4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1227: Continuation of the story

"What are these?"

"That is... the blue sky."

"But I haven't seen the real blue sky, are you?"

"Yes, that's the view that we can see in our cue ball... No, it's not seen in the cue ball now."


"It's back to this place... but it's a little different."

The scholar is standing in a space covered with green lawns, and in front of it, there is a young and imaginary person who is naively asking about the ‘blue sky’.

It has a blue sky above its head, but like the grass under its feet, these are fake, because it is the interior of the wandering number...so there is no such thing.

Why do scholars come here? That's because it has entered... sleeping.

Not long ago, it ruined the underground sphere on the disc platform, and later returned to the quiet town of Emerald Dragon. The emerald dragons began to look unresponsive, and then they slowly became abnormal.

After a period of pompoms staying up late, they started to want to run out of the town, and some of them were doing what they were doing before they doubted. They not only recovered, but the previous memories did not disappear. When they recalled a little, they felt themselves. Staying here is a very weird act.

Then, these jade dragons quickly left the town one by one, including the courage system, all gone without a shadow... It is estimated that the creatures in other towns are similar.

The scholars did not follow them. It decided to wait in the town. The scholar took a break because he felt a little tired, but after opening his eyes, he found that... he came to this place.

The scene is the same as before, but the difference is that there are actually... creatures in this scene.

It was a scholar of the cub period. In addition to scholars, there were several other virtual cubs, and a ‘care worker’ was here to tell the cubs about various things.

This childcare worker is not a virtual person, but an image. It is also an intelligent system. It will answer many questions of the baby, and will interact with the baby, but it will not really carry out ‘thinking’.

However, when I was young, scholars always thought that this childcare worker was alive. Until then, once the nursery staff's system went wrong, after reinstalling, they didn't know the scholar. At that time, it was quite shocking.

"... Every time I see this, I think of a lot of things when I was a child, but why would I dream of it here? Have you entered a dream space similar to the last time?"

Because the cubs here ignored scholars, so the scholars did not try to talk to them. It left the room and opened the door to go outside.

Scholars soon saw the corridor outside the wandering, exactly the same as before, but there were also a lot of 'civil objects' added here, and many adult imaginary people walked around here.

They communicate with each other and do all kinds of things, all ignoring the place where scholars are. Scholars try to reach out to a virtual person and find themselves wearing it from the past.

It seems to be in a state like a ghostly observation, but scholars can still touch objects here, such as opening a door or something.

The scholar found the door that was exported before, and after opening it, it found that outside the drift number is a ... very broad environment.

The sky is black, full of stars, and there are no creature statues on the ground. The ground is not completely composed of crystals. It is much more complicated than before.

There are gravel and cracks everywhere on the ground. These gravel are clumped with plants, but most of them are blue or purple.

The ground is earthy, but occasionally you can see a place covered with crystals.

The scholar came out of the wandering sign and stood on the ground full of gravel and purple plants. It looked into the sky, and there was a huge tumbling between the stars. The structure and mountains of the surface were clearly visible. It seems to be quite close to here.

"What the **** is this?"

When the scholars came up with this question, it suddenly found out that there were some 'sounds' in their minds.

"This is the original face of the original world. The previous exploration was interrupted, but now it is connected. You can continue to explore. You must climb to the stone."

The scholar looked forward and saw that there was a big stone in front of it, so it quickly went over and climbed onto the stone...

“That is...” The scholar found that the stone he stood on was on the edge of a cliff, and beneath the cliff there was a vast expanse of plain.

On the plains, scholars have seen a large number of ... buildings, they are all composed of crystals, although the shape is very wonderful, but immediately let scholars think this is a city.

There are also many creatures under the building. It can be seen that these creatures are not composed of crystals, much like a group of carnivorous...cell creatures.

'boom! When the scholars tried to see clearly, a burst of bang sounded over the city, and the blazing flames illuminate the night sky, and the towering buildings collapsed in the tremor.

Then, the scholars saw a large number of flying objects appear in the distant sky, they quickly flew to the city, and cast countless explosives into the city, making the whole city into a raging fire.

"They are in the war..." Even if the scholars are far away, they feel that the ground is constantly shaking. It is obviously a terrible war, but the city is not without rebellious ability. Many buildings are facing the sky. Constantly shooting a variety of things like missiles, shot down one after another flying objects.

"This is the war simulated by the beginning." In the minds of scholars, the voice reappeared: "They lived after that, they lived in the sea of ​​knowledge that they imitated, and they continued to learn. Constant simulation."


A long time ago, in the crystal world, the beginnings defeated the two civilizations of the time and ruled the world, but they did not make too many changes to the world, they ... lurked.

They hide everything from their own power and all kinds of imitated technology, and then continue to wait for new civilizations to emerge.

This takes a long time.

However, because the beginnings have wiped out all the individuals of the last two civilizations, they can only wait for the emergence of new civilizations. At the very beginning, they think that they have promoted some of the world’s most 'civilized potential' species and let them Become a civilization, then let them acquire the technological foundation left by the past civilizations, start to develop, and then let these new civilizations fight each other.

The beginning of the world is watching these civilizations. They learn all the essence of these civilizations. When these civilizations are to be separated from the winners, or the beginnings feel that they have not developed anything useful, the beginning will Show up... destroy them.

But not completely destroyed, the beginning will leave some young cubs who know nothing about their civilization, and then teach them the basis of another technology to develop a new civilization.

Then the beginnings re-absorb the essence of these developments...

At the very beginning, only two species were used to do so. Later, they thought that the species was too small and not so good, because even if the same species gave them different technical foundations, the civilizations they later developed would be very similar, so they started to get A lot of different species.

In addition to cell biology, they also have many other types of organisms. The development of two personality multicellular organisms will be similar, but the development of a cell organism and a ... non-cellular organism is very different. There are quite a lot of different kinds of creatures in the crystal world. It is to see a variety of civilizations in the beginning, and then to absorb the essence of the inside, and finally record them all as their own technology.

However, the beginning of the discovery found that this is not appropriate.

Because their world can't bear the consumption, the crystal world has already had a 'no nutrient' environment like a desert wasteland. The world can't afford the consumption of these civilizations rising and destroying. If you continue the war, you will let this The world is a scorched earth.

Therefore, the origin decided to obtain resources from the void.

The beginnings have created something that can fly to the void by integrating some civilized techniques, and they travel to the void through these things.

However, the beginnings also found that they flew at most to the side of the ... satellite, as far away as they were far away from them, many of the troops that were explored were gone.

At the beginning, I felt that only those things that could fly far enough could be created under limited resources, so they made two civilizations.

To be precise, it is two groups of creatures, because the number of these creatures is not as many as the civilizations that were created before the beginning.

The beginning gave the two groups of creatures an illusion of 'the end of the day'.

It is to make them think that the end of the world is about to end, and at the same time give the two groups of creatures a very new technology, let them create an aircraft that can escape to the farthest void before the arrival of the 'doomsday'.

The researchers of these two groups of creatures are therefore very hard to constantly imagine, invent and create, and try to create new types of aircraft.

Later, the end of the day really came.

Because these creatures did not make the aircraft after the time, they started killing them.

Then the beginning of the situation and got another two groups of creatures to continue testing, the beginning of the day feel that the end of the time set is shorter, so the end of the day is a little longer.

However, these two new creatures have not successfully produced any aircraft.

However, they create something useful. (~^~)

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