4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1248: Ancient civilization?

"It says... there is a group of civilized creatures studying the neural connections of the Inca population on the surface of the mirror world."

"Hey! How could that kind of idiot be studied!"

"You don't always call that, you don't mean that!"

"What? You stupid dinosaur head, how about I call it? Hey!"


This is in a living space station.

Numerous cells flow in the blood vessels inside the space station, maintaining the temperature and normal operation of the entire area. Three special creatures live here in a constant daily life, that is... staring at the courage to display the screen.

"A new round of offense..."

On the screen, you can see a huge piece of meteorite. This time the meteorite is a little bigger than before, and the largest has reached a diameter of one kilometer.

If the stone of this size falls on the ground of a tumbling person, it will have the effect of destroying the earth, but they are currently close to the target...not easy.

The boulders are advancing at a high speed under the power that the swarms bring to them, and in the course of their flight, their bodies suddenly bloom with countless fireworks.

At the moment of the explosion, a piece of boulder was shredded successively, and the small stones sputtered out were also dissipated one after another. The staring at the cobweb of the courage system thus reached such a conclusion.

“The beginnings have always been supplemented with ‘mirror thunders’, and the constant throwing of meteorites cannot consume them. The position of each explosion point is...similar.”

"It’s been lost when you lose it!" The scorpion shouted: "The whole world has been made into a meteorite. In the past, these mirrors have so many thunders to stop!"

"In that case, they will definitely use other methods to fight." The blood fog said: "In the end, I haven't figured out why the origin does not directly attack here?"

“It’s not so fast.” The robber said: “The scholars only discovered the location of a distorted device, and there are things that civilized creatures are studying in the swarm... Now it’s time to find it first, or what to do first. Action, or ... is the worm group first launched the attack."

The robbers said, look to the side of the wall.

On the wall like a worm shell, a huge egg sticks to it, some of which are covered with cracks. As the cracks increase, you can see something that is twisting inside.

"The swarm wants to make some new units to deal with the beginnings... they should be very effective."

............ At the same time, on the other side............

In the hearing of the scholars of ‘Dangdang... jingle...’, the voices are constantly being heard.

Because it is staying on a... mine car, a very old mine car, a body made of metal parts, rusty wheels, and a distorted track under the car, which makes the car moving. When the time is swaying, the scholar and the two passengers in the car must grasp the body.

The crocodile on the pompom has almost no grip ability, but this kind of crocodile dust crocodile is very gripping. They are stuck to the bottom of the car like a suction cup. Only scholars need to reach out and grasp the edge of the basket. .

“How long will it take us to get there?” Feeling the shaking body and looking at the dim caves around, the scholar could not help but ask the researcher of the dust crocodile.

Because I just heard them say that a certain ethnicity has solved the complete structure of the Inca group, including the neural connection, so scholars are very concerned about keeping up with it.

The researcher did not have any opinion on this. It took the scholars to catch the mine car that seemed to fall apart at any time and began to go deep into the ground.

"Probably still!" the researcher said loudly: "You'd better kneel down, otherwise..."

'Boom! When a collision sounded, in the eyes of the researcher, a falling stone pillar was instantly split, and the scholar’s ​​head was turned 180 degrees.

The scholar twisted his head and turned it back. "Nothing, I am still very hard."


In this way, the mine car stopped on a swaying track for about three hundred seconds, and the scholars found that they had reached a relatively spacious cave space.

There are many caves under the rock wall around this cave space, and there is a mine car parked in each cave, and there are several creatures around the mine car.

It seems to be other civilizations, and they are all all...the mining car, how do they use such a weird way of action?

The species here is a maximum of five meters in height. The mining car it rides is also very large, more than ten meters long, and the smallest creature is only half a meter.

Scholars are considered to be relatively large creatures here, because most creatures are around one to two meters, not too big, so they can stay here.

And they all seem to use voice communication, and scholars hear that every species is chatting there.

"Well, it seems that every race has arrived!" At this time, a standard beginning language makes each species look in one direction.

In the center of the cave, there is a height of one meter three, fat obesity, and some creatures like a standing "hedgehog" said there: "Our race has unlocked all the secrets of that creature, so we will Have the right to go to the ancient civilized city first!"

"How can you solve it so quickly! You can't be faster than us!"

These creatures are quite individualistic, and after the ‘hedge’ speaks, other creatures show unbelief.

"Of course we untied." ‘Hedgehog’ shook a little, and the scholar saw that several of its kind came over in a cave.

They also dragged a emptied body, and a metal plate was placed on the empty body. The scholar glanced at it, and the metal plate was filled with dense words.

Secrets who unravel the void are to translate the answers they have unwrapped into ancient scripts in detail and then put them into the guidance system.

Translation is not difficult. According to the dust crocodile researchers, the ancient text is very easy to understand, and the races here all understand.

"Now we have to put the translated text into the guidance system!" The hedgehog said: "As long as it starts, it proves that we are victorious!"

Saying, it jumped on the ground, and suddenly there was a booming sound on the ground. The scholar saw that the wall in the distance suddenly rose and there was a lot of dense, strange metal-like things...

It seemed to be the way of the guidance system, and the hedgehog immediately picked up the metal plate and ran to the guidance system... (to be continued.)

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