4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1247: Research in the ruins

"They... are looking for nerve connections."

Scholars are still in a building packed with creatures called ‘dust crocodile’.

Scholars have observed these dust crocodiles here and have had some exchanges with them. This group of dust crocodiles, as scholars believe, is studying anatomical research.

They study almost all parts of the void, all the internal organs, and nuclear information, trying to fully understand the insects.

Among these studies, one of the most important tasks is to find a 'neural connection'.

Nerve connection can be said to be the most important organ of the insect group. This organ connects the 'thinking' of the insect group together to form a complete consciousness. The insect group can be said to have countless individuals, but only one 'brain' biological.

These dust crocodilees think so, as long as they find the nerve junction, they can find ways to further study the method of interrupting the overall connection of the insects, thus causing the entire insect population to collapse.

However, scholars who have studied the insect population think that this is very difficult to do. The thoughts of the insects are quite connected... they are not only one or two connections.

Even in the case of complete inability to connect, each unit has the ability to act in concert with similar actions around the group.

These dust crocodiles apparently don't know this, but they are not even found in the nerve-connected organs.

They confirm the function of most organs in the void, leaving only some unconfirmed structures, and they infer that these unconfirmed structures do not have the function of neural connections.

Then... the clues are completely interrupted, and the dust crocodiles here are quite nerve-wracking.

"What should we do? If there are a few live to test it... but now only get the body."

What is constantly complaining in front of scholars is the leader of the dust crocodile here, which should be called the “research chief” accurately. It has been staring at the stereoscopic screen in front of it, showing the information from the surrounding dust crocodile.

However, these materials are useless, so it is very distressing.

"Are you down from the bottom?" Suddenly, the dust crocodile researcher turned to look at the scholars: "What are you doing here? See our progress?"

Scholars wondered: "Bottom...what is it?"

"Are you not from the bottom? Or are you a rogue who lives outside?" said the dust crocodile researcher: "Look carefully, it seems that you are a metal...something, is it a smart machine? You can help Do we conduct research?"

"Rogues..." Scholars heard the words of the researcher, and there were more questions in the brain. It used to think that there was any special camouflage function of the mechanical body, so that the dust crocodile regarded themselves as theirs. The same kind, so I don't care about it.

But now it seems that this is not the case. The dust crocodile knows that the scholar is foreign, but this outsider seems to be normal for the dust crocodile.

"I... I was just made, there is no memory." The scholar said after thinking about it: "My manufacturer let me travel and explore everywhere, so I am exploring and collecting information everywhere, can you tell me? Is the situation here?"

"Yes? The machinery is really troublesome." The dust crocodile researcher seems to believe it. It said: "Well, there is no progress in research now. If you want to know what to ask, I will tell you."

Scholars believe that ... the dust crocodile creature seems to be very good talking.

Therefore, the researcher answered many questions of scholars. The scholar first asked the general situation of the mirror world, and thus knew that the world is almost a ... completely wild world.

There is no civilization in this world, there are crystal jungles and various wild animals everywhere, but there are many civilization ruins.

Like this ruin, they are the remnants of past civilizations.

The number of such ruins is very large, and most of them are habitats for wildlife. They are completely ruined. Why is this so? The dust crocodile said it was caused by a tragic war.

However, some of the ruins still live in some... high intelligence creatures, like dust crocodile, they are creatures that survived the war...

They live in these ruins to build small communities and build simple weapons and supplies to fight dangerous wildlife and work hard here.

Some creatures have established relatively large groups, so they launched aggression against other ruins, thus occupying more homes and resources, but this is rare. Dust crocodile said that it is very difficult to live here because of danger. Too much.

Most races are gathered in the rubble, but there are also a few who live around wandering life. These races are called ‘losters’.

Scholars have heard that the dust crocodile said that most of the creatures that were seen in the crystal forest before they were like small sculptures are very dangerous, but they are not interested in scholars.

