4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1899: Startup and war

"It doesn't seem to start..."

Here is the interior of a warship. The mechanical water rafts on which the blood is fogging are still in this place, acting under the direction of the robbers. ¥f,.

The blood fog has now come to a relatively narrow place, where the ground is full of black lines, all connected to a hole in the room.

The robbers told it that this is where the 'courage system' is, the system is now in a state of sleep, and the robbers want to start it.

But the startup failed.

I have tried various methods of startup. This system does not have 'wake up'. It still has no reaction to the outside.

So the robbers decided to let the blood fog test the last method, that is to attack the system, so the blood fog came to this place.

"Put the bomb into... here." The mechanical leeches went to the hole in the center of the room where there were countless lines, and the otter lifted the forelegs and aimed at it.

"Are you sure there will be no problem with this?" Before the action of the blood fog, there was still some unwillingness to ask the robbers: "Does the bombing here cause it to attack me?"

"There is this possibility." The robbers said: "But you are also likely to escape. I have already told you the location of the weapons inside the ship and updated your invisible function, so act quickly, then If you wait, the 'Ailong' will be eaten outside."

"Oh... alright."

A small bomb exploded from the end of the forelimb of the otter and fell into the pothole where the line gathered...

‘Boom! The roaring sound also sounded at the same time. The fire of the sky made the whole room tremble... As for the sluice of the **** fog, it had already jumped back, ran out of the entrance of the room and ran wildly in the corridor.

‘Beep-咕-咕-’ The weird and low-pitched voice echoed throughout the corridor. According to the robbers, this sound would sound as long as the battleship was attacked.

At the same time, the battleship will also carry out... counterattack.

"You must pay attention..." The blood fog ran while watching the small holes at the top of the sides of the corridor. Those were the weapons of the battleship. They would emit high-temperature light, warheads, explosives, etc., and the blood fog must be fixed. If they are, they are likely to be crushed in an instant.

However... there seems to be no problem.

The blood fog ran across the long corridor, and it did not suffer any attack from start to finish, so the blood fog easily ran into the previous cab.

"It didn't attack me..." The blood sighed with a sigh of relief: "The stealth feature is really useful."

"Maybe it's not the relationship of invisible features." The robbers said: "Go and open the database in the cab..."


The **** fog opened the operating panel of the cab like the last time, and looked at all the information under the direction of the robber.

"Sure enough, the system did not wake up." The robbers said: "So the weapons are not attacked. Otherwise, even if you are invisible, it will attack the squadrons of the squadrons."

"So what should I do now?" Blood Mist asked: "The information here has been seen, is there still no way to find a way to send it back?"

“Yes...” The robber said: “There is no mention of how the populations of the cockroaches came here...they were transmitted, or by other means, even barely mentioning them. Before the life here, I think that the system itself hides some past information, and we must wake up the system to know."

"But if you blow it up, you can't wake up... then you can only wait for another plan." The robber said: "It's the captain... The captain seems to have used some way to live in this world for a long time." We can only figure out these things if we find it."

"I don't think it is necessary to give that important thing to the blind man." The blood fog said: "It is possible to kill the captain."

"I think it can do the job." The robber said: "We have to do something else before it comes back... we can try to disassemble the engine and some important parts of the battleship and install it on our ship. On board, so we might be able to... fly into the void."

"Hey?" The **** fog said: "Fly in the void... What?"

"This way we can confirm that our position is the original crystalline world, or a new place..."

......... at the same time, on the other side.........

Here is the world of crystallization. Almost all the substances on the ground are shining with the brilliance of the crystal, and the sky here is mostly pink. If it is dark, it will turn into a white color.

On a vast crystalline plain, a city is situated on the ground, it is made up of countless crystal buildings, all of which are characterized by 'whirlpool' and 'rotation', so each building is like a snail shell. The whirling twist.

