4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1232: Abandoned shade

The sky is black, and the air is filled with weird smells.

The scent comes from the myriad of debris on the ground, but it does not affect the swarm.

A small force of a thousand emptiness is flying in the air, following the senses of the body, they are always chasing a special goal.

The life-distorting device that makes the whole world 'wild'.

It is hidden in a corner of the dark world, but it is not so perfect hidden, and the swarm thinks it can be found.

However, in order to prevent this, only a small number of troops have been dispatched.

According to some information obtained before, this is a wild world. Any creature is constantly reproducing and searching for food. Some of the more 'lucky' find a way to become a peak species and become a new collection of the beginning. .

That is to say... abandoning the world does not have any defensive power, but there are exceptions to everything.

‘Hey! The sound of a shelling sounded loudly on the ground.

A large number of illuminators of different shapes...like a melting metal block, flying in the direction of the swarm, and the swarms spread out to avoid the things.

These illuminators flew high and then began to fall down and squatted on the ground in the distance.

As the swarm looks down, you can see... a very large thing is moving on the ground, and there are countless holes in the back. With the sound of '嘭', a large number of metal blocks fly out of these holes. Once again, the sky is like a fireworks.

It’s a local wildlife...

The swarm did not pay attention to it, they raised to avoid the attack and continued to fly away.

In this dark waste world, the swarms have seen so many creatures, they are indeed much larger than before, such as a creature in front of them.

This creature looks like a crab creature. The tens of meters tall body makes it look like a hill. It also has a variety of metal parts stacked on it. It seems to be specially picked from the waste pile. Come out and put it on your body.

There is also a group of small creatures in this behemoth. These creatures are like amoeba, which has a soft and indefinite shape. The swarms wanted to fly, but they stopped when they saw the creatures.

Then dive down and go.

As big as a hill, creatures with crab-like appearances did not respond, but those creatures on the back of the crab, such as amoeba, found that the swarms that fell from the sky suddenly became very flustered, and they began to take up arms to counterattack.

Their weapons are a special... barrel, grabbed a piece of broken metal into the barrel with a slimy body, and then fired the insects, although it looks simple, but the metal that comes out Enough to injure the outer shell of the void.

Although this is of no use.

The creatures were quickly caught by the void, ensuring that they did not move, and the swarm began testing them.

The main reason for detecting them is because... they belong to the type of 'crystallized variant organism', which is recently decided.

What kind of creature is the beginning? In fact, there is no way to confirm, nor do you know whether the real beginnings have appeared on the battlefield.

But... the beginning is probably the kind of crystal-morphing creatures. There are so many creatures... they are all over the world and abandon the world, not only in large numbers, but also in their considerable number of subspecies.

Depending on the type, their intellectual form and so on are also different, but they all have a characteristic, that is, they will... imitate.

They can change their body shape at will and turn themselves into another kind of creature. This combination ability is innate, but it is wonderful that after they become another creature, there will be that kind of creature. habit.

For example, if you become an oxygen-loving cell creature, they will try to absorb oxygen and become a creature that likes to assemble machinery. It will also assemble machinery.

Moreover, imitation objects do not necessarily have to assemble machinery innate, even if the imitation object is some of the techniques learned, the crystal variants can still be imitated.

It is like this group of creatures caught by the void, and their attacks with metal shreds are also learned from some nearby creatures.

However, their intellectual level will not change. The degree of perfection of imitation according to different intelligence will be different, but it is almost 100% perfect as long as it is compared with the creature with low intelligence.

The Inca group believes that the origin may be the most advanced type of evolution in this crystalline variant, so it can imitate countless civilizations.

If you want to understand the beginning, it is best to start with this kind of creature, and there may be some kind of secret hidden in their bodies, so that these creatures will imitate.

But they just imitate and don't create their own inventions. Their only self-reactive is to see everything and learn.

Variants with lower intelligence will learn everything, while higher species will have a little bit of ability to learn, and they will learn usefully without learning.

But the idea of ​​distinguishing between useful and useless is not their own ideas and it is hard to say... they have a lot of secrets.

The Inca population is very interested in them. In fact, the insect population is interested in many species. As long as it is a useful species, they will try to mix it into a group called the insect group, making the insect population change. It is getting stronger and stronger.

Let a hundred emptiness cockroaches send back the crystallized mutant creatures to continue the study, and the remaining nine hundred will continue to fly deep into the darkness.

Soon, they are close to where the 'life twisting device' reacts.

But the swarm did not fly immediately because there were so many huge things moving here.

They may be called... ‘the wreckage’.

It looks like a creature made up of debris on the ground, with tens of meters of creatures, the highest is nearly sixty meters, but most of them are only more than twenty meters, they have at least two limbs. Supporting the body and wandering on the ground in front of the swarm.

As long as the swarms are slightly close, they will shoot countless pieces of debris into the air, seemingly full of hostility.

So the swarm decided to destroy them and go.

Some large beetles are coming from afar, and these beetles are much larger than any of the creatures here. During the period they came, the emptiness of the emptiness flies in the air, keeping the perception of the twisting device.

But as the perception persists, the insects have discovered some abnormal conditions.

That is the twisting device seems to invade their thinking... (to be continued.)

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