4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1898: Wildlife

"In the end, the cockroach's population escaped... because the ‘courage’ system aimed at all the weapons, all the machinery, and all the things that could be used in the battleship.”

"They have no way to resist, the system has control over too many things, they can only run out of warships, and then live a tough life in this world."

"They were not crystallized at first, but they came out wearing protective clothing, but the maintenance of protective clothing was quite troublesome, so they found another way of life, that is, to crystallize themselves so that they can be protected. In the case of this world environment."

"Just, they seem to have forgotten everything."

“Although they may avenge the 'courage' system, it is possible to use the locally collected materials to make weapons and new warships, but the cockroach population does not do so. They are quite common in this world. Life, using simple pieces of weapons, and then they seem to forget that they have a warship, but remember some things floating in the rock, but also know that their ancestors came from the floating rock, but forgot how to return Even forgot how to fly..."

“They accidentally discovered some of the previous materials and created the 'mechanical jelly', but the group of mechanical jelly betrayed them, they also lost the information and continued to lead a difficult life.”

“Why is this happening? Is the population of cockroaches so declining?”

"But it seems that there is more than just them, and the other side is the same."

"That is... on the side of the 'courage' system, after the courage system has driven away the cockroach population, it has not continued to pursue, nor has it continued to try to do anything else, but to begin to rebuild all the machinery in the battleship. ""

"There are many kinds of machinery in warships, including cleaning, cooking, construction, etc... These machines were at the beginning of the initial betrayal. They were all controlled by the courage system, attacking the cockroach population. After the solution was resolved, the courage system began to transform these machines."

“It's about the specific transformation of machinery by adding them to the ‘life structure’, so that every machine has... ‘food’, ‘digest food’, ‘absorb food’, ‘manufacturing offspring’.”

“At the same time, some special intelligent systems have been added to these machines, so that they will carry out some simple thinking and then release them.”

"Next. These machines have become the wildlife of the world. They collect resources and live and breed everywhere. The population is getting more and more, and some are slowly becoming extinct. After all, most machines have feeding functions, but they are themselves. The structure is not suitable for living in this world."

“But some of the more powerful machines have lived in this world for a long time...”

"And as for the courage system itself, it has entered a state of sleep after doing these things. So far there are no signs of waking up, even the machinery it made itself... that is, those outside the 'Ailong' come back to eat it. The warships are not aware."


"Oh..." After listening to the introduction of the robbers, the blood fog felt quite confused. It said: "That is to say, the system inside the battleship drove away the original population of cockroaches and then created a bunch of 'wild machinery'. The population of cockroaches became more and more wild, not Make things like the previous weapons."

“Yes.” The robbers said: “They all seem to have become wildlife in this world, living... original life.”

"I think this is caused by some kind of influence." The robbers said: "The same is true of the arms of the Inca worms. There are some kinds of things in the world that are affecting their nerves, even including intelligence. The mechanical system made them more and more wild, and the nervous system of the Inca group was also affected, so it entered an unrepairable state."

"Oh!" The **** fog said: "Do you say this. Are we also affected?"

"Yes! You will become more and more stupid! Although you are stupid, it will always become more stupid. Rest assured." This is the voice of the blind man.

"It won't be affected now, maybe because we have been here for a long time." The robbers said: "But it is possible to stay on..."

"But how do you know so much?" The blood fog said: "Is it seen from the pictures that I just opened? Not that the 'courage system' has closed all permissions..."

"It just turned off the right to operate. The right to observe is fully open." The robbers said: "Although I don't know why, any such creature can see the information here as long as it can be operated."

"Moreover, most of the information is not in the warship itself, but in the period of the courageous system that has been rebellious to the two sides' wilderness... a bio-recorded 'diary'."

"What creature?" The blood fog said: "So powerful to see the whole process?"

"It is the captain." The robber said: "The captain of this battleship has also survived, and it has not joined the crystallization group of cockroaches, has been wearing protective clothing in the world, it has mentioned this point."

The blood fog asked: "Is it not affected by wildlife?"

"That doesn't know..." The robber said: "It is mentioned in the diary that it will occasionally come back, enter all the things it sees into this control panel, and then leave."

"Maybe it's in the vicinity, find it should know how it resists the impact of this 'wildness'." The robber said: "So, go find it."

"What? Let me go? Why let me go!" The voice of the scorpion rang again.

"You are very good at finding things." The robbers said: "Your movements must be quick, don't complain here."

"I must complain! You can't treat a common scorpion so cruelly!"

Even so, the blood fog still hears the voice of the scorpion farther and farther away, it seems that it is starting.

"Then you will continue to investigate there." The robbers said to the blood fog: "Their warships should not be transmitted, but look for what is the reason for them to come here, and we must also inform the Inca swarm... ..."

"This world may pose a threat to them." (To be continued.)

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