4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1178: go with


A wooden box flies forward quickly, and its goal is precisely at the center of the warehouse, which is forcing the beginning of a ‘normal scorpion’.

'Snapped! At the moment before the box hit the target, it suddenly ran into a transparent wall, and it turned into countless pieces of wood, scattered with the dried meat in the box.

"Hidden creatures." The beginning turned his head and looked at the two biologists who had just thrown boxes at it and the robbers.

"There is no such thing in the intelligence. It seems that there are many things we don't expect in this world." The beginning did not immediately attack, but said to scholars and robbers: "You also belong to the world's creatures. Group?"

"They seem to really know very little." The scholar said: "Why not do a good investigation?"

"At least better than some creatures." The robbers said: "There is not much to know about the beginnings. As far as I know, they only know a few creatures in the world."

"The dragons and emerald dragons living on this continent, as well as the dwarfs living on the other side of the sea, and some on the island... Baijilong and Moss." The robbers said: "They think these are the world." All the 'intellectual creatures' on the list just know so much. They think that the dragon and the emerald dragon are the biggest threats, so they chose this place as the invasion."

The scholar asked: "So, do they know about the worm group and Lin?"

"Obviously the thing that tricked them into here didn't say so much to them." The robbers said: "If not a world that is far weaker than its own, how can they be willing to invade?"

The scholar said: "But I think they are quite powerful. At least bombing here in the void."

"Yes. They can also be bombarded in the void." The robbers said: "Catch it now, then go to a more detailed question, go."

“You let me go?” the scholar said: “Don't you want to catch it?”

"Of course you are here to let you catch, or why should I contact you?"


“The language that I have never heard of.” When the scholars spoke to the robbers, the origins were there as if they said to themselves: “The information they give is too old and requires an information-based force to explore. We must understand everything."

'boom! ‘The words of it are finished. It was discovered at the beginning of the scene, because a small object flew in front of it, triggering its protection.

"There are some strange things to protect." The scholar said: "It feels like an energy shield. We have imagined a lot of similar things, but they have not been successfully manufactured."

"What you should pay attention to is its attack." The robbers said.

"No problem, since you have already entered the information..." The scholar suddenly jumped back and forth, and the surface beneath it exploded, and countless debris spattered and hit the scholar. Awkward voice.

"... It’s not very difficult to avoid this," the scholar said. It raised his hand and aimed at the beginning.

This mechanical body of the scholar has information about the origin, which was sent to it by the robbers. After analysis, the scholar's mechanical body can escape the attack from the beginning.

The robbers think so.

‘Hey! Another explosion, the scholar turned over and slammed and kicked a box around him to the beginning, the moment the box hit the protective crack. Scholars then rushed to the beginning.

The beginning of the selection chose to retreat. At the moment when it retreated, its original position also exploded, but the scholar had jumped off one step at a time and did not rush to the explosion point.

"Very good, my men, go, attack the idiot!" As the scholars and the starter battle, the scorpion quickly ran to the warehouse entrance.

This time, the beginning did not stop it, but the robbers stood in front of it.

"What are you going to do? Why do you want to block an ordinary scorpion?" The scorpion yelled at the robbers: "This is very meaningless. Do you know?"

"You are not an ordinary nephew." The robbers said: "You are the legendary...the descendants of Montezuma."

"What?" The scorpion seemed to be a big jump. It quickly retreated, and the robbers took a step forward and continued: "It is said that Montezuma is not suitable for managing the population, so it creates a descendant. To manage the population, but this offspring needs to grow to a certain extent to have the ability to manage the population."

"And in the process of growing up, it was caught and eaten after being discovered by Jade Dragon, but it left an ... egg, that egg is you, right?" said the robber.

"You..." The nephew showed a rather surprised look: "Why do you know... so detailed?"

"I can tell you where Montezuma is." The robber said: "But you have to tell me..."


Suddenly, a scream interrupted the words of the robber. He turned his head and found that the scholar was falling on the ground. One of his arms exploded. The mechanical parts inside were covered with...

"It seems to have been hit, is this space too narrow?" The robbers noticed that the scholar was squatting on the wall, apparently hitting the wall during the dodge.

"I'm fine!" The scholar immediately snorted: "It doesn't matter if you break a hand, it's mechanical, I can continue to fight."

“No.” The robbers said: “In order to ensure that the target can be captured, more extreme practices must be taken.”

"Extreme... practices?"

The robbers opened their mouths and pointed to the warehouse center...


It is like the waves generated by the explosion.

The devastating roar echoed in the cabin, and all the objects in the cabin trembled, and even the entire ship began to shake.

This will cause another situation to occur.

Because the ship was originally crumbling on the edge of a huge pothole, when the ship began to shake, its center began to tilt toward the pothole, and most of the things in the ship began to roll in the direction of the stern.

This series of changes caused the ship to leave the edge of the pothole and begin to fall from the sky into the pothole.

"Ah! What are you doing!" The scholar screamed with the feeling of falling: "There is no need to let the whole ship...fall it!"

"It is necessary." The robber said: "You see it is panic."

Scholars heard the words in the direction of the beginning, I saw that the beginning of the scene actually holding a box, the whole body is shaking, it seems very ... the look of fear.

"In the panic... it will do something special." The robber said: "We will see it soon..." (to be continued.)

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