‘Boom! ’

The pink water surface, with the roar of the explosion, formed a tsunami in the sky. Under its shadow, countless crystal-like creatures like horses are trembled.

Despite the fear, they still counterattacked.

These horse-like creatures lifted half of their bodies and used their limbs as barrels to launch numerous fine crystals of the waves. These crystals hit the surface of the waves and splashed the pink water.

Although beautiful, it makes no sense.

Then, the huge waves fell on them ruthlessly, and the horses that they had were all washed away in a short moment. When the waves passed, these little creatures disappeared, and only the original ones were left. The crystal mega tower for the climbing of Ma Lu, and some of the huge crystalline horses that are coiled on the giant tower.

Before they could do anything, they found that the sky was covered by a black shadow, and the overwhelming insects completely surrounded them.

"Standing on their friendly side always makes me feel very grateful..." In the distance, a mechanical water raft is waiting to shine on the ground, watching this attack against the crystal horse.

The attack on the Inca insects is quite fierce, and there is almost no chance of resistance in the crystalline Malu, although they look a bit more powerful than the previously classified genus.

"They are crazy, just like ordinary scorpions." The nephew in the last seat of the cockpit said: "I must also be so crazy, madly killing everything I think should be slaughtered."

"Then we can sail back now?" The head of the blood fog ignored the scorpion. It said to the robbers: "Since this group of things like Ma Lu has been destroyed..."

"One wave is flat, and one wave starts again..." The robber said: "There may be something coming out."

"What? Is there something that has been slaughtered? Hey? Why is there something?"

In the face of the doubts of the two creatures, the robbers continued: "According to the latest information, the original creatures, like these crystal Malu, are one of the many species in the 'collection' of the beginning. If a group is destroyed, they will Will release another group."

"What? Collection...a large number of species?" The **** fog was shocked: "Is there still so many troops in the beginning?"

"This is really stupid!" said the blind man: "After a group of people put it out, why not release it all at once, so you can fight back!"

"I don't know what the beginning is thinking." The robbers said: "But the Inca group began to investigate this matter, and scholars also... they discovered the secret of the beginning, and we, indeed, should go back first. ”

As a result, the robbers controlled the otters to run, ran through the ruins of the crystal horses that had been completely destroyed by the Inca worms, and the otters reached the original location of the ship.

The ship is still in this place, it looks like there is no damage, the otter climbs onto the deck, then closes up the limbs and opens the cockpit.

The robbers and scorpions climbed out of the cockpit, and the blood mist remained inside because it was not suitable... the helmet could be worn, so it could not be exposed to this air.

However, the three cockpits on the otter can be separated separately, so it can stay inside to enjoy the normal air, and also prevent the scorpion from acting on it.


The robbers went to the bow and gave a huge roar to the sky. Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared in the distance, and the shadow flew quickly.

It was a huge beetle that flew to the tail of the ship...

"What is it?" The blind man questioned the robber.

"The fuel of the ship." The robbers said: "The Inca insects gave us."

"That means eating." The scorpion said: "I want to eat too. Do you have any food? If not, I suggest that you eat the head. It is delicious. You must add sugar."

"I don't like to eat sugar," said the robber.

"You actually said that you didn't like it!" The blind man seemed to be angry. It shouted out loud: "If you add salt like this!"

"...the food you go to the warehouse to take, you should still have a lot." The robbers looked at the flying beetle and said: "We should start now..."

Then, the robbers went in the direction of the cabin. After arriving at the cab, the robbers went to the driving position. The chair was suitable for the structure of the emerald dragon, but there are several special ones called 'Connecting the hole' to something.

The robbers found these connecting holes and extended their limbs...

"Start control."

After an instant, the entire ship made a banging sound and slowly flew up on the ground.

"Get off?" The head of the blood mist felt the changes around him in the Minamata Machinery. It breathed a sigh of relief: "I can finally return, I must get the body back first... Oh!"

"Don't think you can live!" Scorpion looked at the **** fog outside the cockpit of the Minamata Machinery and said: "I will... kill you!"

"Then wait for me to get back to my body..." The **** fog said: "What about the upright duel?"

"I won't fight like a real idiot." The blind man said: "I want to kill you with all the means." After that, the scorpion ran away.

"This is awkward..."

Although the blood fog is angry, it has no way, it can only look at the ever-changing sky, waiting for...

The ship flew fast on the swamp, and there was no special situation along the way. Under the operation of the robbers, the ship quickly flew to their target.

This is the transfer point of the Inca group.

The Inca group has created some transfer points in the world, that is, on the edge of the swamp. The robbers are going to take the boat there and they can return.


"Somewhat strange."

The speed of the ship made the ship quickly reach the edge of the swamp, and the robbers found that there was nothing in the position of the Inca.

Although the transfer point itself is invisible, there should be some troops guarded in this place, but there are no troops here.

However, the robbers did not care too much.

It drove the ship to the position where the transfer point was, and then started the launching... transfer device.

This device requires special permission to start. The general control of the Jade Dragon cannot start it. As the device starts, the entire ship begins to vibrate violently.

"This is..." This once again made the robbers feel strange, why did they vibrate?

It should be reasonable to say that it will be a moment...

‘Hey! ’(~^~)

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