4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1236: Transmission scheme

"The number of them is still growing."

On a disc platform called the 'farm', two worms and a head riding a mechanical insect are strolling.

They look into the sky, there is a transparent film, through the film, they can see the stars in the sky, and the numerous troops gathered under the stars.

They are dense and sparkling because they look like a piece of crystal, tens of meters long and irregular in shape.

If you meet under normal circumstances, you will only feel that this is a block... ‘natural goods’ rather than warships.

But they are indeed warships, and the number is quite large. As time goes by, blood fog and robbers continue to watch these things continually emerge from the surface of the mirror world.

They seem to be in proportion to the insect population, but there is a problem, that is...

"Although the number is very large, the category seems to be very simple." The blood fog said: "Almost all of them are the same, only a few large discs."

"Maybe they deliberately made the shape, but they have many different functions." The robber said: "This is from many civilizations... Crystallization, the Inca group may not be able to deal with this group of things, and it seems to have appeared recently. Some questions."

"What problem?" The blood fog was doubtful.

"The beginnings have turned their transmissions off." The robbers said: "They completely blocked the connection between the two worlds, so that there is no way for the insects to access their transmission channels. Here is it."

"But can the signal be transmitted?" asked the blood fog.

"The signal is the use of the ship's transmission device, it can not determine the target, the three worlds of the origin are in a state of undetectable perception." The robbers said: "But the continuous transmission of a large amount of information, the insects will receive Some, it seems that some of the large number of signals are sent to the correct location, but the signal sent in this way is rather ambiguous."

"And this method can only be used to send signals, not to send ... real objects." The robbers said: "If you want the insects to come here, it is necessary to establish a stable transmission connection."

"As long as a stable connection is established, there is no need for perception to transmit." The roaring worm said: "This, we should be able to...do..."

"What are we doing here?" The nephew suddenly said: "It seems to be useless!"

"Come here is just a look at the troops. Here is the clearest place to see..." The robbers quickly walked in one direction, and the blood fog and the scorpion followed behind it, soon they Then I came to a...

A place called a port.

"Are you finished?" At the entrance to the port, a starfish waited here. When they saw the robbers, they immediately said: "There are many "farm" discs, where we grow and raise them. A lot of food is available for the peak species on all disc platforms."

"But those things look hard to eat!" The blind man turned his head and glanced at them. The road they had just came on was the land of the 'farm'. On the ground, you could see the dense white silk thread. In fact, the whole farm is like this. It looks like...the place that is occupied by the fungus.

“It is very difficult to provide different foods of different species.” Starfish opened a map in front of it. The map shows a lot of discs. It says: “So we use the most convenient way to grow the fastest. ... food, where do you want to go next? Although it seems to be close to the war, but travel and visits are not restricted, I suggest you go to the disc of the Civilization Arena, where often Will hold some activities of civilized competition."

"We want to go to that place." The robbers poked a disc on the map.

It is written in the ‘Prison’.

“Prisons are the pinnacles of those crimes.” Starfish said: “There are many species with violent experiences, and the value of the visit is very low. Why go to that place?”

"I just want to see those species." The robbers said: "And can we drive our own boat?"

"No," said the starfish. "Travel and visits must use specialized aircraft. Your own aircraft is now not here. It can only be used as... buildings."

"Since this way..." the robbers said: "Then we still have to go see."

"I know, please come in, we will go to the prison next time."

As a result, the three creatures and the starfish entered the dock, boarded an aircraft and flew to a disc at a remote location.

"You said that you want to go there to build a transfer point there?" On the road, the blood fog secretly said with the robbers: "Can it really be established?"

"Of course." The robbers said: "The beginnings protect their world, making other creatures unable to perceive these worlds when they are transmitted, so they cannot be transmitted from a distance, but if they come here beforehand, If you can, you can establish a connection point here, which allows the outside creature to transmit without feeling..."

The blood fog said: "But why is that prison? And there is no boat..."

"The position is not very important, except that the prison is the farthest from all the discs in the beginning of the disc." The robbers said: "... Otherwise, the swarm will be attacked as soon as it is transmitted."

"As for the problem of not having a ship, we will go there and solve it."

During their chat, the aircraft slowly approached the prison at the farthest, which looked almost identical to the other platforms, but after landing at the dock and inside the prison...

"It's really like... our prison." The **** fog made such a sigh.

Because the surrounding roads all look like rock structures, the walls and tops of the rocks, and even a short pass, there will be a torch that looks like it is used for lighting.

"It may be that they follow the prison style of a civilization." The robbers said: "A civilization that looks like you."

"But why do they learn this?"

"I don't know, it may be to give the biological pressure to be detained." The robber said: "This problem is not important. What we have to do now is very simple. It is to find a mechanical type of creature and then disassemble it. It is."

“Hey?” The **** fog was amazed: “Why do you want to do that?”

When the blood fog was finished, the scorpion cried: "I found one!" (To be continued.)

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