4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1229: Final task

The world of the surface, although beautiful, but because of the difficult life, it stimulates the continuous invention and creation of civilization, the world of waste, because of the rich resources, so that the infinite creatures continue to proliferate...

And the last world...

"This is the world they have simulated..."

Under a dark sky, scholars are floating...

This floating state has been going on for a long time, and in the process, it has seen a lot of ... scenery.

These scenery are mainly some civilizations.

They are diverse and diverse. In addition to the common personal biological civilizations, scholars have also seen some wonderful civilizations. For example, some civilizations are composed of a single large creature.

Some civilizations are even ... illusory civilizations, and scholars have seen many cities of this kind of civilization here.

They are 'entertainment works' made in some real civilizations of the past, such as games, civilizations in movies, and things that are imagined, but the origins here have created these illusory things and put them They interact with real civilization to interact.

There are countless civilizations in this place. Although they are different in form, they can all communicate with each other. There are countless conflicts between them. Wars are a common occurrence. Scholars have seen them many times on the way.

However, in fact, the whole place is 'illusory'. This is not the surface of the mirror world, but a space like a dream, so no matter how many times this civilization is destroyed by war, they can be easily reconstructed. .

The beginning of the world created a huge device on the surface of the mirror world to maintain this dream of countless civilizations.

Scholars flew in the sky, and it found that some white things on the ground were moving, and scholars knew that these things were the beginnings... the cubs.

After the birth, most of the time spent in this civilized dream, their pups can wander in this world, touch all the civilizations inside, and learn the technical essence of them.

When you reach adulthood, the young cubs from the beginning will leave this dream and go to the real world to develop with all the civilized skills they have learned.

Nowadays, the beginnings are constantly adding new civilizations to this dream. The sources of civilization are mainly the peak species. The origins let them go to the world, and then record the details of their development and put them into the civilized dream of the mirror world. In, as your own 'collection'.

The same is true of the scholar’s ​​drift.

Although it is just an aircraft used for long-distance navigation, the content inside is not a lot, but perhaps the beginning of the feeling that the drift number has the value of use, so it is also put into the civilized dream, and according to the inside read The memory of the scholars restored many of the imaginary people in the drift number.

All the techniques of the beginning, all the weapons come from the civilizations they collect, but they are not all used, the origin only uses the most useful part of the technology they think is the best.

But they have not lost the civilizations they have not used, but have mixed the useful and useless civilizations.

Scholars are now under a special kind of 'invisible protection', which can peek into the civilized dream of the beginning, and the original cannot find it now.

Temporarily unable to find.

However, scholars can only float farther to see, it can not fly to contact those civilizations or close observation, then it is likely to be discovered.

The only exception is the drift number, where scholars can touch the drift number at any time and will not be discovered, because its ‘will signal’ is easily hidden in the drift.

... the pompom is saying that.

After understanding the whole picture of the beginning, scholars feel that this is really... wonderful creatures, a group of people who will not invent and only learn... creatures can do this.

In fact, scholars are not sure whether they are biological or not. They have never used their own thinking to think about problems. Their treatment of anything is determined by the way of thinking of a civilized race, including and transpiration. The same is true of the communication

Even the idea that the beginning of the world thinks that the ethnic group's thinking is better is learned from a certain ethnic group.

The beginning should be a group of creatures that would imitate other species, such as amoeba. Finally, they slowly grow to this point. They only learn new ideas, so they need so many civilizations. To help them develop.

Perhaps this idea is also learned from a certain ethnic group.

But the origin does not want to change oneself, letting oneself create the thinking that can invent and create, can't it be done? Is there any special reason?

The scholar did not know the details. The situation that it now knows is mainly from the information sent to it by the pompom.

... As for the information on the pompoms, some of them are known to be exchanged with the educational community, and some are known through research.

Although Lin did not directly participate in the battle, she still has research and understanding.

The wonderful race of the beginning has been developed to the present level. It is mainly related to the vagrants. The attitude of the vagrants to them is also very good... well.

It seems that the tranfers have never been so good to other races before, without directly evaporating their world, and also said that they want to join them.

The beginning is not a group of benevolent races. Some of the civilizations in their collection may have some more respect, but the beginnings obviously do not choose the way of thinking of that kind of race, but choose the way of thinking that is very exclusive. They feel that the vagrants want to enslave them, or do something that is not good for them. The beginnings have always tried to get rid of the transpiration.

Finally, their chances are coming.

The beginnings got something from the void, something they called the 'life twisting device', which is a weird technique, the appearance of this 'device' looks like a mass... energy, and big The vision of most creatures can clearly see its existence.

The beginning thinks that this group of 'energy' has a function of transmitting, connecting something, and guiding some things in the distance here, affecting the surrounding creatures, and the affected creatures usually produce abnormal emotions.

In fact, it is very simple to affect the mood of the creature, but it also affects the emotions of countless different creatures...including the intelligent mechanical system, which is very weird.

‘This is definitely a very powerful weapon. ’

When the initial situation did not know which civilized way of thinking was used, the first thing that came to mind was to use it against the vagrants.

However, the beginning also found that it was impossible to use the existing transmission technology to understand it, but the original situation is still trying to study this special thing, they create a shell that can load this energy, and also create a controllable energy release. The machine, trying to control this special, something called 'life twisting device'.

There is more than one 'life-distorting device' found in the beginning, and one of the best controlled by the origin is called the 'wild device'.

The device is now in the abandonment of the world, it controls the local environment, and ‘wild’ the creatures there, which facilitates the start of the control of the creatures there, but there are other purposes.

As for the rest, the origin has not yet fully controlled them, because each energy group is somewhat different, and it is necessary to use various control methods for them.

These 'life-distorting devices' will not only affect other species, but even the origins themselves, so the origins usually do not approach the test site.

While the beginnings were eager to complete these things as weapons against the evapotran, the trantrators communicated with the origin.

They indicated that they had to give the final mission to the beginning of the mission. As long as the mission was completed, there would be no more missions and no contact with the origin.

Although it seems to be very suspicious, the origin still accepted this task.

The transpires say the task is simple...that is, aggression against a world and let the beginnings turn the world into part of their own 'world circulatory system'.

This task is actually very tempting for the beginning, because although there are three worlds now, the beginning has always wanted to expand, and it would be perfect if you can add more than one world.

However, this also makes the beginning of the situation even more skeptical. Although the vagrants have never done anything unfavorable to them, they are constantly skeptical. Later, it is meaningless to find suspicion at the beginning, so that this task can be started.

Invade the pompon.

At the beginning of the mission, it seemed to be really easy for the beginning, because they first received some information indicating that there were some very primitive races. These races still use spears and armor to fight, and they are not big. The most powerful weapon is also some simple explosives.

The beginnings felt that these races had the potential to develop, so they decided to let them join their own civilization collection, and decided to transform the whole world into a crystal world and join their own world circulation system.

This will allow you to do more civilized experiments and become more powerful.

When the aggression was launched, the beginnings encountered the original races, and they believed that the mission was easy.

But they quickly found the problem.

Those primitive populations suddenly took out flying ships and weapons that should not belong to them, and a large number of species in the dense jungle that had not been seen in the materials.

They discovered that... this mission is not easy.

Today, densely populated swarms have embarked on their world, engulfing the civilization of one peak species after another.

The beginning can only gather all their power to guard their last world... (to be continued.)

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