4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1176: Little research

"This creature doesn't seem to have the usual ... 'feelings'."

"They won't roll."

"But they can become things that will roll, although they usually don't."

Somewhere in the world of pompoms, two white creatures are carefully staring at the image.

In the image, there is a creature of half a dragon and a half fish. This creature has a dragon body and a fish face. Although it has a mixed appearance, it does not have the characteristics of both.

For example, it does not use sputum or other respiratory organs to breathe. In fact, it does not need oxygen in the world at all. As for the internal structure, there is no cell.

It is the same as the creatures of this world, I am afraid it only has the appearance and its sound.

These are two white creatures...the things that Maya and the Master have studied before, they are not currently involved in the battle, but they have gotten a lot of things in the battle, such as this 'starting'.

"What do you want to do? Want me to tell you about our intelligence? Want to study me? It doesn't make sense at all. You can't get any useful news, you can't get anything."

The beginning was trapped in a room, but it didn't seem to be afraid at all, and it was talking there in a calm tone.

'Snapped! Suddenly, a sharp object emerged from the small hole in the roof, and they instantly hit the shoulder of the beginning and penetrated deeply.

"Do you want me to feel pain? It's useless, I don't feel the pain you think, and I won't reveal any news to you because of the pain. You can kill me. But it's completely useless. ""

From the beginning, I saw a lot of words on the shoulder that I was tied to, and it was obvious that it did not care at all.

"It seems that the protection has been removed." The instructor looked at the beginning of the picture on the other side of the picture: "But I don't know when it was lifted."

"Yes, it didn't even roll over the ground, it's too suspicious."

"You can't be serious. Don't say this meaningless every time."

“I’ve been quite serious all the time, whether it’s scrolling or detecting things that don’t roll!”

"..." The instructor did not continue to talk about it, but remembered what had happened.

The beginning is a layer of protection. This kind of protection can be activated instantly, and it can resist some attacks. The most preliminary estimate is that the instructor thinks that this is a kind of protection method that uses tiny substances to make shields.

It may also be an energy, the epidermis of the origin can trigger the start of the protection, so that the protection is formed in the body centimeter, and the specific situation needs to be studied.

So they caught a beginning, and when they caught it, this thing would start to protect. There are also some special attacks.

This type of attack should be similar to protection. It can gather some kind of explosive material or energy in a place close to the body, causing an explosion.

But after catching it, it has no protection and will not attack anything, so it does not use the attack to open the room. Nor did it block the sharp needle that hit it.

As for the internal environment of the beginning. It’s quite amazing.

The instructor studied the body of the beginning, and its body is mainly composed of a very fine crystal-like particles, which can be reorganized and dispersed at will, which is why they are now half-dragon and half-fish.

They have an analytical function in the body that analyzes the nuclear information in the cells of the meat that is eaten, reorganizes the crystal particles based on the nuclear information, and turns itself into a state similar to the creature.

Moreover, they are not only similar in appearance, but also able to imitate personality, such as this origin. It is imitated according to the character of the Jade Dragon, so it is similar to the individual creature in its way of speaking and dealing with things.

But does the origin itself have the same 'feelings' as the individual creatures... The chieftains are biased to think that they are not, even though they are attacking the emerald dragons... and the dragons are there for a long time to let them join Ask them what to discuss, but these are the ways in which the imitation of the biological character is born, not their own ideas.

Why are they doing this? Maybe I want to let the local creatures feel close to them. The instructor is not clear about the detailed reasons, but they are just like the emerald dragon in character and dialogue. As for the life habits of the emerald dragon, the beginning is Not at all understood.

It was only after the beginning that the ancients learned about the usual way of life of the jade dragon, so they made a lot of mistakes when trying to recruit the jade dragon.

"So we should put ‘that’ in.” At this moment, Maya suddenly said: “Since they are imitating the character of the green little dinosaurs, they may feel quite fearful when facing it.”

“It?” the sergeant questioned: “Who are you talking about?”

‘Hey! ‘Maya poked the picture, and there was a fat creature with a long, pointed leg and a big mouth.

"Do you dare to put me here? I will bite you all!" The creature is standing in the same room as the beginning, it is screaming at the picture, as if it is clear to the Master and Maya looked at it on the side of the picture.

"It’s not necessarily effective to make a brain..." the instructor said: "But you can try it."

After that, the instructor also poked the picture, and then opened a hole in the brain, and it fell into the hole.

At the same time, a hole was opened at the top of the room at the beginning of the scene, and the brains were dropped from the roof.

"As soon as I came out! I saw something that I could bite!" The brain-creating screamed at it as soon as he saw the beginning.

The beginning of the situation immediately rolled on the spot, it escaped the attack of making brains, and retreated to the corner.

"Does it escape?" The priest looked at the scene with some wonder. Before they experimented on this origin, it did not do any evasion. Now it is hiding.

"It's rolling!" Maya said: "It rolled away the fear of death!"

"...this means that it is still afraid of death." The instructor said: "It should be like this. Before it thought it was an important test item, so we would not kill it, so it deliberately did not resist, let us think it Not afraid of death... But at the moment when the brains are biting at it, it thinks it will really die, so it can only dodge if it is forced to do so."

"If you say this, you can still force it to do something with the fear of death..." (To be continued.)

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