4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1211: Record office

"This has a function of ... identification, it can judge whether it is an object or a creature."

Under the dark red sky, the robbers, the **** fog and the scorpion are on the bow of a metal vessel.

And the ship is slowly moving forward, its goal is a door frame in the open space.

At the center of the door frame is a dim and wide cave scene. After several tests, the three creatures on board found that they could not enter the door using the usual methods.

However, at the same time, I found that I can go in with some special methods, for example... as I do now, I drove the boat directly into the door.

"This should be able to go in." The robbers said so, although the widest position of the ship would be stuck through the door, they continued to move forward.


At the moment when the bow touched the door, the strange sound sounded, and the whole ship was constantly shaking, feeling like it was... an earthquake.

"Oh... what happened?" Because of the strong vibration, the blood fog felt like the ship was going to be torn.

However, the vibration slowly slowed down until the hull entered half of the door and stopped completely. Then the whole ship disappeared.

This is also true of all the creatures carried on board, during which time the blood fog feels that the scenery in front of the scene changes rapidly, and when the change is over... it has seen the scenery inside the door.

"I really can get here..."

The blood mist controls the mechanical water raft to the edge of the deck. When it looks out, it can see a vast cave space... it is wide enough to see the cave wall, only the ground and the top of the cave.

The top of the cave is more than 30 meters above the ground. There are many fallen stones like stalactites. As for the ground, there are many creatures crawling up and down.

"It seems that its recognition function is the same as I expected." The robber said: "When the hull entered half, it had decided to ship the ship in, and it also identified us as part of the hull... ..."

“There is a lot of difference between this and the outside...” The **** fog said: “It’s much bigger than the outside, and the ones on the ground are...”

The creatures on the ground are very similar to ‘蛞蝓’. They are about one meter long, and they are soft and moving very slowly. They seem to be very suitable for this dark environment.

“It seems to be a native species.” The worm also thinks so. It doesn’t pay much attention to the ‘蛞蝓’ of the ground but looks to the rear of the ship.

Not far from behind the boat, a door is standing there, exactly like the outside door, and showing the outside scenery... but the real exterior of the view from the door is a little different, here is a piece outside the door. Wilderness, without any accumulated waste.

"The scenery it shows is a bit strange." The robber said: "But it's more important."


When the blood fog was in doubt, the boat moved again, but did not fly, but moved quickly on the ground. The blood fog was barely visible on the edge of the deck. It seemed to have something called a belly band under the boat. .

“This is what I created from the materials here.” The robbers said: “This way the ship can move in any terrain.”

"But where are we going?" The nephew asked: "This place is full of stench!"

“Is there a smell?” The **** fog said: “How did I not smell it?”

"Of your slow original breathing system can't smell it!"

"I don't know where to go." The robbers said: "But this place is expressed as 'the peak species record'... there will always be something special."

The robbers went to the bow. They looked down. The '蛞蝓' on the ground found the ships and fled, but because the speed was too slow, they were run over by the ship during the escape. Only a pool of paste was left after driving.

"Doesn't it matter so much?" The **** fog also reached the bow. It found that there were more and more '蛞蝓' appearing in front of it, and the ship was completely relentlessly pressed.

At the same time, the worm also opened an image showing the picture behind the hull. It was able to see a long trace of mucus left behind the ship.

"It doesn't seem to matter." The robbers said: "And it's not good to go forward without pressing them. We... have something special."

"What is a special thing?" The scorpion also ran to the bow, and the three creatures looked forward together and found a lake on the ground in front of them.

The diameter of the lake is hundreds of meters. When the boat travels to the lake, it stops. If you look carefully, you can see that it is not water in the lake... but a lot of finely broken things like sand.

These sands are all green, so the whole place looks like a green lake.

"This color..." The blood fog looked at the scene in front of him and could not help but sigh: "What are these?"

“It may be a local natural environment.” The robbers said: “It may also be... some connection with the peak species.”

Saying, the robbers pokeed the ground, the lights on the boats turned off instantly, and the surroundings suddenly entered a darkness...

However, the sand lake in front of the vessel did not fall into the darkness, and all the creatures on the boat saw... the sand on the lake was emitting sparkling fluorescence.

Not all the sand is shining, but a small amount of sand emits light, which makes it look like a lake, like a starry sky in the night.

"This is...we?" And when it looks carefully, the blood fog finds that these fluorescent sands are shaped together like a shape.

It can be seen that the sand on the lake shows the bow of a ship, and there are three things on the bow, namely the robbers, the scorpions, and the mechanical leeches.

To put it simply, it is like a mirror, but it uses fluorescent sand to reflect the picture, which makes the blood fog very wonderful.

"There will be such a thing!" The blind man shouted at the lake: "They dare to show me what they are! And it's so ugly! Why do I have to be a color with the idiot's little dinosaur head?"

"You..." What the blood fog just wanted to say, it suddenly felt something in the head... ‘things’, passed over, which caused it to interrupt the previous words.

"Another peak species was born." This is what is transmitted into the mind of the blood fog. It is exactly the words, but there is no sound or language. It is directly expressed in the mind... meaning.

"Into the reflection, your life and everything else will be recorded. From this moment on, you will become a peak species, leave the world, reach our world, live with us, live together, enjoy ... eternal life and peace, forever leaving the hardships and misery of the past."

When this passage reverberated in the **** fog, it suddenly produced a feeling that I wanted to jump into the lake in front of me... It seems that if I jump in, I can really forget all the troubles...

"Does it dare to seduce me? Do you think that I will be fooled like other idiots?" And the scream of the scorpion suddenly made the blood fog wake up, and turned to look at the robbers and scorpions, both of which seemed to be Nothing happens.

The scorpion is still yelling at the lake, and the robbers say: "It turns out that this is the place to record the peak species, but what exactly does it use to judge the peak species?"

"I..." The blood fog also found that he had unknowingly controlled the otter and went to the side of the boat. He jumped off one step later, and then immediately stepped back a few steps and said: "Who can come in, who is it?" Is it a peak species?"

"Maybe..." The robbers said: "It may not be a complicated thing to become a peak species, as long as you can open the door outside and find the way to send it in, so that any species can become the peak."

"So, are we going to record?" The blood fog said: "Do you want to jump in and see?"

"No, this is dangerous." The robbers said: "It seems that the beginning does not come to check this place, but if we go in, it will definitely be discovered by them. We should know what happens after entering, those peak species. What is going on now, since it is called the peak species record here, will there be other species recorded here?"

"We have to figure out this thing..." The robber said: "I just felt that the previous brain-like message was sent from one direction, that direction."

At the end of the day, the boat slowly turned to the side and then headed in the direction that the robbers said.

The journey lasted for a long time, and the three creatures on board soon saw the information transmission point that the robbers said.

“Is this a recorded creature?”

Before the ship, there was another lake similar to the previous one, but these lakes were much smaller, and each of them was only about three meters in diameter. It is not a lake, it can only be said to be a bunker.

However, it is covered with green sand and emits fluorescence.

This time, the green sand did not look like a mirror, but all showed a fixed pattern.

Moreover, these patterns are very much like... creatures.

"That's...the one we've seen!" When the blood fog looked at the patterns in the sandpits, it suddenly found that there were many patterns in the sand pit, and each pattern was before them. The appearance of a divisional crystalline species seen in the crystalline city of Crystal...

"It is indeed them." The robbers also saw the pattern: "It seems that the species that fight in the crystallization world with the Inca worms are the peak species recorded here." (To be continued.)

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