4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1893: Jelly maker

How long have we been traveling in this world?

If you want to say the feeling, you can't feel it at all...because, no matter how long the past is, this sky is the same color, it will not be darkened, and there will be no change.

We continue to travel in this world without night, with us, only some strange creatures...

Next, where are we going?



Under the dark red sky, two mechanical leeches stopped in place, and the blood fog stopped its ‘diary’ writing and looked around the otter.

The otter that it rides is the old otter, so there is a clear image inside to make it look at the surrounding environment.

The surrounding environment is almost everywhere, and there are hills where wastes are piled up everywhere. The ground between the hills is filled with water and potholes. No, these are not water, but some kind of viscous liquid.

There is an almost identical mechanical water raft next to the mechanical otter on the **** fog. This is a new otter that uses local metal materials and the ones they catch... jelly machine pieces, although new , but the function is not comparable to the original.

The blood fog began to think that the robbers would let it go to the new ones. As a result, the robbers thought that the old otters with better functions would let them ride, and they would take the worse ones.

As for why... The blood is not asking so much, but it is somewhat... grateful.

But there are still many problems now. It is not solved by a water hammer machine. The most obvious problem is... "Hey... Is the ship no longer found?"

"The possibility of finding is getting smaller and smaller, but it won't disappear completely." The robber said: "We have already had seven pompons staying here late at night, there is no day and night in this place, or something special in the sky. Things make us not see the night and night... and there is nothing to be contacted here, whether it is Inca or something else... We must continue to act until we find something useful."

"The detector is responding." The blood fog is staring at a three-dimensional picture in front of it, and there are many small dots on it: "Those jelly machines."

Jelly machinery is not the only creature that the robbers and blood fog meet here, and during this time they have encountered quite a few wonderful things.

These things include huge flying objects, porous **** that roll and release electric shocks, and cognac monsters that can crawl quickly.

But no one, like the jelly machine, followed the mechanical leeches along the way.

Most other creatures did not show interest in mechanical leeches, and the jelly machinery seemed to have a rather fanatical ‘favorite’ for the otters, which continued to follow along the way and occasionally launched attacks.

Even if they are killed a lot, they never change this habit... and they don't know why.

The robbers and blood fog only found that the most recent machines were below 100,000. The highest number that appeared earlier was 100,000, and later all were tens of thousands.

It seems that it is useless to know that, but the robbers say that the makers of jelly machinery may still be in this world.

"Don't worry about them... look there."

Now the robbers are not concerned about the jelly machine, it goes to the distance, and the blood fog also looks in that direction.

I saw a very strange thing in the distance.

It is like... a tree.

A large cylinder of more than 20 meters stands on the ground. There are a lot of 'twigs' that stretch out in the upper part of the column, and a lot of waste is stuck on the branches.

The contents of these wastes are the same as those of the surrounding hills, but they all stick to the branches.

This kind of thing they saw for the first time, so the robbers said: "Go forward, go see."

The two mechanical leeches ran down the 'tree', which was covered with waste. As long as you look up, you can see that the metal or crystals are all on the branches that are stretched out... but at this distance, It seems that these things are more like being on the top, not sticking to it.

But these things shouldn't be able to grow out, so it's better to think that they are glued to them first.

"Look at that."

Compared to the blood fog that stared at the tree shrew, the robbers stared at the bottom of the tree trunk, and the blood fog looked there. I saw a crystal creature under the trunk.

This crystal creature is sitting there in the trunk, at least the blood fog feels like it is sitting on the emerald dragon. As for its shape, it is similar to the emerald dragon. It has eight limbs, with limbs and feet. The limbs are like hands, symmetrically distributed on both sides of the body, with a finger-like grip at the end. The head of this creature is somewhat like a creature called 蜻蜓.

It was still there, and when the blood fog was looking at it in confusion, the cockroach of the robbers suddenly picked up a thing and threw it at it.

'Snapped! This is a small piece of metal that hit the creature directly. It suddenly jumped like a fright, and it noticed two mechanical leeches.

"Oh!" Suddenly, the creature made a strange cry, and it stood up and jumped back, and the body's limbs moved as if they wanted to pose a battle.

The action of this creature makes the blood fog feel quite... intimate, although it is a little more limbs, and it is more than three meters high, but its movement and standing style are very similar to the emerald dragon, and it is different from other creatures here. .

"Hey!" And the mechanical leeches of the worm also directly sent out that... strange cry, the creature seemed to be stunned in an instant, and then it responded.

Then, the robbers continued to scream, and they exchanged each other with me, leaving only the **** fog there, and it could not understand.

"It is the maker." After the roaring worm and the creature exchanged for hundreds of seconds, they suddenly said something that the blood fog could understand.

"The maker...it is the floating rock..." the blood fog asked doubtfully.

“Yes, it belongs to a personal biological population living in floating rock.” The robber said: “But it doesn’t know why it came here because it’s not its own, but its ancestors.”

"It means that they have been in this place... struggling to survive." The robbers said: "Desperately collecting resources everywhere and avoiding all kinds of dangers, they have been living a very difficult life."

“Later, they created a kind of machine with 'intelligent systems' through some of the techniques found, they used this machine to help collect resources and battles, and build buildings, etc., which was very good at first, but then these machines’ Betrayed 'they.'

"The machine suddenly ignored all the orders and ran out. Later, they found these machines again, only to find that the machinery actually lived here. The machinery began to collect resources for itself and create more descendants. It became like... wild Like creatures, although they are not a big threat to them, they never listen to them again."

"Probably this is the case." The robbers said: "So this group of creatures continues to have a difficult life. The one in front of us is separated from the same kind, so come to this tree... rest under the tree."

"It turns out that it sounds like a very tragic story." The blood fog said: "What do we do now?"


The robbers did not say anything, and the creature once again made a squeaking sound. When the blood fog was doubtful, he suddenly found that the picture in front of him showed the text.

"Can you take me to my companion?"

"I just updated your database. Now you can see the translated text." The worm said to the blood fog: "It now thinks that we are also floating rock creatures lost here, so it is full of hope in our thoughts. ...it feels that we can communicate with us and then unite our population together to fight this difficult environment."

"That's the case..." The **** fog said: "We can go to the group to see it, maybe one of them has seen our ship."

"That's also... then go see."

After the decision, the robbers and blood fog are walking with the amphibious creature. At the same time, the creature expresses its name as '咕咕噶' and has the meaning of 'the brave man', although the blood fog feels it. Not brave.

This creature seems to have no precautions against blood fog and robbers. The robbers say that it is too long in this environment. As long as you see a talking creature, whether it is a kind or not, it will be very exciting. It's not very likely to be on guarding anything... because the things that threaten them here are impossible to communicate.

So these three creatures strolled under this dark red world.

Because this creature called ‘咕咕噶’ does not have any clues to its companions, they are still strolling around as before, but it is at least a bit more acquainted with the various situations in this place, so it is still a bit useful.

For example, when encountering a dangerous creature, it will make the blood fog and robbers avoid, and it will analyze the direction and climate through the situation in the sky.

After this trip lasted a pompom day and night, they found that they learned a lot of things here, and said that they have never heard of the 'starting environment' and have never heard of any subsidiary origin. Creature or thing.

This makes the robbers have some doubts. Maybe this place is not necessarily the original world of the beginning. But if so, what is it? Maybe it's a very close location, like a satellite. (~^~)

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