4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1225: Initial time

The ground formed by the crystal reflects a faint glow.

The source of the reflection comes mainly from a machine called a scholar on the ground.

It lay on the ground in a strange position, with one hand extending straight and aiming at the constantly rotating crystal sphere in the center of the space.

The scholar's palm has an opening that seems to be about to launch something on the sphere, but now... the launch is interrupted.

Because it... fell asleep.

On the other side, the shovel that ran out of the underground cavern, almost ran out of the ruins, was lying on the street in the ruins of the town, lying on the ground and entering a deep sleep.

Because no creatures are nearby, they are not awakened, and their plans to destroy the spheres are over...

......... At this time, on the other side...

"It seems to have entered a dormant state, so you can test it like this."

Here is the place where the scholar's 'body' is located in the world of pompoms. A ball of fluff is floating next to the body of the scholar. It stretches out a fluff and pokes the head of the scholar a little.


"where is this place……"

Scholars feel that they are floating in the air, and there are colorful and weird lights around them, and they can hear the sound of waves.

"Is this a dream?" The scholar's thoughts produced such an idea. At such an instant, it found that the scene in front of us suddenly became clear, and countless brilliance gathered together to form a huge scene.

In the scene, huge buildings stand, and the dense creatures move back and forth between the buildings, which looks like a city.

This scene only lasted for a few seconds, and the slamming of the 啪 , disappeared.

But the broken pieces quickly gathered again, forming another scene. In this scene, scholars saw huge flying objects flying in the sky. These flying objects have bridges connected to each other and back and forth on the bridge. There are many different kinds of creatures.

"This is..." This scene continues to be longer than before, so scholars have time to ask questions.

"This is a biological civilization, a civilization that has been recorded." And a voice suddenly answered the question of the scholar. The scholar turned around and saw that a ball of fluff was flying around it.

"...Lin?" The expression of the surprised expression of the scholar suddenly appeared on his face. This is not only because of the reason why the pompon appeared here, but also because... it has not communicated with Lin for a long time.

"You are influenced by it and go into sleep... but you can take the opportunity to 'peep' their world." After the poetry said this sentence, it disappeared instantly.

Although scholars have no time to ask questions, it suddenly finds that there is a lot more information in its mind...

These materials are mainly recent events, such as the reason why it suddenly arrives in a quiet town, which has something to do with...Lin.

Although the transmission system of the origin is more complicated, it can still be solved. Lin uses the method called 'joining transmission' to send the mechanical body of the scholar here. The main process is to connect the scholar to the transmission system of the origin. .

As for the blind man, there is no mention of how it came, and maybe it has nothing to do with Lin.

The following information is related to the current situation... Now, the scenery in front of the scholars is changing, they continue to aggregate and fragment, and each scene is different.

And in every scene, there are many different creatures gathering... These creatures are all creatures with civilizations.

They all belong to the ... beginning.

Then the scholars found that... there is a description, this description is mainly about the things of the beginning.


The world of the beginning is a vast crystalline world... Their world was originally like a world of pompons, suitable for... cell life.

Then, the crystal bacteria reached the world for some reason. They multiplied on a large scale, slowly affecting the whole world and changing the appearance of the whole world...

In the crystallized world, many organisms grow and grow in a changing environment of crystals, forming a new ecology. Among them, some creatures with higher intelligence or stronger ones are born, which form a civilization. . ”

However, there are not only one kind of civilization that has emerged. There have been many civilizations in this world. They have fought each other and led to the final destruction.

But not long after, there was a new civilization. Some civilizations were gathered by the remnants of the previous wars, and some were brand new. In any case, they fought each other again.

At this time in the world of pompons, the creators are swallowing the creatures of the dinosaur continent over and over again, and the crystal world has also experienced many civilized wars.

These wars have winners and losers, but the difference between the two is small, because the winners always pay a heavy price, which can not continue after the victory.

