4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1231: the second


The roar of the explosion rang under the dark red sky...

The world of countless wastes has been obscured by the shadows of large movies, and countless insects have fallen from the sky and began to roll the world.

However, there is hardly any resistance in this world. Only the creatures that are scared, the small creatures that wandered in the abandoned piles, began to panic because of the arrival of the insects.

But the swarms don't target them... The swarms only attack things that look threatening, such as the civilization of the peak species.

Here, there seems to be no civilization of the peak species. The ocean of waste seems to have spread to the end of the world, and there are countless wastes wandering through countless wildlife.

Some of them panicked and fled, while others were still looking for food. The swarm swept across the sky and did not find any targets suitable for attack.

In this case, you can only find the target that has already been set.

A large number of voids landed on the ground and continually excavated in the ocean where the waste was piled up. Their goal was to bury things deep in the ground.

Some of the insects are separated. There are a thousand of them flying toward the distance. The appearance of these insects also looks like a void, but there are some differences. Each of them is densely covered. Sensual cilia, they perceive the surrounding environment...

They can feel that the world has a mysterious 'power' that attempts to interfere with their nervous system, forcing the memory and emotions in the nervous system to become blurred.

The swarms followed this force to where it was and decided to completely destroy the goal of power.

As the flight continued, the sky above the insects darkened.

This is a feature of abandoning the world. It has only one side that is bright and the other side is always in the dark and the opposite cold.

It is said that darkness and cold do not make the creatures scarce, but instead breed larger, denser creatures. Maybe the creatures of this world are not necessarily dark.

And that mysterious power... is also hidden in the darkness.

............ At the same time, on the other side............

"Before sending the coordinates of the abandoned world to the swarm... The swarms arrived at the abandoned world faster than previously expected." The robbers and blood fog are just in the middle of a place called the underground port. The news of the robbers said to the blood fog: "Next, the swarms should be here soon, and the creatures here are all in danger."

In front of them, there is a vast circular space. There are all kinds of aircraft under the walls around the space. Many creatures are crowded next to the aircraft and try to squeeze them.

Although there is no news that the creatures know the coming of the swarm, the large number of initiating troops gathered around the mirror world, as well as the peak species that have been continuously selected and quickly extinct, tell the creatures here a message... What is it? Big things are going to happen.

So they all want to run away from here, but where can they escape?

"They want to get out of here." The robbers said to the starfish walking in front of them: "Can they escape from here?"

“No.” Starfish said: “Every aircraft here can only fly to a nearby disc platform and there is no right to fly further.”


Suddenly, an aircraft not far from them started, the wall slowly rose, and the aircraft under the wall flew like a cannonball, disappearing into the void outside, with The walls are slowly closed again.

"The moment they become a peak species, they are destined to live here forever." Starfish said: "No matter what happens, no matter what they develop into something..."

"They haven't realized this yet..." Starfish said: "So they all want to leave."

"You don't want to leave?" The **** fog said: "You don't want to live?"

"I have already said that this kind of problem doesn't make any sense..." Starfish said: "We will work here until it is destroyed, although I don't want to be destroyed here, but I will not do anything other than work. Move, you visited this place, what do you want to go next?"

"Next..." The robbers looked at the square filled with panic creatures. It said to the starfish: "We have to act on our own, can we?"

"Of course there is no problem, but you may be in danger if you act yourself. If there is something, call me again." It seems that the starfish is very good at talking, and it just walks away, leaving the robbers and blood fog still in this place.

"It doesn't seem to be the place to put the 'device'..." The **** fog said to the robbers: "And there may not be a device here, because if it affects these creatures, they won't want to escape." ”

"That's not necessarily." The robbers said: "The creatures that want to escape are only part of it. There are still many who don't want to escape... but it doesn't seem to be here, we should go somewhere else."

Said, the robbers turned to the exit of the port, and they took the elevator at the exit and they came to the ground.

On the ground, that is, the middle part of the disc platform, the disc platform is roughly divided into three layers, the middle layer is the residential area, the lower floor is the dock and the like, and the top layer is the star-gazing area, and the robbers now think...

"Maybe you have to find that device in the neighborhood... follow them."

The robbers pointed to the two creatures that passed by. The two creatures looked like a creature called a 'terrorist' on the pompon. They were different from those that tried to gather to escape to the dock. They seem to be chatting while eating, and walking very joyously.

In fact, most of the cases here are like this. You can see the fleeing creatures everywhere in the street, and you can also see a lot of leisurely shopping, and completely ignore the surrounding panic.

This phenomenon makes this place look very strange. Occasionally, those leisurely creatures will conflict with panic creatures, but it can be clearly seen that most of the panic creatures come from one side of the city, but not the flustered creatures. It is more from the opposite side.

According to the direction of the robbers and the blood fog, it is that the panic comes from the west, and from the east without panic.

Therefore, the robbers decided to follow two creatures like 'terrorists' and walked toward the east. The robbers thought that the more calm these creatures became, the more suspicious they were.

Soon, the robbers followed them to a large building.

“It seems to be one of the most likely places... the life twist device may be here.”

There are many entertainment buildings on the east side of the platform. Although the creatures are different in type, they are similar in size, so many buildings can let all the creatures in and out.

The building is the largest entertainment building on the platform. The previous worms and blood fog have also seen its information, but the specific content inside is not seen.

Just know that there are the most creatures gathered here.

The whole building is a large square shape with many large and small entrances around it, and many creatures come in and out of these entrances.

"Just go in and see." The robbers and blood fog also entered a recent entrance.

At the moment they first entered, they heard the door of the door behind the door bang, and the surrounding also entered the pure... darkness.

In fact, it is not so pure, because the robbers and blood fog can see each other, just can't see any other environment.

"What the **** is going on here?"

Just when the blood fog just questioned, it suddenly heard a voice...

"Welcome to the development of the simulation area." This sound sounds very kind... gentle feeling, at least the blood fog feels very gentle.

“Now you can choose your initial location and development model, and...”

Without waiting for this voice to finish, the blood fog asked: "Where is this?"

“Here is an area where you can simulate the development of species. You will choose a race to develop here. You don’t need to play your own race. You can play any race and then use this race to defeat other opponents in the competition, if halfway. When you leave, all the information will be saved until you come again."

"That is... is a game?" Blood Mist said: "Some games in dreams are very similar... The reason why so many races come here is because they are playing this."

"I detected that there is a friend in your neighborhood. Do you want to talk to it?"

"Friend?" The **** fog said with amazement: "Who is this friend?"

‘Hey! When it was just asking, it popped up a picture in front of it, showing a... scorpion look in the picture.

The scorpion squatted for half a second, then shouted at the **** fog: "Ah! You stupid dead dinosaur head! Why are you still alive!"

The blood fog suddenly angered: "Hey! I want to say why you are still alive! You should be missing!"

"Why are you here?" The robber said: "Before you seem to be on a nearby platform."

“Yes!” said the blind man. “I went to a place where I met a lot of idiots and got very valuable information. Then I found a place to take a boat and came here. I want to come to you and also confirm that this dinosaur has No death, then I saw a lot of idiots in this building. I also came in and saw that after I came in, there was a fool who told me to play a certain ethnic development..."

"Don't talk about those extra problems." The blind man said: "Do you know that there are many new plans for those stupid mirrors? Before I peeked at their plans!" (~^~)

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