body is full of metallic cyan rays, and the flames in the tail make these giant bugs fly at a very high speed.

The two beetles rushed toward the crystal volcano, which was faster than the volcano, but there was a lot of things blocking them between the roads.

These things are disc-shaped, and the species called the originate are on a disc of two to three meters in diameter, and they release their attacks against the flying beetles.


The beetle, surrounded by the group of the beginnings, continued to make a continuous sound, as if it had been hit by countless barrage, but did not see any flying objects.

The speed of the huge beetle slowed down, and there was a crack in the flooded outer shell, and the crystallized volcano in the distance took advantage of this opportunity to aim the crater again on the ground.




"Oh! What is that!"

The scream of the Jade Dragon suddenly appeared in the hearing of the blood fog, and it saw a dazzling beam of light descending from the sky and shining directly toward their fleet.

Almost without hesitation, the blood fog immediately operated, and all the ships immediately dispersed in different directions, and the huge light column hit the position where the fleet was originally located.

The bright light of 'Banglong' obscures the view of the blood fog. The blood fog feels that the ship where it is located seems to be caught in the hurricane. It sways in the air, and the screams of the soldiers on the deck are fleeting. It seems that all of them are instantly He flew out.

What the blood fog can do is to stabilize the ship with the utmost effort and pray that it will not hit the ground or anything that would cause the ship to destroy before it stabilizes.


‘Boom! ’

At the same time, the brilliance of the explosion also bloomed in the air. In the void, the giant beetle attacked by the origin began to spread the coleoptera on his back. Under the coleoptera, what was visible was not the thin thin wings like ordinary beetles. It is countless creeping creatures.


‘Hey! ’

These worms opened their mouths and fired objects like fireballs that flew into the surrounding group.

Then, the strong explosion of light bloomed, and these moments were swallowed up by the explosion, and the protection on them slightly triggered, but only let them live for a little while.

It is far from enough to save their lives.

Countless beginnings are turned into pieces in the air, and the two beetles continue to charge forward with a cracked outer shell. Their goal...the crystal volcano is getting closer and closer.

‘Hey! ’

A beam of light re-emerged from the 'crater', but this time it was not toward the ground, but toward the two beetles.

After the light passed, a beetle had completely disappeared, but the other beetle still flew away, and it reached the front of the volcano.

‘Booming! ’

The beetle opened its coleoptera again, and a large number of worms emerged from it. They twirled and flew in the void, and also fired countless fireballs on the crystallized volcano.

Under the storm-like barrage, the protection of the surface of the crystalline volcano continued to flash, while the huge beetle jerked and rushed toward the target with the rain of the barrage.

‘ booming’

The brilliance of the explosion seems to be visible on the ground.

Protection is turned into a powder at this moment, as is the whole crystal volcano. It and the beetles and countless worms will be sprayed together as meteor showers to the earth.

Although it is spectacular and has a lethal effect, it is much less harmful than the light beam that was fired before the volcano.

In the void above the northern continent, such battles continue.

There are a total of seventeen crystalline volcanoes that are far apart from each other, so there is no joint effort to fight, but there are countless beginnings around each volcano to protect them.

The beetles attacked different volcanoes in groups of two or three. In fact, most of them have not succeeded, and the battle is deadlocked.

Some volcanoes are constantly retreating to avoid, some attract more powerful units as guardians, others are converging with their companions, and if their volcanoes are crowded together, their firepower is quite scary.

In the face of such opponents, the swarm must also have more reinforcements on the ground to the battlefield.

The emerald dragon on the ground did not know the things in the sky. They thought that all the enemy troops were on the ground, but in any case, the ground and the sky were fighting very fiercely.

This is a full-scale invasion. The army of the beginning is constantly flowing into the world from afar. The various creatures in this world are also actively participating in the battle against them.

But there are also some creatures that keep watching...

"Why don't you join the battle? Isn't this your world? Don't you worry about destroying your world?"

“This is only a small part of their entire population. You should know that they have a very large country in the original world. If they continue to flood in, they will drown your world.”

These words are said by the group of creatures within the transpiration.

Lin’s response to it is simple: “...no.” (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ six forced ~ idle mother ~ darkildat ~ river crab can not eat ~ monthly ticket ~ sf0916

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