4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1223: Follow the power

"It seems to be the place here, following the guidance of strength, we came here."

"It seems like a very special place here."

The stars are shining in the sky.

But that's not the real starry sky, it's just an image of the roof.

Under this starry sky, the pace of scholars and blind people stopped because they had a small town in front of them.

To be precise, it is the ruins of the town. It is also a place where the pompoms are. The green plants climb on the cracked buildings. You can see them from the collapsed doors and broken windows. There is no living creature.

Scholars have never seen this scene before, because all the towns they encounter are home to a group of quiet creatures, the first time they have seen this ruin.

"Yes... the power that made the idiots become calm and lovable is from here!" The scorpion pointed to a relatively large building in the ruins and said: "Go ahead and check, we have to uncover the secrets of this world." !"

"But..." The scholars still hesitated: "If there are those devices that cause tranquility here, then there must be an beginning guarding here..."

"Don't worry so much, we must move forward!" The scorpion jumped from the head of the scholar and ran to the ruin town, and the scholar immediately followed it: "Wait a minute!"

"Can't wait any longer, the great mission is calling me!" The scorpion ran to the largest building it just referred to. The building looked like a warehouse building, and two heavy metal doors opened slightly, revealing A gap, looking inside, it is dark.

"The sad mirror, your secrets are exposed by me!" The screaming screamed and slid into the door.

"this is……"

When the scholar followed the scorpion to the building, it suddenly felt a strong feeling. This feeling... caused it to have a very weird emotion. It felt that he did not want to enter the building at all. So lying on the ground, into the dream of Enron.

However, the scholar's reason tells it that it must resist this feeling, and absolutely cannot compromise, so its hand is shaking, two thoughts are constantly confronted in its brain, one makes it leave nothing, calmly goes Life will do, and the other will let it continue to explore this way, to catch up with the secrets of the beginning of the scorpion...

"Starting... completely closed system..."

At the time of the emotional turmoil in the brain, the scholar said a word in his mouth... Suddenly, it felt that the ‘power’ surrounding it to make it quiet was much smaller.

"Call..." The scholar breathed a sigh of relief, although it said that it does not need to breathe now.

This completely closed system allows scholars to close all contact with the outside world except for sight and hearing. Functions such as smell, touch, and receiving signals are all turned off.

This makes the scholars no longer receive any signals sent from outside, and it can't use a variety of detection functions by itself. It can only be seen and heard by the eyes.

It seems that the power of tranquility will weaken a lot in this situation, which allows scholars to move on.

"Speaking, the scorpion seems to be fine, why is it unaffected?"

While wondering, the scholar opened the door of the building in front of him and walked into the building...

When he just went in and turned on the light, he found that the scorpion was motionless on the ground in front of it. The scholar suddenly shocked: "This is..."

It quickly saw that the body of the scorpion was still moving, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "It didn't die, but how do you lie here? Is it... asleep?"

Then the scholar walked to the side of the blind, and it can be seen that the eyes of the blind man are still open, but this compound eye structure is not closed.

The scholar first poked the scorpion, then shook it, and the body of the scorpion rolled up to confirm that the scorpion was indeed asleep, and the scholar knocked **** his back.

"What? It was sneak attack!" The scorpion slammed up. It looked at the surroundings first, then looked at the scholar. It seemed like a sudden reminder of something like: "I am not sleeping, I am just testing the soil." Ingredients!"

“There is no dirt on the ground here,” the scholar said.

"..." The blind man looked at the ground and found the ground to be stony, so he said, "I am only testing the composition of the stone. Well, let's move on."

As the scorpion continued to walk deep into the building, the scholar followed up: "Why are you sleeping? Is it ok now?"

"I said I didn't fall asleep!" said the blind man. "But the power here is too strong. I have a fierce confrontation with it. Because the confrontation is too tired, I took a break, but now I have the ability to protect. , so no problem!"

"Protection ability... Does your protective clothing also have the function of closing information?" the scholar asked.

