4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1228: Three circles

The beginning is some very interesting species, so you think so.

They will come up with ways to make other creatures build aircraft, but they don't invent themselves, which is really interesting.

But there is also a saying that these ideas of the beginning are also learned from the civilized creatures of the past. They have never produced their own ideas, and all they do are mapping various civilizations.

What is the beginning of the situation, it is still impossible to determine...

But it is an indisputable fact that they have 'played' with many creatures in the world they set.

The new two groups of creatures, in spite of the constant study of staying up late, tried to escape the ‘the end of the day’ that was originally set for them, and tried desperately to build a new type of aircraft.

Some of these creatures also suspect that there is no end, but these individuals are secretly 'treated'.

Even so, they can't be made, because there is a requirement in the aircraft they are to build, that is, 'faster than light'. These creatures can't make things faster than light in a limited time.

However, some researchers have come up with the idea that they have created something that can send very long distance signals and decided to use this to connect with distant voids to see if they will attract something to 'save' them.

It seems like a stupid idea, but they did it, and the attitude of holding the wait-and-see attitude did not stop the researcher.

When the researchers deployed their devices to send signals, they initially did not respond, and the origins thought that the end of the day was coming. When they decided to dispose of these creatures, they suddenly found something on the satellite.

The army at the beginning found the thing on the satellite, which was a large object and consisted of matter that had never been seen before.

That thing, with the ability to communicate with the beginning, it claims to be... the transpiration, received the signal, but since a long time ago, it knows the species of the beginning.

The beginnings felt strange, but they chose a way of thinking about the civilizations they recorded to communicate with the evaluators.

In the process of communication, the beginnings said a lot about the evapotrans about them. The beginning also mentioned the current predicament of their populations. Although the origin does not trust the evapoturizer, the transpires have a wonderful 'power. 'Influencing them.

This makes them say a lot of things.

The tranfers told a great plan for the beginning, that is... the plan to build all the buildings in the void.

The beginnings may be because of their ability to imitate, and the vagrants believe that the beginnings should join them and work together to accomplish that great project.

The beginning did not immediately agree, nor immediately opposed, but seemed to hesitate, and the vagrants then said that it can help the beginning to get rid of the current predicament.

It can give start-up new technology, allowing them to travel very far away, and also be able to build a perfect world system, but it also needs to start to help the vagrants do something.

Simply speaking, it is like a transaction, and the beginning is quickly agreed.

The tranfers have given the beginning of the new technology, that is... transmission technology, which is a very special technology, the origin can use this technology to shuttle between multiple worlds, but want to transfer to a world, You must go to the world to do a 'fixed point record'.

Because the origin has not been to any distant world, this technology was initially useless, but the transpires then told the beginning of the other ... two worlds.

These two worlds have an environment similar to that of the crystallized world, and there are many creatures on it. The vagrants let the origins record in these two worlds, and then the beginnings can come to these two places at any time.

Then, after the beginning of the two worlds, a large-scale invasion began. They first destroyed some of the original 'indigenous civilizations' above, and began to build their own country there.

At this time, the evaluators also put forward some requirements for the origin, the first requirement is to let the origins give the transpiration to all the civilization details recorded in the past.

The beginnings are very unwilling, but they are still given, and the beginnings also realize that the vagrants have powerful powers, and they must obey.

Later, the evaluator left the satellite of the beginning, but it did not leave completely, because it occasionally contacted the origin and asked the beginning to do something.

Every time I do things differently, sometimes I want to start to attack some places, or build some things in some places, but also to give them some new civilization building materials.

Although there are some very...trical things, the beginning seems to be very dissatisfied with this.

Their dissatisfaction is estimated to be learned from a certain civilization. In fact, every civilized creature’s thoughts on this aspect are similar, that is... do not like being enslaved.

Although there are not many things to do, the beginnings feel that they are enslaved.

However, there is not much performance on the surface of the beginning, they have been expanding and transforming with the current three worlds.

Before, because there was only one world, it led to the lack of resources, but now there are three worlds, and the beginning of the beginning began to create a perfect circulation system.

The world of the world, completely covered by crystallization, will not leave any debris on it, life is extremely difficult, and all kinds of creatures there show a unique ecology, and here is also the place where the beginnings give civilization.

All the wreckage of the watch world will be thrown into the second world, and the world will gather all the resources. There are also countless creatures here. It is mainly used as a place for the birth of civilized creatures.

The creatures with higher intelligence born in this place will be recorded and sent to the Third World as an alternative species for the development of civilization, or as something else to test.

These species are called peak species, and they are waiting for satellites... originally satellites.

The third world, the original world of the original world, has been decomposed by the origin of the world. It has been made into a plurality of disc-shaped platforms floating around the world for the placement of peak species and others. thing.

As for the third mirror world...that is the base camp of the beginning.

The beginnings created a rather unique environment in this world.

That is an environment in which all civilizations are gathered. They gather all the civilizations of history in this place, and let these civilizations interact, war or communicate, and learn... (~^~)

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