A calm life is not static.

Although many creatures yearn for it, many creatures enjoy this life.

There is no dispute, no fear, no anger, and enjoy the leisurely day-to-day. On a disc platform around the mirror world, the creatures there have been living this way.

However, they occasionally have some thoughts other than calm, such as the idea of ​​'doubt'.

Where are the foods they eat? Where are the everyday utensils they use? Who built their town? What is it like outside the town? Why is the sky always a color?

The creatures that are puzzled will leave their peaceful and peaceful town and go outside the town to investigate.

The creatures that went to investigate quickly discovered many other towns, and the towns had the same nature as the town they were staying in. Although the weather environment may be different, the creatures there lived. In the middle of peace.

Therefore, there is only one place that is different from the ones that will attract those who are puzzled to investigate. That is... the ruins.

There is only one ruin in this place. It seems to be a small town. It is especially special. Those creatures with doubts will always find this place. They will be attracted to investigate and find that it leads to the depths of the underground. Big hole.

They stepped into the hole and tried to find something in the cave, but the mysterious power in the cave allowed them to abandon the investigation and enter sleep.

For many creatures, this sleep is to sleep forever, their bodies will die of hunger and thirst during the process of sleeping, and then they will be decomposed by a large number of fungi. This place has also become a place where corpses are scattered. The body of the doubter who came here was covered.

But for some creatures, this kind of sleep is not forever, because this kind of sleep is difficult to wake up by itself, but it can be awakened by some passing creatures.

There is such an emerald dragon, which believes that he has a mission, so after he wakes up, he ignores his hunger and continues to move deep into the ground.

Finally... they came to such a place.

The low sound of ‘嗡嗡嗡’ reverberates throughout the space, and the caves formed by the crystals have a diameter of hundreds of meters wide, and in the center of this huge underground cave, a transparent sphere is floating.

It looks like glass, and it is also made of very thin crystals. It has a diameter of about ten meters and is constantly rotating.

"Is that the secret... has always let us stupidly enjoy the secret of a quiet life?"

Next to this sphere, scholars, nephews, and the thin Emerald Dragon are standing here. The Emerald Dragon stares at the sphere and seems to be full of anger, and it almost has to be rushed.

"What the **** is this..." And the scholar stared at the ball tightly, and it can be seen that the transparent shell is covered with a layer of black stuff. These blacks are hard to say, some are black... ...light, if you keep staring, there is a feeling of being sucked in by it.

"I want to... ruin it! Oh, ah!" Emerald dragon suddenly yelled and rushed up. Its weak body seemed to explode all the power at this moment, and it slammed into it. On this ball, then...

‘啪’ Its entire body, which was divided among the eyes of scholars and scorpions, turned into a material with a bright red color on the surrounding ground.

"Is it shredded by..."

The scholar looked at the ground that was still red-stained. It could not find a piece larger than a centimeter. The jade dragon just turned out to be like this in an instant.

This means that... this sphere can't be easily approached.

"That's it, it's this thing." The nephew said: "In somewhere in the ‘abandonment of the world, there must be something like this! Those mirrors use them to release weird power to affect all the local creatures!”

"But it doesn't seem to release power now..."

I learned from the words of Jade Dragon that the power of this ball is intermittent and not always maintained, so the Jade Dragon can walk so close.

It is possible that the residents outside are constantly affected by the intermittent, and will become more and more peaceful after long-term accumulation, and because the power is not always maintained, there will be doubters among the residents to explore this place.

However, most of the doubters who have been explored are asleep on the road, and those who are fortunate enough to come to this position are estimated to be like the jade dragon.

"Yes..." Xunzi said to the scholar: "So we have to deal with it now! Come on, send all the news about it here! Tell them all!"

"Can't you send it?" The scholar sent the message to unlock the closed state. However, the scholar thought that it may not have been further affected, it may not be because it opened the closed state, but the explosion of the ball is over, so it should be opened now. no problem.

"I have already sent it!" said the blind man: "You also sent a comparison insurance, is it finished?"

"It has been sent... but I don't know who can receive it, and the origin may know..." The scholar said: "Speaking, there are no troops in the beginning..."

"Don't worry so much, as long as you receive it, you can have a defense!" said the nephew: "Now it's your turn to come, come on, use your most powerful power to destroy it!"

“Destroy it?” the scholar said: “Not necessarily...”

"This kind of thing is definitely not much, it is definitely difficult to make!" The scorpion cried: "There will be one less ruin, I don't have any weapons, so you have to take this glorious and great task! To give it to thorough Smash, let those mirrors have one less weapon against the insects! Go!"

"..." The scholar thought for a moment, although it was a bit opposed, but what the nephew said did make sense, so it said: "Then you should avoid it, this thing may explode, I am not afraid of death now, because this is not My body, but you..."

"... eh?" The scholar turned his head and found that the scorpion had already reached the entrance to the cave, and then it shouted over there: "I will call you when I am hiding, get ready!"

"..." The scholar turned back and raised a hand aimed at the constantly rotating sphere.

After waiting for a while, it found that the dice sent the message, indicating that it had already ran outside the ruins.

"So far should be safe, then use this... portable 78-shaped bomb to see if you can destroy it."

Thinking, the scholar started the launch switch... (~^~)

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