4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1903: communicate with

This world...is a world in which to throw away objects. ≤,

There is no body, fragment, or the like in the world of the watch. It is a vast, smooth, shiny...the world covered by crystal.

All the wreckage produced in the world of the watch will disappear after a certain time, and go to ... abandon the world.

Under the flow of time, the world has gathered countless wastes, some have just arrived, and some have been here for a long time...

Why is there such a ‘abandoning the world’? What is its purpose? I can't infer the thinking of the ... beginnings, they often imitate the thinking of other creatures, and then do things according to the thinking logic of that creature.

Sometimes I wonder if they have their own thinking.

But no matter what, before the creatures realized that the two worlds existed, the interaction between the world and the world had lasted for a long time.

There are many creatures living there in the world of the watch. Their shapes are varied, but the outer skin is relatively simple.

They are almost all crystalline creatures, the whole body is covered with crystals, and they live in the world in a shining way. Their life is not so simple.

Because they do live in a beautiful, but terrifying world, many creatures, including us, hate corpses, wreckage, excrement, and the like, but if a world loses these things, then It is very difficult to live in this world. Usually, there is no life in that world.

But specifically, I don't know much about the biological situation in the world of the watch... because I didn't stay there for too long, I spent most of my life in this world of litter.

As for abandoning the world, it is another form. The world is divided into two sides. One side is always facing the light, the other side is always facing... Darkness, you are now on the 'bright' side, so you can only see the white, the other side It is the eternal night, there are more, bigger creatures.

However, no matter which side, the world is abunded with extremely rich species. They come here for various reasons, and quite a few of them are 'evolving' here.

Species living in abandoning the world live a very... ordinary life is to collect food and breed, almost every creature has these two things as the theme.

And those creatures that were supposed to be elsewhere have ideas that they want to leave the world, because life here is also very difficult...

But there is another problem in this world. You seem to call it ‘wildification.’ Yes, abandoning the world has a rather weird ‘power’ that affects every creature here.

This kind of influence will be especially noticeable for those creatures with higher intelligence. Under the influence, they will slowly forget the past and become the wildlife... here.

You have seen my population, they still remember some of the previous things, but I think they will soon forget those things, forget the idea of ​​leaving, and become a part of the world's ecological environment. It has been proliferating, or it has not been able to withstand the difficult life here and is extinct.

This influence has even affected our previous 'courage' intelligent system.

It's like going crazy, first attacking us, then building a lot of machinery, and assembling each machine with a certain level of smart components, and then letting them go wild.

In fact, this is quite strange.

The system did not wilden itself, but created a lot of wild machinery. I think it has recently manufactured all kinds of machinery in the data design diagram, so it shuts itself down. Maybe it is going to die like this, no longer wake up. come.

All creatures are like this, and there have been a lot of new creatures here recently, and they are likely to be affected, thus forgetting that everything in the past has become a creature here.

And all this is not meaningless.

My research here has made me discover a lot. I have found that every time I abandon the world, there will be a species that can be called the 'peak'.

This species is very powerful, they have developed a large group here, and can beat all the opponents around, and may even use the things here to create a variety of weapons and props.

In the process of wilderness, intellectuals cannot express intelligence, but after they completely forget the past... completely become a part of the world, their intelligence will slowly recover, and may use this intelligence to abandon the world. Waste and debris are everywhere to make weapons.

Because you have forgotten all the knowledge of the past, it is very difficult to think about making something powerful, but if you can achieve this step, it will become the peak species here.

If you abandon the world to reach its peak, then this species will be discovered by the beginning, they will record this species... and take them out of here.

In this way, the species can be recognized by the origin, they can leave the world at any time, and the beginning will imitate the appearance of the species, learn their essence and their technical capabilities, as well as the logic of thinking, etc... ...record all of this.

Perhaps this is why they are called 'starting'... like an original mirror, without self, but it maps everything.

A lot of races have been recorded in the beginning, and they have all been taken away from the world by the beginning, while the remaining races that have abandoned the world continue to live until the birth of the next ‘peak.’

I said that you should have understood it here... We only need to cooperate to leave the world.


"So... what do you think?"

Here is a dimly lit space, the surrounding walls look like rocks, and in the space, the mechanical leeches on which the blood fog rides are in the center, and look at a three-dimensional image in front of them.

"You are the one... Captain?" The blood fog looked at the image and asked: "You said so much, but I didn't say your dragon information, and why don't you show up and use this image to speak?"

"Yes... I am the captain." The video said: "I don't want to show up until I am sure of safety, but I can talk too, and I understand your language from your pretty violent companion."

"Where is it?" The blood fog said: "Have you killed it?"

"It's still safe now." After the captain's image finished this sentence, the blood fog clearly showed the lost look.

"Let's go back to the topic of discussion." The captain's image did not care about the expression of blood fog, but continued: "I have obtained a special technique through research, I can make the beginning think that we have reached" The peak of the species, so that we can get out of here."

“Hey?” The blood fog wondered: “How did you do this?”

"Of course, by studying the history of this world." The captain said: "In the myriad of wreckage here, many secrets have been hidden. It took me a long time to study."

"But what is the use of this?" The blood fog said: "Is this not going to be taken from the beginning to take records?"

"They will record us, but we won't take us away, we can get freedom." The captain said: "If you don't get their approval, you can't leave the world, even if it's the engine of our warship." But as long as you get approval, you will be free."

"Let it provide its research materials." The sound of the robbers rang in the mink machinery: "So we can believe."

"You should give us the information you have studied." The blood fog said to the captain: "This way we can believe in you."

"This is the only chance..." The captain's image flashed a little and made a humming noise, but it quickly recovered: "You can't believe me, but when your consciousness is affected, start 'wilding' It’s too late.”

"You have to explain at least..." The blood fog said: "How did you not be affected by wildlife? And how did you live that long?"

According to the study of the robbers, this captain lived much longer than the average cockroach population.

It may have lived for hundreds of years, and the cockroach population generally has only 50 years of pompom life.

“I use a variety of methods to avoid these things,” said the captain. “But it also prevents me from approaching my population... or I will be infected by them, I have left a place for you now. ""

‘Hey! ’

The image instantly changes into a map, and the blood fog is seen as a circle on the map.

"If you want to join my plan, go to that position, I will tell you the details further. In fact, the whole process is very simple, because the beginning will not ‘personal’ come here to judge the peak species.”

After that, the image disappeared.

"How do we do it?" The blood fog asked the robbers in the machine.

They used to find the place with the protective clothing signal of the scorpion, but they did not see the scorpion but saw a small room made of rock, and there was an image of the captain.

"I think it says a lot, but I don't mention it to myself. I feel like I can't believe it..." Bloody fog said: "Because I don't think it should be known so much, if it is the beginning Just be trapped here."

"Let's go to the location of it first." The robbers said: "We will use some methods to find it... itself." (To be continued.)

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