"They... very happy."

"Yes, they are very happy."

Around the distant mirror world, on the floating disc platform, the peak species are cheering in their own way, some are stunned, some are constantly hitting the ground, some are starting the self-explosion program... and then exploding The first second is turned off immediately.

They express their excitement in various ways, because they have just been selected as the peak species that can be used to express the development of the world, because most races here want to develop, and those who desire more companions are of course very happy, only a few The race is somewhat worried and hesitant to apply for cancellation of this development opportunity.

"..." The robbers and blood fog are watching the images of the square outside, watching the excited creatures.

"I actually chose a dozen species in the past..." The blood fog said: "Do they not think it is dangerous?"

"But their development will not dissipate." The robbers said: "Unless they see this picture..."

Said, the robbers pokeed the picture, and suddenly the scene showed another scene...


The sky is covered by shadows.

The earth covered by the crystal reflects not the dazzling light, but the figure of countless insects.

They swept through the sky and completely destroyed one civilization after another, and their actions were not over yet.

The swarm of insects all gathered in one place, a huge crystalline mountain in front, on top of a circular mountain top, where a large number of insects flew around.

In the center of the mountain top, you can see a white ball of fluff being there, standing next to it, a strangely shaped bug with a black carapace.

"The way the transmission of the origin has been learned is almost the same." Pompon said to the dark insects: "This is a special way of encrypting transmissions, as long as you use some methods to get you access to their encrypted transmission channels. Then go to other worlds and you should understand from this direction."

After the pompon finished this sentence, it disappeared. In fact, this pom-pom is a stereoscopic image, and it did not really arrive here.

And it doesn't really tell the insects how to send them, because the swarms say they want to understand themselves, so that they really grow.

This is what the Inca group expects.

As a huge biological population, they always think about developing and upgrading themselves, and now it seems that the emergence of the beginning is a good opportunity.

Now, according to some tips of pompons, the swarms are almost aware of the way the origins are transmitted. The way the origins are transmitted is somewhat special, which makes them able to prevent creatures like the virtual bus from suddenly appearing in their world. It can prevent certain civilized creatures from accidentally acquiring transmission technology to escape or to resist anything.

This is mainly to prevent other transmitted things from perceiving their world, but there is a special 'channel' interconnecting between the worlds at the beginning.

It is not very difficult to understand them, just find these ‘channels’ and then access them.

Previously on the pompon, Inca swarms invaded their world by understanding the transmission of the origin, and now in a similar way, can invade other worlds.

The swarms around the top of the mountain suddenly let go, and a special group of worms flew among them.

That is the void.

To be precise, this piece of emptiness catches a piece of things that looks like a piece of crystal, which they dug down somewhere.

Now the swarm will use this crystal to transmit...


"They seem to be planning to start."

On the other side of the ship, the robbers and blood fog are looking at the image on the screen.

This is a specially constructed ‘secret communication channel’ in the ship, where you can see the situation there, but you can't communicate with it.

"We must also start to act." The robbers said: "Go ahead now."

"Do you really want to find that thing?" Bloody fog said: "I suspect it is not that simple..."

"In the end, I have to find it."

When the robbers said, they went out and the blood fog had to keep up.

Recently, the robbers and blood fog have received some news from the pompoms. There are general situations that mention the beginnings, and ... the 'life twisting device', they finally understand the abandonment of the world. The situation of wildness.

The robbers suspect that the platform on which they are located also has a life-distorting device that affects the thinking of these peak species.

Because most of the peak species are very active in choosing to develop their performance, it is a place to eat and live after all. Many species should like to enjoy here instead of developing, but in reality this is not the case.

The worm feels that there may be a device that affects this creature, and it has felt some strange feelings before...

This means that the device may be hidden...

"Where are you going?"

When the robbers and blood mist climbed down the ship, they found that the guided starfish were staying under the boat as if they were waiting for them.

"No matter where I go, I can take you there." The guide starfish said: "But don't move on your own, because it is a very special time."

“Why is it an extraordinary period?” asked the blood fog.

“Because of the recent selection of species for development, the creatures here are very excited and sometimes there are dangerous events.” Starfish said: “You better stay in it.”

"Can you take me to this place?" The robbers asked: "It is the place called the underground port."

"Port? Of course, what are you going to do there?" Starfish said: "There are a lot of conflicts there recently."

"Just look at it." The robbers said: "I seem to be able to take a boat to visit other platforms?"

"Okay, I understand." Starfish said: "Please follow me."

"..." The robbers and the blood fog caught up with the starfish. They walked quickly, and at the same time they could see that the various creatures here were really excited, and some even fought each other.

However, they do not seem to be excited about the reasons for selecting species to develop, but because...

"You still don't understand? We have to escape from here! They will kill us! The war is coming! What are you waiting for? Those things have always regarded us as slaves and pets!"

The blood fog heard a lot of these words from the translation device... (to be continued.)

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