There are also many creatures that unite with each other and trade supplies. It’s still possible to live... and almost all races are constantly exploring the ruins, trying to find some high-tech items of past civilizations and reconstruct them. Some races are dug out. The technology of making intelligent machinery, so the emergence of scholars is not surprising.

However, the dust crocodile also said that the scholar is the most intelligent machine he has ever seen... It has seen other smart machines before, but it is actually not very intelligent.

Although it can still survive now, every race here...and of course the dust crocodile, they all want to restore the strong civilization of the past, and they have recently gained an opportunity.

That opportunity comes from... underground.

It is said that a certain ethnicity has been dug deep underground in the process of excavating the ruins, and found a sleeping ancient civilization on the ground.

This ancient civilization is older than all civilizations it knows, and it is said that this civilization has the most powerful technology. The secrets of these technologies, and the city-states of ancient civilizations are buried deeper underground. If you want to know, Something must be done to activate the guiding system of this ancient civilization. It is necessary to have guidance from the guiding system to be able to go to ancient civilizations and acquire their technology.

The activation of the guidance system must use the biological structure of a certain creature.

This creature is the void of the Inca.

According to the translation of information from ancient civilizations, this ancient civilization has been fighting this insect-like creature, so any race that has now discovered ancient civilizations must explain in detail all the structures of the void, and translate into ancient Chinese input. In the guiding system of ancient civilization, the guiding system was activated.

Gu Wenli specifically pointed out that... there is a neural connection system in the void, and the most important thing is to unravel the detailed structure of the neural connection system and describe in detail how it can collapse this connection.

In order to activate the guidance system, it is now found that many creatures of ancient civilizations are studying the void, and they have reached an agreement with each other, that is, whoever unlocks the secrets of the void and starts the guidance system, who can get it first. The technology of ancient civilization.

Then these races... including dust crocodile, are constantly studying the void, but the research has been going on for a long time without progress.

And recently, the dust crocodile has also found other problems, that is... the situation of mental disorders.

They sometimes become mentally paralyzed, causing them to ignore the surrounding situation and even ignore the dangers that the researcher thinks is caused by something like a tall tower in the forest.

Scholars have heard this, it remembers that before the dust crocodile was stabbed to death by the grass, but the companion went through the things that did not go to control... It seems to be twisted.

After listening to the general situation, the scholars did not expect that ... the beginning of the world is still in the mirror world, a lot of civilized species.

They may want to observe the situation of each civilization at different stages, so they specially let these species live a hard life in the ruins of destruction. In fact, this is very similar to the situation in many movies. There are also many movies in the virtual people. Demonstrate the vision of the imaginary people struggling to survive in the ruins of the world war.

However, the beginning of the world wants them to study the emptiness of the emptiness. It is so complicated to make a study of these ancient species, and can't let them study directly?

"These bodies..." thought, the scholar pointed to the empty corpse next to the body: "Where did you get it?"

"In the vicinity of the discovery of ancient civilizations." The researcher of the dust crocodile said: "There are still a lot of them, most of them have been studied by other races, but I don't see them progressing."

“How many races are there in the study?” the scholar asked.

"There are dozens of them, and they have found that the species of ancient civilizations are eligible to participate." The dust crocodile said: "But who originally customized this game... Why can't I remember?"


Suddenly, a scream made the scholar turn his head and saw that the ground was opened a hole in the distance, and a dust crocodile was drilled from the inside.

“What?” The researcher looked at the dusty crocodile and said, “Is it a dangerous invasion of all dangerous creatures underground?”

"Not...the group of creatures!" said the dust crocodile: "The group of creatures called Rurum, they said they have been successful! They intend to start the road system and travel to the ancient civilization city!"

"This...nothing! Why is it faster than us!" The study grew up and said: "Come on, I have to go and see...you are continuing to study here!"

It talked to the hole while drilling, and the scholar hesitated for half a second, followed by it. (To be continued.)

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