Around the building there are a lot of creatures, which are up to two meters in shape, shaped like squid, crystallized all over the body, moving on the ground using thick, thick tentacles.

This group of creatures is called 'crystal scorpion', and they all pay attention to the city center at this time. There is a building in the city with a height of hundreds of meters. This building has a slender structure with a spiral shape like a snail.

It’s the night, and no other buildings shine. Only the brilliance of this building in the center of the city shines through the city.

This made the city's crystals pay attention to it, and it was not enough to raise the adoration of this dazzling building. Some of the crystals waved their tentacles and expressed respect for the building.

'boom! Then the building exploded.

The brilliance of the explosion replaced the radiance of the building, which bloomed over the city and formed a more dazzling... but it would make the creatures fear rather than worship.

After the light of the explosion dissipated, the entire sky returned to the darkness again, but it was somewhat different from the usual night. If you look closely, you can see that the sky is not a whole piece.

It is composed of countless dense objects that fall from the sky at an extremely fast speed and rush to the city of the crystal.

In an instant, the city that originally belonged to the darkness lit up, just like the starry sky. Countless spots of light flashed on the ground of the city, which was the tiny light emitted by the tip of the crystal of the tentacle.

These tiny rays of light went to the sky, approached the countless shadows in the sky, and penetrated them.

Numerous rays of light are fleeting in the sky, and the countless shadows of the sky are still rapidly approaching the surface, without stopping.

‘嘭’ The first black shadow fell on the ground. It was full of blue smoke and had hundreds of holes in it... It looked like it came from the Inca group and had the name emptiness.

Moreover, it is already dead.

‘Hey! Hey! Hey! ’

One by one, the black shadows fell on the ground, and they all showed the identity of the emptiness of death.

This is caused by the light just now.

When countless rays of light come into contact with a void group, there are countless voids that are penetrated by light, so when they reach the ground they are already a riddled body.



As the body fell more and more, some black shadows that did not belong to the body also reached the ground, and the living void swayed its wings and swooped toward the crystal on the ground.

‘Hey! ‘Innumerable rays of light penetrated its body in an instant, with the high-temperature light letting most of its body melt and dissipate, and the rest of it fluttered with the wind, and this empty space disappeared into the wind.

However, this is only the beginning.

The sky is covered with intensive black shadows. Now, when you look at the sky, you can't see the sky itself. You can only see the dense void.

The crystal scorpions on the ground carried their tentacles and madly shot against the sky. When many of the emptiness of the emptiness were scattered by the light and fell to the ground, many crystal scorpions were surrounded by the void.

They are torn apart in an instant.

There are more and more wrecks on the ground, mixed with crystal fragments and emptiness of the dead bodies... Although most of them are empty, because the crazy shooting of the crystal and the attacking power of the light can make them change ten or more. many……

However, many of the emptied bodies on the ground have begun to 'move'.

The spare cells that have not died in their bodies continue to divide, devour the dead structure to replace it, and let the originally riddled body stand up again and fight.

When the black symbolizing the emptiness of the sky slowly drowned the city of crystallization, a voice suddenly rang.


All the buildings in the city have shined, and many of the buildings have opened countless small holes, and a lot of light scatters around them, penetrating all the voids around them.

At the same time, the crystallization of the plains outside the city also shines, a huge ball of light flies up on the surface, flying to the empty space above the city.

'boom! ’

The light ball is like a blooming star. The dazzling brilliance drowns the insects in the sky. After the glory dissipates, countless wreckage and limbs are scattered in the sky like a storm. The sky hidden by the insects has once again restored its appearance. .

The crystal scorpions still alive in the city raised their tentacles, looked at the sky that became 'clean', began to celebrate the victory of this battle, and began to clean up the wreckage in the city, because they know that there will soon be The second battle is about to start...


The sky is shining again.

This time, the crystals know that they are not their own... because it burns with flaming flames and has a huge volume, which means that the second battle begins, and it is faster than they think... …a lot of. (To be continued.)

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