There are no stars in the dark sky, because countless thick fogs and smoke cover them.

Some of these soots were originally filled with this, and some were ... agitated.

On the ground, countless creatures have entered an abnormal state.

They are all doing something unusual, such as colliding with each other, fighting each other, or constantly digging, or constantly jumping.

They are constantly repeating some seemingly meaningless movements that are spread throughout the world, regardless of the type of creature that is affected.

That's because... the device that twists life is also spread all over the world.

They are continually releasing powerful 'energy' that affects all the creatures that abandon the world and distort their thoughts.

However, most creatures are not the target of the device, they are only incidental victims, the main goal of the device... there is only one creature.

That is the swarm.

The swarms are now gathering somewhere in the world, which can be called the 'junction of light and shadow', which is the middle of the dark side and the bright side.

This place has a temperate climate, perhaps the most stable place to abandon the world's temperature and environment. Thousands of insect swarms gather in a huge circle on the waste piles that make up the earth. They touch each other's senses... Said that the tentacles and the like are in contact.

Using the closest contact of this neural structure, the swarms resist the force of the distorting device that splits them.

That power is now constantly eroding the consciousness of the swarm, trying to change their memories and get them out of the swarm.

And this influence is not just ‘imagination’, but it is also mixed with real changes.

At the same time, countless 'doctor' units are wandering around the body of the worms, and they constantly detect the internal environment, because the cells in the worms will mutate when affected by the twisting device.

The Inca group is very good at adjusting the structure of the nucleus. By adjusting the internal information, they have constructed countless arms and can also harvest the nucleus of other organisms to create new arms.

At the same time, they have also seen countless viruses that can change the nucleus. Sometimes the worms use the virus to create new arms, and they understand the complexities of various variations in the nucleus.

Under the influence of the twisting device, the cells of the insect population will mutate, which will proliferate many abnormal structures. These abnormal structures will grow endlessly, thus interfering with other structures...especially neural structures.

The proliferation of this abnormal structure is mainly due to the variation in the nuclear information... and those life-distorting devices can directly cause this effect.

In a similar situation, the swarm has been seen many times, but this time the situation is very abnormal.

In general, variability leads to a hyperplastic structure that is usually meaningless. Simply speaking, it is a piece of meat. The threat is usually to squeeze other organs or release some harmful substances.

However, the abnormal structure that this mutation has now proliferated is... meaningful.

It seems to have a certain purpose, an abnormal structure that proliferates around the nervous system... According to the detection of the swarm, it found that the structure is very similar to another brain.

It will continuously release signals to the nervous system to interfere with the operation of the nervous system. If it continues to grow, it will even try to cut off the original nerve structure and replace it with itself.

This anomalous structure has a very...precise design that is not like accidental variation.

This has never been seen in the Inca.

But... it’s been heard before...

Obviously, this is indeed not the technology of the beginning. The origin itself and all the civilizations in their collection cannot do this. The origin uses mysterious and powerful technology. I don’t know where they are obtained, maybe by chance. of.

No wonder they think this technology might help them beat the trantrators.

However, the beginning of the world did not master this technology, these technologies are only the test phase for them, so obviously can not help them to win the war.

'Snapped! ’

A dazzling ray of light slammed around the swarm, and in the glory, countless insects appeared on the ground, which made the original cluster of insects multiplied several times.

These swarms are held together, and while resisting the power of the twisting device, there are also some large arms among them.

These units have large, long heads, their straight heads look like a tower on the ground, and now they both look up at the sky, then...

‘Hey! The huge fireballs flew out of their mouths, leaving a flashing tail flame in the air and disappearing into the distance.

Soon after the ‘ booming rumbling’, the localities that abandoned the world ignited the blazing fire, and the roar of the explosion spattered countless debris and debris.

Among these debris, the debris of those ... 'twisting devices' is also included.

At the same time, the distorting forces that affect the whole world have also dissipated. The creatures around the world have stopped their meaningless behaviors, looking at the surrounding situation in confusion, seemingly thinking about what they were doing.

However, they quickly recovered and continued to live in this world...

The Inca insects also did not feel the impact of the persistence, so the integrated circle also spread. Just now, the insects aimed at all the twisting devices...that is, ten twisting devices, and then bombed them together. It became a powder.

It seems that the fight is very accurate, no one stays, so it does not continue to feel the impact, but the creatures that the world has given to the wild should continue to live in the wild, and those newcomers should not continue. Was wild...

Although the effect of the twisting device on the various creatures here is somewhat concerned, the swarm now has a major ... target.

There is only one target left in the swarm, and that is... the door.

The swarm swarmed and flew high, and soon came to a large facade. This door was the record point for picking the peak species. In the view of the swarm, it is now an ordinary door.

Even after the door was destroyed, you couldn't see the scenery inside. You only saw a transparent door frame. It wasn't like the information said. After the door was broken, you could see the cave in the door frame.

Obviously, the origin does not welcome the swarms to come here, they certainly closed it, prohibiting the transmission here.

However, this was just closed.

Because the swarm found the door before, and has been watching it all the time, watching is not through a certain unit of gaze, but using a ... 'monitor'.

If you use a certain unit alone here, you may be affected by the twisting device just now, but with some props, you won't be able to.

Just before the ten twisting devices were attacked and before the attack, the transmission was always on, but it is now closed.

This is the evidence that the start-up discovery plan failed.

In the past, the beginning should be to hope that more insects will come to abandon the world, and then they will all be affected by the twisting device... and then kill each other.

But after the insects destroyed the twisting device, the start system immediately shut down the conveyor system.

The insects noticed that the origins should be discovered, and the swarms were transmitted by accessing their delivery systems. In this case, they might completely shut down the transmission, and simply let all the transmissions pass, so that no one can transmit them.

But the beginning is unlikely to just throw away the two worlds, they may find a way to get back, at that time, the beginning will open the transfer again...

The swarm believes that it is necessary to find the way to the mirror world before that, to solve the situation in one fell swoop instead of waiting for them to be ready.

It is a bit strange that it seems that the transmission from the abandonment of the world to the mirror world is the same as the transmission of the world to the world, because they are all closed at the same time.

Therefore, the swarms cannot now pass the arms of the world through the world, and these arms that have abandoned the world are also isolated here.

However, the solution should be found soon.


"There must be a solution."

Here is the dream world of the beginning mirror.

The beginnings of playing various creatures are now surrounded by extremely serious expressions, discussing how the current situation should be resolved.

The plan to use a large number of twisting devices' 'output points' to abandon the world's splitting insects failed. They did not expect to split. Instead, the insects destroyed the output points.

At a critical juncture, the origins had to turn off the transmission of the three worlds to prevent the insects from finding what way to access the transmission to reach the mirror world.

Because the mirror world is the last world, it cannot be easily exposed.

However, they also cannot close the transmission for a long time.

The cycle of the three worlds must be sustained. Without the other two worlds, the ‘civilization training system’ of the beginning cannot be fully operational.

If civilization cannot be produced continuously, the development of the beginning will also be stagnant.

They must destroy the invaders and recapture the other two worlds.

Of course, they can also adopt a very 'burden' scheme, which is to abandon the two worlds, and find another world to re-establish a civilized culture system. Although it takes a lot of time, as long as it is completely severed with the two worlds, That worm group can no longer find them. After all, the void is so big, even if it is faster than light, it is not long to come to them by flying. They can give up everything and forget the war to continue to develop.

The beginning of a more peace-loving species suggests this.

But not many endorsements agree.

They prefer the advice of another starting point for the best-skilled species.

... dispatching all the troops and fighting the worms. (To be continued.)

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