4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1182: Close to the goal

"This is the crystallization? It seems to have a special purpose..."

Above the pink swamp, the otter is collecting a piece of crystal found on a pool of mud for testing.

"Actually, it has been discovered for its use." The robber said: "This is a pointer-like thing."

"What?" The scholar said: "So soon you know you know this feature?"

"Because the information has been updated." The robbers said: "Not long ago, we used the brainstorming to make the original situation persecute, and learned a lot from it, for example, some of their technical aspects. Things."

"There is a structure inside the crystal that has been kept in one direction. When we detect this structure, we can see that the crystal has always pointed to somewhere." The robber said: "We just have to go in this direction. It will be good... to solve the previous lost problem."

Saying, the otter began to move and ran in one direction.

"This seems to be a very good suggestion. I don't know where it will go..." The scholar said that he looked at the head of the **** fog: "So, you came here... in an accident, and You have survived here."

"I don't know what's going on." The **** fog said: "I only feel the air here smells weird, and it will lead to a coma, but it won't kill..."

"It's no longer useful!" The scorpion shouted at the back: "It can go to death now! Let me kill it!"

"Hey!" The **** fog stunned: "How did this thing come over?"

"Don't worry about it first." The scholar said: "I want to see what the structure of your body is like... How does one head keep the life..."

"You shouldn't want to do something weird?" The words of the **** fog were a little frightened.

"No, I won't do that..." The scholar said: "...not yet."

"That is a winning result." The robbers said: "There are many special awards in the dream of Jade Dragon. These awards allow them to take rewards in reality. Most of the rewards are some useless decorations, but Some awards include something that is useful, for example, it should be an award that includes 'regenerating cells'."

"Regenerating cells?" The **** fog was surprised: "That is the ‘resurrection’... true face?”

“Yes!” said the robbers: “The kind of cells will take the initiative to repair your body. As long as you don’t rot off your brain, almost all of them can be repaired, but you may be completely broken when you fix it. So just keep your head."

"It turns out that... can I say that I can grow again?" **** fog asked excitedly.

"Of course. You just have to get another award." The robber said: "But for so long... quiet! Hurry up!"

Suddenly, the mink machinery stopped, the robbers closed their mouths and stopped talking, and the whole body was in the cockpit.

The scholar heard the words and immediately fell down, and the blood fog was a glimpse. Question: "What happened?"

"Look at that."

‘Hey! A picture popped up on the ground of the cockpit. The picture shows the outside of the otter. I saw several creatures like amoeba moving in the swamp not far away.

"What is that?" the scholar said: "That seems to be..."

"That is the beginning." The robbers said: "This is their world, so they are not deformed and remain the same."

“How did they not find it here?” The blood fog said: “Although you are all kneeling. But...”

"The machine is now in a state of discoloration." The robber said: "I just analyzed the ability of the transparent creature to integrate into the environment. I think this machine can do the same thing... sure enough, they can't find it, wait for them to pass."

After a while, the beginnings of the amoeba had moved beyond the horizon, and the otter moved again.

"If there is an origin here, it means that it is very close to their gathering point..."

Accompanied by the words of the robbers. The otter continues to run forward in the swamp. This run lasted for hundreds of seconds, and the creatures in the cockpit finally saw the edge of the swamp.

"This is..."

As the otter leaves the waters, it is a vast area in front of the creatures... a plain made up of pure crystals.

"It's really...silly."

The scholar looked at the ground outside the otter, as if it had been polished many times, and the crystal-clear ground was so smooth that it reflected the pink light shining from the sky.

The view on this vast plain is excellent, and scholars can see that some wonderful creatures are moving on the plains in the distance.

These creatures have an ellipsoidal body with only one limb under the body for standing, and their soles are similar in structure... for skating shoes.

It is like a scholar thinks. These creatures can quickly slide and slide on this smooth surface, just like a sophisticated skater.

However, what the scholars care about is that the plains are farther away and can be seen faintly... There are countless huge crystals rising there, and there are many huge flying objects moving around.

That place... is probably the city of the beginning.

"I think you all noticed there." The robbers said: "Next we have to find a way to get there..."

"What do we do after we get there?" The scholar said: "It is difficult to study them, but it can be difficult. Once we find out, we will be attacked immediately..."

"There is a way." The robbers said: "We may be able to use this method to pretend to be... the beginning."

"What? Disguised as something like an amoeba?" The head of the **** fog said: "Why do you disguise it?"

"No! I don't want to go to that kind of place! Hurry up and let me kill it and then we will go back!" The scorpion shouted: "This place is glittering everywhere, it is a place that is too unpleasant!"

"Then you can not disguise, just stay here," said the scholar.

"What? You want to leave me?" The blind man seemed to be angry: "You will not let you do this if you die!"

"In short, we have to go first and test whether the camouflage will be discovered." The robbers said: "It’s easy to fool the beginning. The problem is that there should be a lot of testing equipment in the city... If you can lie After those devices, you can perfectly... mix in." (To be continued.)

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