"It can also be said."

The scorpion and the scholar said that they came to the end of the building. They saw a wall and a big hole under the wall, as if they were going to a deep place.

"The secret is in this place!" said the blind man: "The skeleton of this little dinosaur can prove this!"

There is a skeleton next to the hole... The skeleton of the jade dragon, the scholar crouched down, picked up a bone and placed it in a small slot on the armor and checked it a little. "This bone is still relatively new, maybe a few I died before staying up late...and there are a lot of fungi on it."

"It definitely wants to come in here." The blind man said: "But it is forever in this place, we will witness what it wants to see!"

Said, the scorpion ran into the cave, and the scholar followed the skeleton and followed it...

Scholars feel a bit strange, how did this jade dragon come here? Is it new, not so calm, so come around here? Or……

Walking into the cave all the way to the depths of the darkness, more than ten meters in the front section of the cave is still rock structure, and when it reaches the position of 20 meters, the scholars found that the surrounding cave wall suddenly changed into a reflection of bright crystal, and it saw it again. ……skeleton.

This skeleton is not as complete as the previous one, only a few small bones are left, and it is found by the scholars that it belongs to another multi-cellular organism, and it is also one of the residents here.

But after the creature reached this position, it died... and its body was almost swallowed up.

There is a kind of fungus here. Usually there are many rot fungi on the corpse, but there is only one kind of wreckage found here, and the decomposition ability of this fungus is quite strong. Scholars believe that it can swallow a corpse. Most of the fungi that the scholars knew, including bones, could not do this.

"Don't care about these things." And the scorpion is not very interested in the discovery of these fungi by scholars, and it has been continually going deep into the cave.

Soon they found that the place became more and more spacious, and there were more and more bones on the ground. Most of the bones were... incomplete, which was half eaten by the fungus.

And the number of them is very large, and many can be described as 'covering the ground'. Scholars will step on each step.

However, there are still some of these bones... living things.

"This one……"

The pace of the scholar stopped. It looked at the front... There was a jade dragon lying on the ground. This jade dragon had a smile on his face, his eyes closed, and he seemed to sleep very comfortably, but his body was thin and looking. I haven't eaten for a long time.

And more than one of them, the scholar looked around and soon found some creatures lying in the bones piled up, they all looked like they were sleeping.

"Why are there so many creatures here..." The scholar said: "Is it because of..."

"It's really weird here." The donkey climbed to the side of the emerald dragon lying on the ground and caught it. It immediately woke up with a scream.

"Oh ah!" It saw the scholar and the blind at the moment of opening his eyes, so he called louder and retired continuously.

"It doesn't look calm at all." The blind man yelled at the Jade Dragon: "Hey! What are you? Why are you sleeping here?"

The emerald dragon was shocked. It looked at the blind man and said, "You... can you talk?"

"At first I didn't want to learn your stupid language." The blind man said, "Come on us why you are lying here, or I will let you continue to lie here!"

"I..." Jade Dragon first stunned for a few seconds, then cried: "This is a crazy place! Everything here is a trap, I..."

Although it is incoherent, it still says a lot of useful words. After it is finished, the scholar says: "...that is, you were originally a resident of a small town, and suddenly one day you think it is very strange, then I started running around... I finally found the ruins and found that the hole in the building finally came here, and then I have been sleeping here."

"Yes...Yes!" said Emerald Dragon: "I...I found it! There is a weird power here. This power occasionally..."Eruption", at the moment of its outbreak, I will fall asleep, and It will take a long time to wake up!"

"But after I woke up, I didn't run away... I have to go deepest and unlock the secret here!" Jade Dragon said: "But when I got here, it broke out again and made me fall asleep. Not that you wake me up, maybe I will sleep until I die... I thank you so much, but I will continue..."

Said, the Jade Dragon stood up, shaking the thin body and continuing to go deep.

"...we will go too." The scholar and the nephew took a look and walked with the jade dragon to the depths of the cave. (~^~)

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