4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1226: secret?

"You found their secrets."

Here is in the void near the world of pompoms.

A small pompom and a group of creatures that are full of tentacles are still staying together, and they continue to chat.

Although the memory of the sect of the sect was once detected by the pompon, it will come up with new memories from time to time, which makes it always able to speak some fresh words.

“Initiation, this kind of biological development has a lot to do with the great evapotran.” The group’s creature said to the pompon: “including their transmission technology, and their worlds, if it’s the original world, They cannot be developed."

"Although they have got a lot of 'benefits', they are not so...like us." The group said: "They have always wanted to refuse to do things for the great vagrants, they are not willing to follow any of our instructions."

"But they still obey." Pompon said.

"They haven't refused, they don't want to be in the imagination," said the group. "They always wanted to show their ‘unwillingness,' so they started looking for a lot of ways.”

"The secret you have discovered is one of the methods they seek, a special technique." The Mission said: "This technology can force the influence of the creature, force the mixing of the 'thinking', let the thinking produce abnormal."

"They have been testing the device of this technology. One device is very mature. It is used in the 'Abandon the World' and affects the world's creatures." The group said: "They still have some other The devices, but those are in the 'testing' stage, not put into practical use, they have no way to fully understand the technology, these devices for the beginning, how to use light is a big problem."

"Because this technology does not belong to them." The group said: "They come from the distant void, created by a special creature..."

The pompon asked: "What kind of creature? How much do you know about them?"

"I don't know about them, unless I get any new information, I can tell my understanding." The group said: "However, there is no way to use these devices to get rid of us at the beginning, although they think it is possible. ”

"But we also gave them the last task..." The group said: "That is to let them help us and transcribe your world. If it succeeds, we will not give them any instructions in the future. They can also Really live... 'freedom' life."

"If it is not successful?" Pompon asked: "Do you want to destroy them?"

“No.” The group’s biology said: “They will continue to accept instructions to work for the tranfers, just like... as usual.”


"You have succeeded! You blow it up!"

The rolling smoke began to rise, and more and more gathered in the stars in the ruins. Scholars and nephews were standing outside the ruins and watching the ruins destroyed by the explosion.

"It seems that the power is too big..." The scholar said: "Maybe the power will be smaller next time, and the name should be changed to a 76-shaped portable bomb."

"No, the power is bigger!" Xunzi said excitedly: "It is best to blow all the food here into powder! Powder!"

“Speak up...” The scholar looked around and said, “Why is there no beginning to come here, this thing should be important to them, and there is no force to protect it?”

“Obviously.” Xunzi said: “Even if you are the origin of yourself, you will be ‘quiet’ by this thing. They are stupidly making something that is not against me!”

"No, I think it may be... Lin's relationship," the scholar said.

"What? What is that?" asked the blind man.

"Because Lin is letting me come here, although I didn't mention you, I might have used some method to make us not discover it by the beginning." The scholar said: "In short, I think this thing is unlikely for the beginning. It doesn't matter, so we're more likely to 'invisible'... and we have to make sure that it's really blown up."

As a result, the scholar took out a small remote control machine from the waist, and it flew in as soon as the remote control machine was released.

"The roads are blocked..."

After flying to the entrance of the previous hole, the scholar discovered that the hole was completely blocked by the gravel, there is no way to go in, but there are many gaps between the gravel, which is enough.

Thinking, the scholar quickly activated the special function of the remote control machine. The head of the remote control machine was opened. From the inside, a small machine with a length of only two centimeters was jumped out. The virtual creature of this machine drilled into the gap between the stones and went deep. Move away.

It is not easy to move in a pile of gravel with a shape of two centimeters. It took a long time for scholars to reach the previous crystallized cave.

The crystallization caves have all collapsed, and the machine imaginary people are completely in a pile of broken crystals. However, because the location of the map was recorded before, the scholars are convinced that they have not made a mistake.

"This is... no more! It has already blown up!"

After the small machine imaginary people walked to the position where the original sphere was located, the scholar found that there was also a pile of broken crystals, and the sphere had already disappeared.

"Oh! This is really great! Hurry up!" The scorpion shouted: "So we will become the greatest hero of all time, and all living things will cheer for us!"

“It’s not so exaggerated...” the scholar said: “But it’s enough to ensure that the origins don’t use this weapon to deal with the swarm and the pompom world, so let’s go back and see.”

As a result, the scholars and the nephews went back, and soon they returned to the former Emerald Dragon town.

The town is still in the dusk, and the emerald dragons here don’t seem to change much before. They are still living in everyday life with laughter and laughter. The courage system with the display face is also mixed in them. They chat, not at all.

"They seem to have not recovered from the state of idiots, although they are stupid." The scorpion said: "Maybe they need some excitement."

"No..." The scholar said: "Wait a look, maybe it will be restored."

Then, the scholar stayed here for about a time of pompom staying up late.

The restorer of the Jade Dragon was restored as the scholars said. Initially, there was an emerald dragon who had the idea of ​​going outside to see the town. Then there was another jade dragon that produced the place to go to the food. Looking at the thoughts, they soon started to think that this place is strange... (to be continued.)

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