4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1213: The continuation of the war

The sky here used to be pink.

But this has not happened for a long time... because it is always obscured by various things, such as the brilliance of the explosion, a lot of dust, the insects that cover the sky, or...

A huge meteorite.

A burning meteorite cuts the sky, its brilliance makes the world a flame red color, accompanied by the sound of whistling, symbolizing that the giants that destroy the earth are getting closer and closer to the ground.

However, this time the creatures on the ground are not sitting as if they were before.

They look like giant discs, each with a diameter of more than 20 meters. There are hundreds of discs on this crystal plain. On the surface of these discs, the sparkle is shining. .

As the light becomes more and more intense, a huge ball of light is also generated on the disc, and then flies away into the sky. Their goal is the burning meteorite.

The glory of the blast is spreading across the sky.

The violent storm of the explosion hit the entire plain, blowing all the objects on the plain. The huge discs maintained their figure in the violent waves. This strong airflow did not harm them, but...

‘Hey! ’

A huge stone smashed in the center of the disc, which caused countless cracks to spread on it instantly, and its body collapsed, turning into crystal fragments.

The splashing stones after the meteorites blasted were like meteor showers. They dragged long tail flames into the crystal-clear ground, and the crystal discs that had just attacked them.

Many discs are shredded, but the damage caused by this is much smaller than the whole piece of meteorite.

After the flames of the sky stopped, many of the tentacles that had covered the tentacles climbed out of the disc, and they began to wave their tentacles as if they were celebrating victory.

However, are they really celebrating the victory? Will this kind of creature called Jingjing celebrate the victory?

The swarm did not think about this problem. When the crystal scorpion did these actions, the swarm was already in the void... Prepared around the satellite flying in the crystal world.

A large number of potholes are scattered all over this ridiculous satellite. Numerous insect swarms are constantly moving. Most of them are empty and empty. These arms adapt to the void and various extreme environments, and there are other arms besides the void. In some of the excavated potholes, there are a lot of '茧', they are the emptiness of the emptiness in the midst of change, although the general shackles will not be crusted, but the void will linger.

They dissolve themselves in the sputum and reconstitute the body. This method is currently used by the Inca group, allowing the troops to change rapidly.

Now the general Void Army is still carrying out their previous work to dig out huge stones for attack. They have to do very simple, find a place suitable for rock materials, dig a large enough stone, and then let The flying beetle pulls the rock away and throws it into the gleaming crystal world in the sky.

The crystallized world still flutters like a beautiful gem in the void, and this ridiculous satellite seems to be a stark contrast.

However, the meteorites excavated from the satellites have caused no small harm to the crystal world. They have been thrown to the surface by beetles one by one. These stones have destroyed dozens of cities with crystals.

Of course, this is not enough. The Inca group intends to roll the whole world with the fire of meteorites. The huge beetles keep coming and going in the void, carrying one piece of meteorite.

Sometimes, the swarm will think that the meteorite is not strong enough, so there are a lot of explosives in it.

Under the scorching fire of the ruined land, those creatures known as the scorpion have not built a fixed building on the surface, but instead turned into a highly mobile... force.

They transform the building into a mechanically similar thing, and all the buildings are transformed into disc-shaped, spherical and other shapes related to the circle.

The construction of these shapes all have ... limbs that move around the world with the crystal, without any fixed position.

The insects did not care so much, the meteorites still descended from the sky, and the earth of the crystal world was pulled out of a huge pit.

Whenever the meteorite falls to the top of the Crystal Warrior's Head, they will defend themselves, and all the crystallization machines will attack the sky and crush it before the meteorite falls.

Although it will also cause damage, most of the Crystal Warrior can survive under the meteorite bursting in the air... alive.

Then the crystals will expand like a celebration of victory, but at this time, they usually see...

The glimmering sky of the explosion has been overwhelmed by the insects that cover the sky.

These insects look like huge moths, and when their wings flap, the red rainstorms in the sky.

Numerous tiny illuminating objects fluttered with the wings of the moth, and the army of the crystal scorpion began to react. They cast the dazzling light **** into the sky.