It's like two cell creatures fighting, one head is bitten off, one belly is cut open, maybe the abdomen will be cut to live longer, but in the end it can only meet the destruction.

The beginnings are born in this countless battles. There is no accurate record describing how they came from. Maybe it is a weapon made by a civilization, or something else, but the beginning is free. They are not bound by anything, so there is also a saying that they are 'naturally occurring'.

They have some characteristics, that is... imitate.

They can imitate any creature they've seen, imitate their specific appearance, imitate their technology, and everything.

The beginnings were originally a group of...not too eye-catching creatures. They were not noticed by many creatures after they appeared, but they have been breeding everywhere, and they traveled around and studied various creatures. Later, they did a relatively big thing.

That is the establishment of a city on the ruins of a civilized city. The city is exactly the same as the predecessor of the ruins, with only a few details.

Their actions caused the attention of other civilizations at that time. At that time, two civilizations were engaged in war. When they first noticed the beginning, they thought that the civilization that was destroyed before was suddenly resurrected.

However, they are not very concerned, because they feel that the beginning can not threaten themselves, they are still focused on the immediate war.

However, the 'resurrection' of the beginning did not stop, they used some methods to excavate the ruins of the previously destroyed civilization, and then rebuilt these ruins, and almost perfectly...created everything from the previous civilization .

When the two civilizations of the warfare noticed that the number of the beginnings was increasing, the beginnings had enough power to attack the two civilizations.

The war lasted for a long time, and the initial advantage of the beginning was not great, but it soon mimicked the appearance of these two species and fought according to their thinking.

In the end, the beginnings defeated these two creatures, and they became the only ‘winners’ in the long-standing civil war in the Crystal World, because they paid less and could continue to develop.

The beginnings quickly spread throughout the world and transformed the world into what they expected, but in reality it was almost no different from the original.

Because there is a special place in the beginning, that is, although they are good at imitation, they only imitate, they will not create and invent.

When they imitate a creature, they can fully understand each other's thinking and can think of almost everything that the other person once thought.

But they don't have the ability to come up with new ideas. The creatures that the originals imitate can only think of old ideas no matter how they think.

Although they seem to have the ** to continue to expand, but there is no ability to invent, this is a group of ... strange creatures, so they call themselves ... the beginning.

They themselves know very well that they don't have a 'self' and can only reflect the appearance of other creatures.

Therefore, they want the world to continue to produce new civilizations, so they have not made much changes to the world.

The ecology of the crystal world remains the same, so there is a possibility of a steady stream of civilization...

Later, after a lot of encounters and developments, the beginnings have reached the point where they are now, they are quite powerful, but they are not as free as before.

They have developed to this point and have a lot to do with a special 'biological'.

That is... the transpiration.


"Ah!" The scholar suddenly opened his eyes and looked around. It found himself in the crystallized cave. In the center of the cave, the sphere was constantly spinning.

It seems to wake up, but the information has not been read...

The scholar has learned some things about the development of the beginning from the information that Lin has given him, but there is more information behind it. The scholar woke up before reading it.

Although not finished, the destruction activities should continue.

Thinking, the scholar lifted his hand and once again aimed at the constantly rotating sphere in front, and then... oh! ’

The scholar's palm is like a flowering open, flying from a warhead inside, falling to the side of the sphere, and then the scholar quickly ran outward, and the surface of the warhead showed a period of reversal. digital.

Although scholars are not afraid of death now, but they don't want to die, so the bomb that is fired is counted down, and it has enough time to run out.

If the sphere does not continue to erupt and let it sleep... expect not.

The scholar quickly ran past the bones of the previous body, ran out of the underground cave, ran to the ruins of the town outside, and soon he saw the scorpion sleeping on the street, and then grabbed the scorpion and ran outside the town. go with.

'boom! The moment when the scholar just stepped outside the town, the blast of the sky rang. (To be continued.)

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