4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1897: Discovery inside

"So this creature is also... machinery?"

Here is a metal ship flying in the dark red sky, and a new creature appears inside the ship.

This creature looks like a rocky shell, like an armored dragon, which makes it look like a cell-like creature.

But in fact, it is called...machinery.

According to research by the robbers, this organism is almost entirely of metal structure and has a complete set of ... 'digestive system'.

It can eat the right things and serve as the 'nutrient' of the body's growth, which can break down many of the metals that are eaten.

Although there are great differences in appearance, the worms think that ‘Kinglong’ and ‘Jelly Machinery’ have very similar procedures, and they all live a life like wildlife, rather than treating themselves as a machine.

This group of creatures like Ankylosau is currently eating a huge ... battleship, and the blood fog is now observing this situation.

"They have gotten a lot of them..."

On the ground, the head of the blood mist is inside the mechanical water, while the mechanical water raft maintains the invisible mode of discoloration, and around it, it passes through the ‘Aragon’ that is about six meters long.

These huge mechanical creatures move six pillar-like limbs that head toward the outer shell of the target warship.

Nowadays, many of these 'Aragon' are gathered under the shell of the battleship. They emit high temperature from the mouth... 'melting light', the robber is called, and the dragon uses this light to melt the metal. In a liquid state, and swallow these liquids.

"That is there..."

The blood fog is now looking at an ankylosaurus, precisely to look at it in front of it, because it continues to melt, a large hole has appeared on the shell of the battleship.

This big hole is enough for mechanical water to pass.

"Soon..." The blood fog noticed that the light of the dragon was getting weaker and weaker. They would not continuously emit the melting light for too long. There will be a short break. When the dragon stops shooting, the blood fog immediately. Open the otter and ran over.

Passing under the huge body of six meters, the blood fog successfully entered the battleship.

"I succeeded!" At the moment of entering, the blood fog immediately sent a message to the robbers, and the robbers replied at the same time: "Very good, you look inside and investigate."

“Is this really a warship?” The blood fog looked around and went deep. It was now in a metal passage, the surrounding walls were covered with black metallic luster and looked very smooth with no entrance. What.

The metal channel is more than ten meters wide and four meters high to allow the mechanical water to pass through. The blood fog is as observed by the robbers. When walking around here, it is also observed everywhere.

Although there is no room in this place, there are some special things...

For example, on the ground, the blood fog saw some ... patterns, which looked like a ball full of thorns on the floor.

"Not accessible?"

The blood fog found that when it went to the pattern on the ground, the picture in front of it showed a piece of text, which seemed to indicate the meaning of the pattern.

So, is the pattern of this thorny ball inaccessible?

"Sure enough!" At this time, the sound of the roaring worm sounded: "Now the battleship you are in belongs to the group of creatures we met before... that is, the population of '咕咕噶', you The pattern seen on the ground is 'inaccessible' in their language."

"Oh?" The **** fog said: "This... is it?"

"Yes, this is probably the battleship they used to ride here. Anyway, you should go to the cab and use the scan."

‘嘀嘀...’ The forefoot of the mechanical leeches of the **** fog was lifted, and the sound of snoring continued.

The blood fog found that another picture popped up next to it. This picture has its own location and the surrounding environmental structure, and it is constantly expanding.

"Oh... this is a map? It has such a convenient function..." The **** fog said: "I didn't know it before!"

"Because I didn't tell you." The robber said: "This is to use the scanning function to detect the general environment around, so now you have to go to... this place."

At the moment when the buzzing sound fell, the blood fog saw a flash on the map and a red light.

"This place is probably the cab, located in the center of the battleship, not far from you." The robbers said: "Where you can know if the warship can still start."

"It shouldn't be used." The blood fog ran along the passage and ran to the side: "If they can still move, they have already taken this and ran away..."

"That's the problem." The robbers said: "This problem is probably the same reason that the Indo-Insects have no way to repair the nervous system."

"Why is the same... oh oh?"

The puddle of the **** fog suddenly stopped, because at the moment of passing a corner, it saw a lot of things... things were covered with the passage ahead.

"what is that……"

These things look a lot like gnome-like short, small bodies with four limbs, but made of metal, but they should be head-shaped but a jagged saw.

‘Hey! ! ! These strange machines also found blood fog, they suddenly swayed from the limbs to the **** water, and the circular saw also rotated at high speed at the same time.

"Oh!" The blood fog immediately controlled the leeches to recede, while lifting the forelegs to aim at the mini-body mechanics.

‘Hey! Under the continuous sound, these machines were shot one by one, and their bodies had more or less a hole that was punched out.

After killing the first few machines, the latter were suddenly scared, and they quickly fled away... and did not continue to attack.

"What the strange things are going on..." The blood fog looked at the running machinery and let out a sigh of relief.

“It’s probably the same form of jelly machine.” The robber said: “Go to the cockpit and get there when you get there.”

"Oh... that's it."

The blood fog continued to control the mechanical water to the inside of the battleship. After passing a corner again, it saw a group of machinery. The group of machines looked like a small... jellyfish, floating slowly in the air.

These are not dangerous, the blood fog went straight down from them, and finally arrived at the entrance to the cab.

No, there is no entrance. The blood fog looks at the passage wall made of metal in front of me. I question the robbers: "How do you get in the cab?"

The robbers said: "Sound, that is, the password, the password is ... 咕咕咕咕咕咕."

"Oh." At the moment when the blood fog followed, the channel wall in front of it suddenly glowed, and a black metal showed a crack. This crack instantly expanded and a wide room was opened. Shown in front of the **** fog.

"It seems to be quite powerful... but how do you know the password?" The blood fog wondered.

"Before I talked to their leader." The robbers said: "Their bosses said that some of the previous mechanical techniques to open them required a password, and it told me the password without warning."

"is it……"

The blood mist entered the room. It looked at the surroundings first, and soon locked his eyes on the pile of things in the center of the room... it looked like a pipe.

Because the robbers told it that it was the operation panel, and said: "Next, you do what I said."


Before the mechanical leeches went to the operation panel, although the blood fog felt that the thing was like a certain kind of coral, it was quickly operated under the guidance of the worm.

The blood fog didn't know how to get it. It just clicked on the roaring worm and it was still there. Soon, a three-dimensional pattern popped up in front of it. The pattern showed a bunch of blood fog. Something you don't understand.

"It's true." The robber said: "This warship can also be started, and most of its functions are running, including the more important parts of the engine.

"Hey?" The **** fog said: "How is this possible? There are so many kinds of things outside... things are eating it..."

"They just eat the shell, they haven't eaten inside yet." The robbers said: "And it's only recently started to eat."

"But why...when they don't leave on the battleship?" The robber said: "This is mainly because of various reasons, you continue to follow what I said."

Then, the blood fog continued to adjust a large number of pictures under the command of the worm, and most of these pictures did not understand the blood, and the leeches would not be translated automatically.

However, the robbers have explained it to it.

The captain of this battleship came to the world at some point. They originally landed on the surface because of a problem with the engine. The captain decided to leave the engine here and left, and did not plan to stay longer.

But there have been many problems.

The biggest problem is the management system of the warship. This warship is managed by an intelligent system that can be translated into 'courage'. This system suddenly has a 'variation', and it rejects all occupant control operations including the captain.

This system canceled the operational rights of all occupants, after which the captain tried many methods and could not recover.

In the end, the captain had to adopt the ‘extreme’ approach, which was to ruin the current operating system and install a new one.

But this system won't wait for death, it immediately started a counterattack. (~^~)

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