When the ball of light blasts in the swarm, the raindrops of the illuminating objects fall on the body of the crystallization machine. The surface of the crystallization machine suddenly breaks down as if it were broken down. Come.

The war lasted for a long time, and countless insect swarms turned into smoke in the glory, and the crystallized army was completely submerged by the rain.

After the end of the war, there were countless huge wrecks on the ground. They were all crystallized machines of crystal, but now they are piles of cracked crystal blocks.

The sky is covered by the dust of the sky, which originally formed the swarm, and the huge insects are still covered with powder even if they are blown into powder.

But this scene can't last long.

The dust in the sky, the wreckage on the ground, they began to one after another, disappearing one by one.

It’s like there is some kind of mysterious power cleaning the sky and the earth. After a while, the sky will return to the pink luster, the ground will be clean, and even the cracks and wounds left by the explosion will be smooth. Neat, which makes the explosion look like a beautiful carving, not a trace of war.

The world has once again restored its beauty, but its protectors have complained about it. At somewhere nearby, the troops of the Crystals received news of the destruction of this unit.

A large number of spherical crystals that would run and countless soldiers of the crystals quickly came from a distance, but without recovering anything, they found that the wreckage of the destroying forces disappeared.

The crystal enamel began to communicate with each other. Like real squid, they changed color on the crystallized skin to express their meaning.

Although the colors look colorful and rich, they all express a meaning now, that is, complaints about this disappearance.

They think that there should be no such thing as disappearing. Otherwise, there is no way to recover their own troops, and there is no way to study the enemy’s wreckage.

The crystal enamels stood beside the spherical crystals, waving their tentacles and changing colors, and the scenes of mutual communication all entered the eyes of a small insect flying in the sky.

This insect is shaped like a mosquito, has large eyes and a wide field of vision. They are often called the Inca Eyes. They are also used to look at the world of crystal.

The content it sees is shared by all the swarms, and the content of the cicada exchange is also known by the swarm.

The Inca swarm took a little bit of time to understand the linguistic 'language', which means that the sputum makes it feel like an opponent worth knowing, not a goal to eliminate without knowing.

However, the victory of the war is a matter of time. The troops of Jingsheng can only defend with full force and are unable to counter the insects in the void.

Even if only using a wave of 'cannon ash' suppression, the crystal enamel will be unable to resist sooner or later.

And the Inca worms are now more concerned about other things...that is, there are wrecks that disappear.

Where did those wrecks go? The Inca group has recently received intermittent information.

This information was sent by a whistle called "the gentlest robbers in history," and something was mentioned in the message.

It is a matter of a world full of wreckage.

Although the information is intermittent and incomplete every time, the Inca group also has a general understanding of the world. It is a world full of waste. The wreckage that has disappeared in the world should be all there.

The weird ‘wildness’ power is affecting the world, making all the creatures of that world a part of the ecological environment and unable to escape.

In the intermittent message, the robbers said that it believes that 'abandoning the world' should be in the vicinity of the 'world of the world', that is, the crystal world.

It may be another tumbling person in the galaxy.

So the Inca insects let some beetles that were originally responsible for pulling the meteorites take off and go around to see the nearby world.

The galaxies of the crystal world, if not satellites, have only three tumblings.

The crystal world is located in a suitable position like a gorgeous jewel, making it suitable for the temperature and environment of cell-like organisms.

The other two, one very close to the star, seem to be swallowed by the stars at any time, and the surface there is also a boiling scene.

Another distance is far away, a ridiculous world covered by extreme cold.

Both of these are inconsistent with the abandoned world described by the robbers, and the temperature and environment of the world are stated to be in the same position as the crystalline world.

So, it may be somewhere else and cannot be found here.

Moreover, the abandonment of the world cannot be transmitted, and it seems to be a world that is difficult to discover.

But it is not completely undeliverable, as if there are many ways... you can get there, because it is closely related to it.

The Inca group believes that as long as it is considered a 'corpse' ... it is possible to get there. (To be continued.)

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