4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1237: criminal

Criminal record of the perpetrator: bombing two buildings, killing ten cell-like creatures, and threatening the wizard to surrender the ship that can fly away from the galaxy, so it is imprisoned forever, any creatures coming here Can cause damage including death to it at will.

"...this is to say... can we do anything ‘harm’ to it?”

The blood fog is standing at one place...the place called the prison.

In front of it, there is a transparent wall, and behind this wall, there is a big...metal.

It looks a bit like the fruit of the 'Durian'. It is covered with sharp, short thorns. The outer shell is silvery, with cracks in some places and a wonderful liquid from it.

This silver ‘durian’ is more than three meters in size, and it is a cell that fits its size.

The description written in its cell indicates that this durian seems to be a very vicious criminal, who has blown up the house to kill other species and even threatened the guide.

Although it looks like it doesn't look like that.

"There are a lot of such criminals." The robbers stood beside the blood fog and looked at the durian in the room. "Before I read the information, most of them were kept here, and the species to visit have killed." The right to die."

The blood fog said: "This way of execution... is really strange."

"We are looking for it." The robbers lifted their forelimbs, holding a small thing on their forelimbs. It used this thing to point at the durian and pressed it, and immediately made a sound of ‘嘀嘀’.

The blood fog questioned: "Why... looking for it?"

"Because we can't sail, we have to find a suitable machine here and build it into a transfer point." The robbers said: "As long as the right shape is used to form the right shape, you can use the boat to match. Make a long-distance establishment, and then set up the Inca group from here, they can be transferred from there."

"Can you actually do this?" The **** fog said with some surprise.

"Yes." The robbers said: "Just make the creature here a door that carries energy. There are just a lot of mechanical creatures here, and we can give us a free sentence. The material on it is very suitable. So we started to give this thing to prison."

The blood fog asked: "But after the execution, can we still go to its cell to assemble?"

"Don't worry so much!" shouted the scorpion: "Hurry up and give it a sentence!"

Said, it slammed a certain position under the cell, and suddenly ‘Boom! A blast broke out.

The impact of the explosion shook the three creatures outside the cell to the ground. When they climbed up and looked into the cell... they found that the durian in the room had become a silver paste on the floor.

"It seems that you can't use it." The robbers glanced at the paste and said, "Let's go find something else."

The blood mist stunned the blind man and said: "...all you are too stupid, what punishment."

"What?" The nephew yelled: "Do you want me to give you a sentence here?"

"You don't want to call!" The blood fog still wants to say something, but the sound of the robbers stopped it: "The next time you move slowly, it will be fine."

"Can you die slowly?" The blood fog looked at the cell just now. It found out that the original scorpion just pressed the 'instant explosion' option, and there are other options, including the 'decompose slowly' One.

It seems that the beginning of the design of this cell is very cruel.

Then, the blood fog and the scorpion continued to follow the roaring worms to the depths of the cell. They saw various kinds of cells. Although the cells here looked like rock structures, they were actually a very hard substance. The transparent wall in front of the cell is also, no matter how big and weird the species inside, there is no way to knock it open.

However, they see mostly cell-like creatures, as well as some creatures with crystal shells. The crimes of these creatures are similar to the one that began with 'durian'. They are generally the sins of killing other creatures, but occasionally There are more special sins, such as 'trying to breed' and 'trying to renovate the ship' and so on.

And their execution decisions are the same, they are kept here forever, and the creatures visiting here can do anything with them.

That is to say, this very cruel execution decision has led to the sloppiness of the creatures here, and they are almost fear and numb for the visitors.

As more and more prisons were visited, the robbers and their enemies entered the depths of the prison. They still did not see any mechanical creatures here.

"There is a lot of place in the place where we live..." The blood fog looked at a cell in front of him and said, "Why is there so few here?"

"Maybe it's the type of reason." The robbers said: "Mechanical creatures, in fact, they are not considered biological. The definition is very vague. In short, they are all things like intelligent systems, so they follow pure reason. Actions, because there is no 'emotional impulse', so their crime rate is much lower... the initial one may be an exception."

"But that courage system seems to be emotionally impulsive." The blood fog said: "What is it going on?"

"It actually acts purely in accordance with reason." The robber said: "The various decisions it makes are... is it here?"

The robbers stopped in front of a prison. I saw that there was a creature with an emerald dragon in the jail, but the face was a display screen.

"Ah! This idiot!" The scorpion shouted at the prison: "This idiot is actually here! It is still alive!"

"You..." The face of the display showed a bright red light, and the courage system stood up in the same place: "Why is it here?"

"I want to ask you too," said the robber.

"I... tell you there is no problem." The courage system then briefly talked about its experience. It left the quiet town with a group of emerald dragons, and then the 'guides' on board said they would arrange them to another The place went to live, but the jade dragons expressed dissatisfaction with this. They thought that the tour guide should give them a statement, why they were trapped in that quiet place for so long, because the tour guide did not tell them, they were on the boat.

Then they were all caught, and together with the courage system that did not participate in the trouble, they were all put in prison.

"The principle is this." The robber said: "Then we will do something with you, so start disintegrating you now."

Said, the robbers are ready to poke the button below the door of the room.

“Why?” The courage system quickly said after listening: “Why should I break down? I am not guilty!”

"It doesn't matter if you are guilty or not, but if you say that when you abandon the world, you are really guilty... for us." The robbers said as they pressed, and suddenly, the cell was transparent. The wall disappeared instantly.

“Hey?” The **** fog said: “How did you open this?”

"Yes, it is to be opened." The robber said: "I pressed the option of 'deal execution of crimes', so the wall will open, and then we will personally execute it, so we can't take it off, then Do you assemble it again?"

"Oh... it’s also true."

The scorpion cried: "What is it, idiot, hurry up and get rid of it!"

"..." The blood mist glanced at the blind man, but it still controlled the courage system that the mechanical water rushed into the cell.

The courage system immediately retreated to avoid it, but its body speed was not fast enough, and it was pressed to the ground by the blood fog in an instant.

"No! You can't do this! Leave me, I will be very useful!"

"It's useful to take you apart." The blood fog ignored the system's pleading. It held all the limbs of the system and began to use the smaller forelimbs to reach the system.

"Yes, disassemble it little by little as I said."

Under the guidance of the robbers, the blood fog began to dismantle the body of the courage system. Although the system was constantly struggling, its weak power was completely ignored.

"The structure is almost the same as I thought..."

The outer shell of the system's Jade Dragon's body was dismantled one by one by blood fog. They all found that under the outer shell was a dense mechanical structure.

"Speaking of why the beginning will make this system mix with the group of quiet emerald dragons?" The blood mist was removed and asked: "Is this mechanical body also made for the beginning?"

"It should be." The robber said: "And this system is not necessarily the original one, it may just be copied. In short, they can be used to make transmission points anyway."

"So small things can really send such a large swarm?" asked the blind man.

"Transmission is achieved by the ship." The robbers said: "Using this system is just to set up the transmission point here, so that when the insects come, it will appear nearby."

"We did this... It seems that the beginning did not notice." The blood fog said.

"Maybe they noticed but didn't stop it." The robbers said: "They know... the final battle will come sooner or later."

During the process of chatting, the blood mist slowly made the entire courage system into a pile of parts, and then assembled them again into something that was completely different from the original.

The only thing that is the same as before is the face that shows the screen, which is where the blood fog has not been removed.

"So just try it." The robbers went to the display and said, "Connect here and the ship..." (to be continued.)

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