“This is the city that crystallizes.”

The mechanical leeches stopped, its color slowly changed, and it blended with all the surrounding colors, and the creatures inside observed the outside through the image.

Looking out, you can see that such a scene of numerous crystal structures is standing on the ground with the same crystal luster. There are many flying objects in the sky, which is the main part of the city. Look.

"I have to say...this is very similar to our city, but there is no means of transportation on the ground." The scholar looked at the picture and said: "There is a bit strange, there is no beginning here."

In the streets of the crystal city, there is no shadow of the beginning, but many other creatures can be seen.

Crystallized creatures of various shapes move in the city. They are numerous and rich in variety, but their actions are consistent regardless of what they are.

"These should be the beginnings." The robbers said: "Maybe these imitations in the city have become the appearance of various creatures. In short, we have to test whether our camouflage is useful here."

Saying, the robbers poked the picture in front of them, and suddenly the otter swayed a few times, and a soft mass of material was drilled from the bottom of the otter.

"This is... disguise?"

“This is disguised as the original beginning, to see if it can be successful, and now use it to explore...”

The robbers pokeed again, and the soft mass moved like an amoeba, and it began to crawl away.

Now the location of the otter is right next to a building on the edge of the city at the beginning. The worms bypass the building and enter the city's 'street'.


The city's 'street' is quite crowded, and countless crystals of various shapes come back and forth, which reminds scholars of the imaginary people who are constantly working in the city.

Although it was born on the drift number, it has not experienced it. However, I have seen countless times of information about my own world, so the world has made it... ‘a sense of sight’.

The camouflaged amoeba moved on the edge of the street, and no crystallized creature stopped to understand it. This seems to mean disguise... successful?

"Now it's in discoloration." The robbers said: "Wait a moment, I will discolor and see how they react."

"Wait a minute! Didn't you notice?" This sentence is... The nephew said: "This place is just as strange as these idiots!"

The blind man who had been screaming for the head of the blood and then went back suddenly became interested in the matter here. This made the scholar curious and asked: "What is weird?"

"They look like they are very busy. They are actually not busy at all." The scorpion poked a picture: "Look, this idiot looks like a frog. It just went to the distance and walked back... ..."

"It seems to be really..."

According to it, the scholar did see a crystal creature like a frog. After a long walk in the busy crystalline biota, he returned to the original place and then continued.

Simply put, it is just a walk in the road.

"This phenomenon is worth studying." The robbers continue to let soft creatures penetrate the city. Moving along the street, you can see a lot of crystallized creatures walking around.

After seeing more, it can be seen that the crystallized creatures here are very different from the cities of the virtual people... although they seem very similar at first.

But the creatures here are very weird.

In a busy virtual city, the virtual people on the street have almost two purposes to take the means of transportation or enter a building.

The creatures here don't do these two things... Although most of them don't move around in a small distance, they don't enter any building, they don't have any vehicles to ride, they don't even see them stop. Communicate or do something else.

Although there are many flying objects in the sky, those things never come down and do not see which building they are going to land on.

"So. For the time being... don't discolor, continue to study."

The robbers continue to allow the amoeba to move within the city over time. The sky is slowly darkening... The sky in the night of this world has no stars. When you look at the sky, you can only see that there is a layer of white mist that covers the sky.

On the ground, it’s so shiny.

All the crystal buildings in the city have emitted different colors, and some of them are still flashing. This reminds scholars of the colorful billboards in the virtual city, but these buildings are just pure light, there is nothing in the light. ...at least they can't see it.

And the crystallized creatures in the city are still going back and forth, as if they would not stop the river.

"There have been many results now." The robbers said: "After a white observation, I found that these creatures are almost all moving... repeatedly. The movement range is different."

"Hey... are these things going crazy?" The head of the **** fog said: "They have been walking so far, can't they be tired?"

"Stupid! I said they are pretending!" Xunzi: "These things have a lot of secrets to hide us!"

"They definitely have some reason." The scholar said: "Maybe this has always had a special effect. In short, these crystallized creatures are not residents of the city. They are like machinery in the factory, they are always running. But don't know what they are doing."

“That means it’s not a city, it’s just a factory...” The robber said: “It’s a little difficult to mix them now, all the buildings are quite strong and there are no visible entrances, and those that fly will never landing……"

"Catch one directly to investigate and look at it." The scorpion shouted: "Take it out and dig it out and you will find something! Hurry up and don't slow down! You don't know anything while you stay here! ”

"Don't call!" The **** fog said: "This will definitely be discovered by them, and then kill you! Now we are in their world!"

"It should be a try." The robbers said: "So let's try it first."

At the end of the moment, the robbers pokeed the picture again, and a deformed worm at the edge of the street suddenly protruded from the body with a cylindrical object, and then aimed at a crystallized creature coming over...

'boom! Under the sound of a crystal, the body of this crystal creature was broken by a large part, and it fell to the ground.

In an instant, all the crystallized creatures around are scattered around the blasted crystal creatures, just like the frightened herd.

However, they quickly gathered back, and a crystallized creature first touched the same half of the body that was blasted, and then it tore off a piece of debris on the body, and then... put it in the mouth. .

There was a burst of sound from its mouth, as if it was chewing.

The surrounding creatures also gathered, and they did the same thing... the half of the body was eaten.

"Eat... Did they eat it?"

All the creatures present did not expect this ending.

The amoeba blew a crystallized creature, and the surrounding crystallized creatures were first scared away and then gathered back to eat the corpse. This weird behavior was completely unanticipated, and... they did not Go to the amoeba that killed them.

Perhaps the relationship between the amoeba is still changing.

"They really look like...hey." The head of the **** fog said: "The behavior is almost exactly the same."

“Is that the case?” the scholar questioned.

"Yes, because I rarely... clean up the environment at home, so I have seen a lot." The blood fog said: "They will immediately eat the dead dead bodies nearby, and will ignore the reason for this kind of killing. of."

"Yes, they are quite stupid." The blind man said: "It is just like you."

The blood fog ignored the scorpion and continued: "But why... This group of crystalline creatures in this world will behave similarly?"

"If that's the case, then let's do the next experiment." The robbers said: "Remove the disguise and see what happens..."

When the voice of the robbers falls, the discoloration of the amoeba slowly disappears, and its figure appears in front of the dense crystallized creatures.

In the next second, the group of crystal creatures moved, they all flew to the amoeba, and then the amoeba was instantly torn.

"...It seems that discoloration camouflage can be successful." The robbers said: "But even if the amoeba dispels discoloration, it can pretend to be almost the same creature as the beginning. This camouflage seems to have no effect."

"They are not necessarily the beginnings..." The scholar said: "The blood fog is right. They are like the worms on the pompom. They eat what they see, no matter what, here...not the city of the beginning. ”

"We might have to go to the building to have a look." The robbers said: "Do some bigger moves."

"You shouldn't want to blow up here?" The scholar said: "Is there any powerful weapon in this machine?"

"Not using this machine to blow..."

As the robbers spoke, the otter moved, and it quickly climbed up the walls of the building and quickly reached the top of the building.

Looking at the dense group of crystal creatures below, the robbers continued: "It is to be bombed with that ship..."


With the words of the robbers, the creatures in the cockpit also saw a ... arrow in the sky.

The arrow rushed into the street at high speed... it fell into a dense group of crystalline organisms. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Promise God ~ who loves between mountains and rivers ~ Xibo Bobo ~ urban mooring road ~ shadow in the dark night watching ~ reward ~ Thank you ~ Maple demon month ~ distant l ~ Guanshu Zhixing ~ No Printed residue ~ Ikar ~ monthly ticket ~

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