4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1892: Survey details

‘Hey! ’

The jelly-like substance fluttered in the sky and then landed on the ground one by one.

This kind of scene is quite scary for the jelly of the same kind, so all the jelly has escaped.

The mechanical leeches climbed over the blasted jelly.

"As a result, they are just a bunch of very weak creatures." The **** fog said in the cockpit in a sigh of relief.

When they were looking around the waste hill, the mechanical otter found a large piece of metal from the hill. When the otter pulled the metal out, all the jelly creatures around him attacked.

Although they were offensive, all the jelly escaped after a mechanical smash hit a creature.

They seem to be quite afraid of death in the same kind, so they retreat at this moment... but this retreat seems to be temporary, because the robbers quickly discovered that the jelly creatures that escaped did not run far and they were still nearby.

In any case, the robbers feel the need to study this creature.

The mechanical leeches collected the scattered materials on the ground, and the worms were also studied.

The blood fog of the research process didn't quite understand. It seemed to be a bunch of strange pictures that changed, but this situation quickly ended.

"They are a kind of...machinery." This is the conclusion of the robbers: "It is also an energy source that can be used."

"Mechanical?" The blood fog expressed some doubts about this... But the robbers quickly told the actual situation.

"This kind of jelly-like creature has a solid body. This body has a control center, something like a brain." The robber said: "The soft layer of jelly-like substance outside, It's actually a layer of 'oil' that should be collected from all over the environment. They make this substance stick to the body and protect the body and are their main source of energy."

“We can use this layer... jelly oil to make the 'battery' used by the mink machinery,” said the robber.

“Although not very clear...” The **** fog said: “In a nutshell, that layer of soft jelly can be used to replenish energy in our machinery.”

“Yes.” The robbers said: “They are something that can be used, but in addition to them, other energy sources can be found in this place.”

The robbers said: "But one thing makes me more concerned... I don't think they are native species."

“Hey?” The blood fog wondered: “Don’t you say that they are native species?”

"I don't think they are after the investigation." The robbers said: "Although they have their own habits, they usually make all kinds of limbs found on the waste hills into their real limbs, and control these. The limbs move, and they also create weapons, such as frozen weapons..."

"And they have some ... words on their frozen weapons." The robbers said: "I have seen this kind of text. If it is translated into Emerald Dragon, it is 'Shi scale 100,000.'"

"What does that mean?" The **** fog said: "What is the scale?"

"It’s just a pronunciation. It should have been a name." The robber said: "In short, we should play more, so that we can learn more..."

After such a decision, the robbers quickly started the action... They were waiting here, and those... Jelly creatures were also nearby.

As long as the time is up, these jelly creatures will gather and attack the mechanical leeches, but they will soon run away again.

That's because one of their kind was killed, as if no matter how many times, they are afraid of this kind of thing.

But they will soon forget the fear and gather again.

In this way, the robbers used their characteristics to continuously kill a large number of jelly organisms, and carefully investigated each of the jelly organisms that were killed.

In addition to making their 'jelly' into the energy of the mink machinery, the internal environment of these creatures was also investigated.

Just like the robbers think, every jelly creature has... it can be said to be numbered.

For example, the number of jelly creatures it initially investigated was 100,000, and the latter were 100,000, 90,000, 100,000, and so on...

The text used in this number is what the robbers have seen.

In fact, it is not what it has seen, but it has this knowledge. This text is mainly from the floating rock.

There are many materials about the floating rock in Maya and the Master. Among them, the most content is the creatures floating in the rocky land. There are many... individual creatures.

There is a kind of individual creature that uses these words. Maya and the priest understand these words, so Maya also passed the relevant knowledge to it when making the worm.

It is found here that the jelly creatures are numbered, which means that they are related to the individual creatures of the floating rock.

It should be true that it is not clear, but it is not clear what degree of relevance.

Therefore, the robbers also investigated the other details of these jelly organisms.

These creatures are now like wild animals, living on the days of collecting food, breeding, and collecting food, but their breeding process is a bit strange.

Because it is machinery, reproduction is of course to create a descendant directly, and each time a descendant is made, they will be numbered.

The number is the next one of your own number. For example, 100,000 will be written on 100,000. This number will also indicate how many generations they have reproduced.

There will be repeated cases, because when the 100,000 number is reproduced, 90,000 is also breeding at the same time, 90,000 will not write 100,000 and only write 90,000.

As for why this is the case, the robbers are still not very clear.

In the days when several pompons stayed up all night, they were studying these creatures while collecting enough nutrients to create a new machine for the blood.

The robbers think that the two mechanical leeches are better than one, but the second one is made up of local materials, so the performance is somewhat less convenient than the previous one.

But at least they can fight side by side, and if they are destroyed, they don’t have to die together.

Then they set off again, and the goal of the departure was of course to find the ship.

Although the robbers feel that the possibility of finding it has become smaller and smaller. (.)

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