4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1179: another world

"They bombed the world and have many purposes..."

"The most obvious purpose is to hurt and kill the creatures in the bombing area. n∈n∈,."

"The second purpose is to have the bombing area covered by a crystallization. Through special techniques, they allow the crystallization to spread in an instant after the explosion... so the explosion point seems to be covered with a layer of crystal."

"These kinds of crystals are not the same. Some are just ordinary, have no effect on the crystal, but some... have useful effects, such as..."

"...connected to another world."


"That is... is this their world?"

Scholars and robbers are still in the warehouse of ships, and their sights are concentrated on the only window in the warehouse.

The pink light is shining through it, illuminating the floor of the warehouse... making the entire warehouse a wonderful color.

"This is our world... I am back." The original situation that was originally in the corner has now resumed. It stood in front of the scholar and said: "You are very valuable, so I will bring you back for research. ......"

"It is nonsense." The worm said to the scholar: "It was because it was afraid of death, so it was necessary to send it back. The bottom of the pothole where the ship was located had a transmission function. After I shocked the ship, I felt myself at the beginning. It is very likely to die, so the transfer at the bottom of the pothole was started, but we brought it here too."

“It turns out.” The scholar said: “But we...”

"Ah! I am going to die! I am going to die! Hurry up and save me! Help!" A sharp scream suddenly rang, the sound came from the scorpion beside the robber, and it was constantly on the ground. Shaking the limbs, some are struggling like they are stranded.

"What happened to it?" the scholar wondered.

"I can't adapt to the environment here, but I can still die for a while." The robber went to the side of the donkey and bit it into his mouth: "I took it to the treatment, you are here to find a way." Defeat this beginning."

Saying, the robbers ran in the direction of the exit, and as it approached the exit, the beginnings turned away.

‘Hey! ’

A huge box. At the beginning of the scene, he blasted openly. The scholar shouted at the beginning with the Emerald Dragon language: "Attention, your opponent is here!"

Said, the scholar quickly ran. And grab all the boxes along the way and go to the beginning, every box will be smashed in the moment before the beginning of the shack, and countless pieces of wood are flying in the warehouse.

The beginning of the scene is closely staring at the scholar... ‘Boom! The explosion exploded at the feet of scholars, but did not hit scholars.

The scholar's figure rushed to the beginning with a very fast speed, and at the same time he punched a punch in front of the beginning.

The scholar’s ​​fist flashed a bit. At the same time, the scholar felt that he had hit a layer of very hard things. This layer of things was in front of the beginning.

However, the scholar did not withdraw his fist, but continued to try to squeeze forward with his fist, and said to the beginning: "I heard that you can't attack when you are protective, right?"

The beginning did not answer the scholars, but quickly stepped back, and the scholars immediately followed up, so that their fists were guaranteed to be protected at the beginning.

In the end, there is no retreat in the beginning, because behind it is the wall of the warehouse. The scholar is in front of it.

Looking at the scholar's fist, it looks like a fish face without any expression, but scholars think it seems to be thinking about something.

"Abandon defense..."

In the next second, the scholar felt that the obstacle before the fist disappeared, and his fist quickly moved forward, hitting the chest of the beginning.

At the same time, the scholar’s ​​abdomen blasted open, and the mechanical parts were scattered all over the floor. Scholars also fell to the ground.

"It turned out to be... It gave up protection to attack..." The scholar looked at the beginning, although his fist almost stuck the entire chest of the beginning. But it seems that it has not suffered much damage, and the scholar's abdomen has blown up, which means that there is no way to stand up.

But... this does not mean that the beginning has won.

... at the same time, on the other side...

“It seems to be a good fit.” The robbers and scorpions are in another part of the cabin. The nephew who had just shouted that he was about to die now wears a thin layer of clothing all over his body. This layer of clothing is completely made according to its size and its size is very consistent.

