4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1212: a piece of information

Don't... jump in there, don't go into that big bunker...

Why did we start early? I really don't remember, in short, we experienced a wonderful journey.

The world that first appeared in our eyes is a shiny world. The whole world is like a beautiful gem. The ground is made of crystals. Everything is shining, without any dirt, dead bodies, or... excretion. Things, this is a beautiful world without 'dirty', it feels like the world in some myths and legends.

But this world is not as beautiful as the legend.

No food can be stored in the world for too long, they will disappear automatically, perhaps because our food is made of animal or plant corpses, disappearing time is different, sometimes it can be put for a long time, sometimes it will be very Fast, in short, it is very difficult to store any food here, and it is difficult for me to imagine how the creature lives in a world without a body.

In short, we can't live.

Later, we went to the second world. The world is completely opposite to the one above. There is a lot of things...the things that the world doesn't want, like pieces of debris, piled up here.

Although not so beautiful, I have to admit that it is easier to live in this world.

It's just relatively easy. In fact, life here is very difficult. After all, most of the debris here is something that can't be eaten like stone metal.

We have been thinking about ways to get back, at least the way to get out of this place, and later... they found a door.

We thought that it would save us, so we came up with various methods to come in, but only came in after we found out... This is an abnormal place.

Although there is a lot of space here, I have come a long and long way here, but there are very few things I have met. There are only a lot of soft, like 蛞蝓 creatures.

Then there are the green bunkers that record the peak species, and the small bunkers show the recorded species.

And those big bunkers attract the incoming creatures, and the creatures jump into the record to become the peak species... When we first came, we thought it was the root of all the problems, and then jumped in without thinking about it. ... my companions did this.

In fact, I thought so at the beginning, thinking that after jumping in, I would send us to a new place in an instant like touching the door.

But there was no such thing, my companions quickly climbed out of the sand, and there were a lot of weird places on them... their mouths were gone.

It seems that there is a layer of meat on the mouth, the original mouth seems to disappear, so they can't talk, of course... they can't eat.

Because I didn't jump into them with a bit of things, then I was glad that I didn't jump into the bunker together... Then, we didn't have any way.

Because there is no way to go anywhere in the bunker, and there is no way to go back through the original door, although the door still shows the scenery outside, but... no matter how you use it, you can't leave.

We realized that we were trapped here, and the biggest problem was not me, but my companions, who couldn’t eat because their mouths were sealed, and they soon died one after another because of hunger and thirst.

When they died, I found those... 蛞蝓 gathered, they ate the body of my companion, but did not show interest to me.

After that, I left one, I wandered in this vast cave space, because the death of my companions, the food they left can support me for a long time, I have been looking for ways to get out of here.

However, this place... no matter how long you go, you will always see a constant view, and occasionally there will be some bunkers, where species are recorded, or you are attracted to jump.

I knew the result of the jump, so I didn't get close to any bunkers. Later I found out in a pit that the appearance of my companion was recorded.

Have they become... peak species? Aren't they all dead? At the beginning, I thought that we would not end up with this without being recognized.

Another goal of my escape journey is to find the answer and find out why my companions will be recorded as the answer to the peak species.

Who will give me the answer? I think that the occasional ‘sound’ will give me the answer, I have been searching for it, trying to find out where it is.

It's just that this 'sound' is directly in the mind, there is no way to find its exact location, so I don't have any destinations wandering around.

When my food was almost finished, I finally found out... the place of that thing.

As I approached it, the voice in my brain became stronger.

So, I asked it, it also told me a lot of things...

I asked him about my companion, and it said... they did become the peak species, and the moment they jumped into the sand was already counted.

However, sand does not have the function of sending them anywhere, and those ... ‘蛞蝓’ have similar functions.

In its discourse, ‘蛞蝓’ is not called 蛞蝓, but is called ‘digestive particle transfer device’... It should be called this name.

In short, the function of those '蛞蝓' is to completely decompose the targets they touch, and then in a distant place... somewhere, there will be a similar device to reconstruct the things that are broken down here.

It means that this organism can be transferred to it and become a peak species.

However, my companions should have died before they were eaten, so they were not transferred at all.

Moreover, even if they are eaten alive, they are also digested here and have not been transferred...

But it doesn't tell me the real reason, just repeating that my companion has become a peak species...

Therefore, I will study the detailed reasons for myself.

I found the specific process.

The role of the bunkers is to deprive the jumping creatures of food or other abilities, making them easier to die, and then the corpse will be broken down by the cockroaches, and then the species will be recorded as a peak species, maybe it is really different. The place was constructed as an identical individual, but the creatures here are definitely dead.

Why don't they kill the creatures that jumped in, but let the creatures struggle for a while and I don't know.

But I want to leave these records and tell all the creatures that come in.

Don't jump into those bunkers. (To be continued.)

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