4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1902: captivity

"Do you dare to imprison me? Do you dare to face my anger? I will let your bones fill the whole world!"

Here is a dimly lit space with tiny spots of light shining through the numerous cracks and cracks on the ground, making it look like a house that has been in disrepair.

In the house, there is a creature, which is like a scorpion, without tails and thorns, mouth anger and anger.

But it still can't go out of this place.

‘Hey! It climbed to the entrance of the room and slammed it on the door a few times. The heavy metal echo indicated the sturdiness of the door, so it could only turn around and look at the space that he was waiting for.

This is a space of about ten meters in diameter. It is very big for a scorpion with a length of more than half a meter. The height of the room is about three meters. The whole room is like a rock. There are many gaps and cracks on the top. Come in.

The only exit to the room is a round metal door that is now closed and does not look easy to open.

The blind man remembered the previous thing. Before it heard the roaring worm, he went out to find the trace of the thing called the captain. After flying for a while, he did not find the captain, but found a lot of ... Inca wreckage.

Xunzi showed great interest in the wreckage. It has always had a strong ‘awe’ feeling for these powerful swarms and expects to become so powerful.

Therefore, it is going to investigate the wreckage, but just as it rummages around in the wreckage, it suddenly feels that the body grabs something and pulls it into the depths of the wreckage, when it comes back to God. I found myself trapped in this room.

"Your stupidity will make you die very badly, do you know?" The blind man shouted at the entrance: "You will soon be smashed into ten or eight pieces and then eaten by me!"

"...you are very interesting." A sound rang, and the scorpion immediately looked into the center of the room. The room was empty and there was nothing... except for the central location, which had a white circle on the ground.

This circular object occasionally glows, and then displays a stereoscopic image that the scorpion can see as a creature it has seen before.

'噼啪...' The image is flashing, its sound is blurred and mixed with a lot of noise, as if an old device is running, but the blind can still hear what it says: "Just... your companion Killed the camouflage I made, as if they could tell it at a glance."

"You are stupid and incompetent." The blind man said: "I didn't ask you to kill the sad little dinosaur head? Didn't you do it, dare to report it to me? I will find you soon. Then tear your weak face into nine pieces!"

The blind man knows a lot about the outside world, including the spies who boarded the robbers and the **** fog, because the image tells it.

"I just want to observe them, and guide them by the way." Although the voice of the nephew is very rude, the image does not seem to be irritating, but continues: "I have no intention of attacking them, and I am very curious, you Don't want to know? For example, who am I? Why are you locked up, why can you learn your language so quickly, you have never asked these things."

"Of course I know that you are the captain of a stupid creature!" said the blind man: "When I saw you using this old, slow, video device to talk to me, I knew you were What's up! Although your equipment is much slower, it is the same type used on that battleship! And you are not learning my language, the language of the stupid little dinosaur head, do you know? The language of idiots! Hey!"

Xunzi has been talking in the Emerald Dragon language, and the image of this creature is also communicating with it in Emerald Dragon.

Moreover, the image now shows some... angry look.

"I might find a better talking creature." The video said: "But you can know my identity... I am a little surprised. Have you seen the information in the battleship? What do you think?"

"That's what it looks like, is there any other opinion?" The blind man glared at the image with his eyes: "I know that you have been in this world for a long time like a fool, and have been trying to make yourself even worse. Stupid, but your population has become an idiot that is more idiotic than an idiot, so you will definitely have the same end."

"It seems that you know a lot." The video said: "My population is now hard to save, but my efforts will make me successful..."

“Do you know where it is?” The sound of the image suddenly became excited: “This is a deserted world!”

"What?" The scorpion was shocked: "Is it a world dedicated to your incompetent waste?"

"Sometimes I really want to kill you." The video said: "But you and your companion are the only objects I can communicate with, so I won't miss this opportunity. I will tell you something... the beginning. It’s so called in your language.”

"This is the language of idiots," said the blind man.

"Okay, don't care about this." The video said: "When you come here, you should see a lot of deposits, like wreckage, metal, stone or something. These are things that are dead or broken down."

"Their time is not consistent, but they are all produced in the world of the table."

The nephew said: "What is the world? Is it a not too stupid world?"

"Don't you know?" said the image: "The beginnings are mainly... two worlds, one world is called 'surface'. Since you have come here, you should have been to the 'surface', where it is being Covered by crystals, the whole world looks beautiful and kind."

"Then the second world is called 'discarded', which is often called 'abandoning the world', is this place." The image says: "This is where the waste is discarded, and all the objects that break down in the world of the watch will Appeared in abandoning the world."

"Do you mean that there is no body in the world of the watch?" said the blind man: "That is terrible!"

"The beginning of the way to maintain the balance between the two worlds ... sometimes there will be some creatures, like us ... in a good situation to abandon the world." The image said: "At this time, we can only You can leave from here by some means. If you want to leave, you must help me..." (~^~)

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