"This is really a good fit. I will remember everything you have done for me, the big creatures in your mouth." The blind man said to the robbers: "But I really want to know, have you prepared these things specifically for me? ”

"Not specially prepared. It is made on a temporary basis." The robbers point to the surrounding walls, where there are many robotic arms and the like: "Do you see these? They are called 'equipment extractors', they can be based on the local environment. And the biological structure to make the right equipment, you can adapt to the environment by wearing the equipment it makes."

“Very convenient.” The blind man said: “I will try to make them for my use.”

"Then go back now." Saying, the robbers ran in the direction of going back, and the scorpion looked around and followed.

"It seems like the battle is over, you are doing very well."

After returning to the warehouse, the pieces of wood in the ground and two wrecks were displayed in front of the robbers.

"You should also help fight..." the scholar lying on the floor said: "This way I don't have to work so hard..."

"I am not responsible for the battle, I have a lot of other things to do." The robbers looked at the beginning of the other side, the chest of this beginning was completely drilled a hole, and the origin was also weak in the wall. Although it did not fall down, it seems to have lost its life.

"It doesn't seem to have thought that my fist can still wear it out of the arm." The scholar said: "But this way... there is no way to get it back and study it."

"Now there is no need to catch it." The robbers said: "Because there are more things worth studying... we will see it soon. In short, fix it first, there are devices in the ship that can repair you. ""


“It seems... it’s really worth studying.”

The sky is white and pink. It seems that a thick fog forms this color. There is no starry sky or sunshine, but there is a ray of light that illuminates the world through the strange sky.

“There are a lot of complicated gases.”

The worms, the well-prepared scholars, and... the scorpion is standing at the bow of the ship at this time, they look at it, you can see that this is a world shrouded in pink.

The ship is now parked on a piece of water, seemingly shallow, so it doesn't let the ship float or sink. This water area extends to the farthest point of view, occasionally seeing some huge crystals, or trees. The wonderful objects stand in the water.

"This place is called the Pink Marsh." The robbers walked to the edge of the deck and jumped up and down, and with the slamming, the pale pink water spattered.

Scholars and nephews looked at each other and the scholars jumped and fell into the water.

“It feels a bit like... ‘mercury’.” The scholar reached out and picked up some liquid and looked at it carefully: “It feels very interesting...”

'Boom! The scorpion also fell to the side of the scholar. Because of his small body, he moved up the water.

"What are we doing now? Can we go back?" The nephew asked the robbers: "Why are we coming to this place? I am going back."

"Now I won't go back." The robbers looked around and said, "We are going to explore here, but we don't know where it is..."

"Yeah, there is no beginning here." The scholar smashed the water in his hand and looked at the sky: "Accordingly, the origin is not sent back to your own city or something like this? It looks like...the wild, but it’s not bad, or we will be killed by them when we take the lead, or we will be caught and studied.”

"Let's just go and see what we can find."

Said, the robbers went forward, and the donkey immediately swam up.

"Wait, let's go like this?" The scholar said: "Don't do something to prepare? What if you are in danger?"

"...the same is true." The robbers suddenly turned back and went up to the boat and climbed up, and the donkey also caught the robbers.

"That strange scorpion seems to become particularly sticky..." The scholar did not climb up, but waited in the same place, and it was also detected by the detector on the body.

"The gravitation here is 80% of the pompons, the air density is very close, but there is almost no oxygen..." The scholar said while looking at the detector: "The cockroach creatures may die soon, the scorpion can It will seem very powerful for a while, as the robbers should be of a type that has been constructed to be able to move in the void."


Suddenly, the scholar's detection device rang, and the sound meant that there was a big...the object was moving.

But just for a moment, it disappeared.


The scholar looked at the detector questioningly. It said that there was something outside the distance of a hundred meters, but only... it happened for a moment.

‘Hey! ’

The sound behind the sound made the scholar startled. It quickly turned around and saw that the deck of the ship was open.

On the open deck, a large machine climbed out, and the scholar also saw that the robber and the scorpion were in the cockpit of the machine.

"What, it turned out to be the voice of you." The scholar saw a sigh of relief, but this still can't explain what was detected before, but leave it alone.

"We will take this to explore!" The robbers called the scholar: "Come on!" (To be continued.)

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