4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1889: concrete

This long, sharp object is painted in pure white. N∈n∈,.

Its side is marked with the '78 type' mark.

It flies high from the ground, then falls and hits the green earth.

"Boom!" The sound of the bang sounded.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Blasted! Explosion!" continues to ring, and this white object hits the ground again and again.

"What are they doing...?"

Here is a dream space.

The scholar is in the surveillance room of the 'Wandering' and looks at the image in front of the image. In the image, a room for the virtual children and cubs is waiting for the beginning of three amoeba, each of which puts the body Part of it changes into a hand and plays with the toy there.

What makes scholars feel weird is that there is a toy that is still holding a 78-type bomb and constantly hits the ground, and also uses the virtual language to say: "Boom! Blasted!"

In fact, scholars used to play like this when they were young. The movements of the beginnings made it more and more clear to the previous memories, which made scholars feel more and more strange.

"Here, it contains your memories, born of your memory, what they do is your memories."

“What?” The scholar turned his head and found that the empty space that didn’t know where to go before appeared at the entrance to the room and said to the scholar: “They, learn your memories and learn about you.”

"Sure enough!" The scholars had some speculation before. These beginnings are all things that they remembered before, but why was it a child? Scholars are more impressed with many things after adulthood than when they were young.

"Hey... hit! Hit!"

At the beginning, the toys of some fighters are now hitting each other and hitting each other. The performance is almost exactly the same as that of the virtual cubs. Looking at this scene, the scholar asked the empty space: "What should we do now? How can we stop it? they?"

"Don't care." Void said: "They are learning something that is meaningless. We need to act now and keep up."

As he said, the Void ran away quickly, and the scholar hesitated for a half second and then followed.

It ran out of the room with the void, ran across the hallway, ran out of the drift, and returned to the vast space where creature sculptures were everywhere.

Then, the Void lets the scholar close the door of the drift number and set it to the blocked state.

The blockade status can be set by some people with higher authority. After setting, people with low authority can't open it, but scholars think... "Is this really useful?"

And the emptiness of the emptiness means that if the beginning is still learning the attitude to understand everything here, the settings are useful, although they can be forced to open, but they will try to open the way in the drift number to learn how to open the virtual people. Fans, this will waste a lot of their time.

When the beginning is in the state of learning... Scholars and the Void can do other things.

They ran quickly in this space, and soon the scholar once again saw the place where he had come from before...

A square with a size of more than 30 meters and a small hole in its surface.

The void climbed onto this square, and the scholar also looked through the small holes in the square to see the inside of the square. It found that there was no beginning.

Obviously, the emptiness of the sky is that they are not doing something... but the scholars are still in a rather confused state.

"You seem to know a lot about this..." The scholar said to the Void: "But I am not quite sure what the box is doing? There are things about my memories... What the **** is going on? Isn't the place where the origin is used to record creatures?"

Although the feeling is not a good time, scholars still want to ask.

And its problem... did not get a false answer.

In fact, this has always been the case. Although Void occasionally speaks a few words, it often acts on its own, no matter what else, and it only makes a simple explanation for some situations. It seems that the character of the Inca group is itself. That's it, scholars have not continued to ask.

Scholars now look at the surface of the empty space that is biting the square. It seems to want to bite a hole directly into the hole, and scholars can only wait to observe it.

It’s not that scholars don’t want to help, but that their weapons can’t be used, so...

‘嘀嘀’ scholars suddenly discovered that there seems to be something that can be used. Is this the network of...

The scholar's mechanical body itself is connected to the 'network', which allows it to enter the world of dreams of the Emerald Dragon, as well as occasionally get some news.

These messages are usually sent to it by the evangelist or the worm, and it is reasonable that it should not receive any information now, but it has received it...

Moreover, this information has some answers to the current situation, such as things about the beginning, and mentioned a special crystallization.

When the scholar first came in, he touched a mirror-like crystal with his head. This crystal had a special effect, which was to guide the creature's consciousness and let the creature enter a place similar to the dream space.

The creature will make a strong memory in the process of entering, so after entering this dream space, the creature will find... in the scene of this memory.

At this time, the beginning will appear.

They will investigate this reminiscence scene and learn all about it to understand the creature.

However, the recollection scene is not a memory of all the creatures, but the most memorable memories of its life, but the origin can still understand the specific situation of the creature through this most memorable memory.

Then they can imitate the form of the creature and know how the creature communicates.

The original scholar should also be like this. After the scholar is guided into the dream space by the mirror, the scholar will make memories to create a scene of memories here, and then the beginning will understand it from the scholar's memory scene.

However, for scholars, the most concerned memories are not the wandering number when they were small. When they were young, the memory of the virtual people was not so good, so there are many problems in the memory scene.

This is mainly because the scholar's mechanical body has some kind of 'protective function' installed in the brain. When the scholar is guided to recall, this protective function is activated. It avoids the scholar's most concerned memory being led out and changed into The memory of childhood.

It doesn't make sense to learn the memory of the pups, so scholars are safe now and will not be aware of their specific circumstances.

The beginning of the world needs to learn the biological memory of adulthood, the memory of the time when the intelligence is perfect, can understand a creature...

"It turned out to be like this..." Scholars saw this pile of information and learned that in addition to eating minced meat, there is also a way to learn to imitate other creatures. Scholars enter this dream space, mainly because of its contact. The crystal that guides biological memory.

But it was a void and patted its head to let it touch. It may have been known to the Inca group, so the scholars were invited to come here.

However, this information was not sent by the Inca group, but... the worm, which indicates that these data scholars can receive it even in the dream space of the beginning.

"Which animal is the worm?" The scholar looked at the sender's name a bit strange. In fact, the scholars didn't know what the cockroach was. Is the cockroach controlled by the patriarch or the Maya? Still have their own consciousness? And how many are there? Do multiple worms share consciousness? Or are each independent?

Initially, scholars also knew that a small robber was a self-conscious, while others were controlled by Maya.

But now it's not quite clear, so if... then don't care so much.

"It seems like there is still." The scholar found that there is a ‘video’ that can be watched under the data.

In the video, a creature of half a dragon and a half fish is squatting on the ground in a room, as if it is painfully rolling, and at the same time, several very sharp voices echoed throughout the room.

"Oh oh oh oh oh! Stop! Don't go on! Stop! Stop!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh! What are you calling! Hurry up and stop to die! You can't guard things! Why are you alive? Things that can't be guarded should disappear. Do you know?"

"Ah! Stop! Don't continue this crazy move! Don't continue to give me pain!" Half-dragon and half-fish creature... It seems that the beginning is quite painful, it is constantly rolling, at the same time, Another sound sounded.

"Come on, put your head in my mouth! Then you have no pain!" There is a brain-creating in the room next to it. Although it is separated by a metal net, it still has a big mouth and keeps striking. Shouting at the net.

Although I just watched the video, but the scholars still felt a little... dizzy, there are some words coming out under the video, those words indicate that this situation is constantly being tortured, it says a lot of things, Those bases that include their underground.

The beginnings are now in the underground for a variety of pompoms... the intellectuals use that crystal to extract their memories, and through the Inca insects, the robbers know that scholars have also come into contact with this crystallization, so specifically send these materials Tell the scholars the specific situation.

According to the data, scholars only need to stay there. The emptiness of the Inca worms is not learned by the scholars because they come in through the scholars. It will now figure out the specific circumstances of the creatures in the beginning space in the dream space. Then completely extinguish the things like the beginning of the world.

Maybe not completely extinct, probably will stay a few. (To be continued.)

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